





Re-recognition of design and safety evaluation of high-grade steel mountain pipeline

1.Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences;2.Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences,;3.China petroleum engineering &4.construction southwest company

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    永久性地面变形(permanent ground deformation, PGD)是造成山地管道屈曲断裂泄露并导致重大生命、财产损失的主要原因之一。现有PGD区山地管道“基于应变”的设计及安全性评估方法和技术标准对在役高钢级管道安全性评估偏于危险,亟待对其进行进一步的研究。针对山地复杂PDG工况下的“许用应变”及“计算应变”,从山地管道的主要失效模式着手,对山地管道管-土相互作用的应变计算方法(解析法、数值分析法及试验法)及安全性评估方法的技术现状及存在问题进行了分析,并结合我国山地管道未来的发展趋势及生产需要,提出了考虑在役管道的实际工况,进行基于管-土相互作用规律的设计及安全性评估方法的研究路径和内容。


    s: Permanent ground deformation (PGD) is one of the main causes of buckling, fracture and leakage of mountain pipeline and heavy loss of life and property.Design and safety evaluation of mountain pipelines in PGD zone with the existing “Strain-based method” and technical standards urgently awaiting further research figures out the dangerous statuses of in-service high-grade steel pipelines. The current situation of “strain-based” failure discrimination is firstly analyzed and summarized. Technical actualities and imperfections of strain calculation methods (analytical, numerical, and experimental methods) and safety evaluation methods for pipe-soil interaction are indicated by the main patterns of pipe failure with the "allowable strain" and "calculated strain" under complex PDG working conditions. Future research content and path of the design and safety evaluation based on actual work conditions and pipe-soil interactions are synthetically proposed, while considering the future development trend and production needs of mountain pipelines in China.

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  • 收稿日期:2021-09-01
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