





Electrochemistry and Persulfate Synergistic Action to Remove Fulvic Acid from Leachate

College of Environment and Ecology,Chongqing University

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    The ‘membraneSbioreactor (MBR) + reverse osmosis’ technology is usually applied to treat leachate from most incineration plants in China. Studies have showed that the high fulvic acid concentration in reverse osmosis system influent results in the fouling of membrane. The persulfate synergistic electrochemical system(EC+PS system) was used to reduce fulvic acid concentration. The main active substances for removing fulvic acid in the system were discussed. The effect of initial pH value, persulfate dosage(PS), current density, plate space, NaCl concentration on the degradation of fulvic acid was investigated. The results showed that the removal of fulvic acid was mainly depended on Cl- provided by HClO,.OH and SO4-.in turn. The fulvic acid removal rate decreased slightly with the increase of initial pH and plate spacing,Sincreased firstly and then decreased with the increase of initial PS concentration,Sfirst increased and then remained unchanged with the increase of current density, decreased slightly with the increase of Cl- concentration The current density and persulfate dosage were the main influencing factors for fulvic acid removal . The leachate effluent of MBR from actual incinerator was treated by EC+PS system under the current density 30mA/cm2, potassium persulfate 9g/L and reaction time 6h. The three-dimensional fluorescence spectrum results showed that the removal rate of fulvic acid in visible and ultraviolet regions reached 98.65% and 97.80%, respectively, and the EC+PS system could effectively remove fulvic acid in actual wastewater

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  • 收稿日期:2022-03-29
  • 最后修改日期:2022-05-08
  • 录用日期:2022-05-09