




国家自然科学基金资助项目(51637004); 《倒置式油浸电流互感器运行状态检测评估及故障防治技术研究》项目(SGTYHY/17-JS-199)。

Research on Internal Temperature Field Distribution and Influencing Characteristics of Internal Pressure of Inverted Oil-Immersed Current TransformerJI Kunyu1, LIU Yang2, LI Bonan3, LI Xi3, HUANG Leifeng3, CHEN Ting1

1.State Grid Jiangsu Power Co., Ltd. Taizhou Power Supply Branch;2.State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Research Institute;3.State Key Laboratory of Transmission and Distribution Equipment and System Security and New Technology, Chongqing University

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    电流互感器在电力系统中将一次系统中的大电流转换为供二次测量计量保护用的小电流,对电力系统的稳定运行及故障电流测量具有不可或缺的作用。在线运行过程中,由于局部放电、发热故障等原因造成了互感器内部油中气体异常增长,导致内部压力急剧增大,易造成绝缘损坏进而发生爆炸事故。为研究互感器内部温度场分布及压力变化影响因素,及时发现内部压力剧增故障,本文通过ANSYS Fluent软件仿真建立了220kV倒置式油浸电流互感器模型,利用有限元分析和多物理场耦合分析等方法得到了倒置式油浸电流互感器内部温度场分布规律,并通过建立倒置式油浸电流互感器实验平台,试验验证了仿真的有效性,同时设计了基于MD-TPR互感器的压力在线监测系统,得到了互感器内部压力影响特性。


    The current transformer converts the large current in the primary system into a small current for secondary measurement and measurement protection in the power system. It has an indispensable effect on the stable operation and fault current measurement of the power system. During the online operation, the abnormal increase in gas of the oil inside the transformer caused by partial discharge, heat failure, etc., caused the internal pressure to increase sharply, which easily caused insulation damage and explosion. In order to study the internal temperature field distribution of the transformer and the influence factors of pressure changes, and to find the internal pressure surge failure in time, this paper uses ANSYS Fluent software simulation to establish a 220kV inverted oil immersed current transformer model, using finite element analysis and multiphysics coupling analysis The internal temperature field distribution law of the inverted oil immersed current transformer was obtained by other methods, and an experimental platform for the inverted oil immersed current transformer was established to verify the validity of the simulation. Meanwhile, the pressure online based on the MD-TPR transformer was designed. The monitoring device obtained the characteristics of the internal pressure influence of the transformer.

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