



Safe and green exploitation model and demonstration projects of deep outburst mine based on the integration of gas control, extraction and utilization
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    This paper analyzed the main problems in gas control and recycling in deep outburst mines in China and summarized the state of gas control, gas extraction, gas utilization and heat damage control. Taking Shoushan No. 1 Mine as an example, a closed loop system architecture of gas treatment-gas extraction-gas power generation-centralized refrigeration-heat damage control was proposed to realize safe, efficient and green development of deep outburst mines. The comprehensive gas control technology of "One side, Many lanes" in coal seam with single mining height and low permeability outburst in Shoushan mode was studied. An integrated pipeline system for gas extraction and gas dynamic control technology were developed to realize efficient collaboration of gas management and drainage. The combined operation process of gas power generation equipment and refrigeration equipment was analyzed to realize effective treatment of heat damage in deep wells. The demonstration project of power grid connection and mine cooling in Shoushan No.1 Mine was established to realize the unification of comprehensive management and recycling of gas resources, forming a safe, efficient and green development mode of deep outburst mines and providing reference for similar mine development in China.

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  • 收稿日期:2020-10-30
  • 在线发布日期: 2022-02-16