主要讨论可变信息标志的宏观选址问题。在Probit分配模型的基础上,可变信息标志选址方法通过对随机误差项的讨论,确定提供道路信息条件下交通流分配情况。不同的分配情况,会带来不同的路网运行结果。采用BPR函数和HCM 2000的交叉口延误计算方法评价路网的运行情况,明确了可变信息标志选址计算流程,以4×4节点的棋盘状路网作为算例路网,进行可变信息标志选址的算例计算。在该方法的基础上讨论了信息覆盖范围对路网运行情况的影响以及信息准确度对路网运行情况的影响。结果表明:随着信息覆盖范围的扩大以及信息准确度的提高,路网总期望出行时间有减小的趋势。
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This paper mainly focuses on the configuration location designation of variable message sign. The random error term of Probit traffic assignment model stands for the difference between roadway situation and traveler’s expectation and it has an effect on the assignment result. Different assignments result in different roadway network situations. In this paper,the BPR function and HCM2000 signalized intersection delay model are taken to evaluate the roadway network operations and variable message sign locating procedure is also set up. A4×4 roadway network is taken as the numeral sample and the best location of variable message signs are determined. Based on the method mentioned above,the influence of information coverage on the roadway network operations and the influence of information accuracy on the roadway network operations are discussed. The results show that the total expected roadway network travel time tends to decrease with the expansion of information coverage and improve of the information accuracy.