针对设备到设备(device-to-device, D2D)通信和移动边缘计算(mobile edge computing, MEC)结合通信系统中存在意图传播恶意软件的恶意节点,提出一种基于博弈论的安全路由选择算法。该算法假设D2D通信中的节点都配备有反恶意软件控件,在考虑检测成本和路由安全性的基础上,利用对恶意软件的联合检测能力,采用博弈论选择安全路由,实现数据传输的安全性。仿真结果表明,增加可用路由搜索跳数,可以提高安全路由对恶意软件的检测能力和路由的QoS,兼顾数据包传输的安全性和QoS。
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This paper proposes a secure routing algorithm based on game theory to optimize routing strategies for the problem of malicious nodes that intend to spread malware in a communication system that combines device-to-device and mobile edge computing, and verifies the feasibility of the algorithm. The algorithm assumes that the nodes in the device-to-device communication system are equipped with anti-malware controls, and select the safe routes using game theory based on the detection cost, routing QoS and the joint detection capability of the malware to taking into account the security of packet transmission and the QoS. Simulation results show that the designed secure routing algorithm can take into account the security and QoS of data packet transmission.