



Water-rock interaction simulation of artificial recharge in the groundwater over-exploited area of the Hutuo river basin

1.The Institute of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology, CAGS,;2.The Institute of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology, CAGS

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    The water-rock interaction in the recharge water and groundwater mixed zone of aquifer under artificial recharge is the key process that determines the evolution of groundwater quality and leads to the chemical clogging of aquifer. To study the effect of artificial recharge on the groundwater quality evolution in the groundwater over-exploited area of the Hutuo river basin, took the groundwater artificial recharge site in Shijiazhuang as an example , the Shijin irrigation canal water were used as the recharge water , the laboratory experiments and reverse hydrogeochemical simulation were used to reveal the mechanism of water-rock interaction of surface water and groundwater mixed zone in the aquifer. The results showed that the evolution characteristics of TDS in the mixed zone was firstly increasing and then slowly decreasing, if the proportion of surface water mixed with water was larger and the particle size of medium was smaller, the variation amplitude of TDS is larger. Mixing action, carbonic acid balance, dissolution-precipitation and nitrification controlled the change of main ion concentration, whereas the concentration of K+, Ca2+and SO42- were mainly controlled by solution-precipitation, the concentration of Na+, Cl-, HCO3-, NO3- is mainly controlled by mixing, and the concentration of Mg2+ is mainly controlled by cation exchange. In the water-rock reaction, the dissolved minerals include anhydrite albite, K-feldspar and halite, whereas the precipitated minerals include calcite, calcium montmorillonite and quartz. Moreover, in the larger the proportion of surface water, the finer the particle size of medium, and the more the calcite precipitation, indicated that the risk of carbonate chemical clogging is high in the aquifer with fine particle size, as the surface water was the recharge source. The results can provide scientific basis for the safe and efficient artificial recharge engineering.

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  • 收稿日期:2020-05-20
  • 最后修改日期:2020-09-01
  • 录用日期:2020-09-02