



The effects of water fluctuation on typical estrogens and activities in the water level fluctuation zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir

1.Chongqing University;2.Chongqing Institute for Food and Drug Control

Fund Project:

National Nature Foundation of China

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    [目的]以三峡库区消落带为研究对象,将化学分析与生物测试相结合,研究水位变动对消落带土壤(落干期)和沉积物(淹水期)雌激素效应物质种类和含量及雌激素活性的影响,探讨典型雌激素与雌激素效应的关联程度,以期为水库消落带生态安全和环境健康管理提供重要的数据支撑。[方法]借助超高效液相色谱-质谱(UPLC-MS)对8种典型雌激素的赋存与浓度进行靶向分析,并使用重组基因酵母筛选(YES)体系检测环境样品雌激素活性,通过相关性分析和浓度加和计算建立化学物质与生物效应间的相关联系。 [结果] 8种典型雌激素仅有雌酮(E1)和乙炔基雌二醇(EE2)被检出,含量在0.02-2.67 ng/g 范围内。淹水期的沉积物具有明显的雌激素活性,其雌二醇当量(EEQ)浓度值为0.637-6.987 ng EEQ/g。相关性分析结果显示:靶向分析的雌激素效应物质与雌激素效应间无明显相关性,仅能解释29.46%的雌激素活性。 [结论]水位变动影响消落带雌激素效应物质的种类和浓度,淹水提高了沉积物雌激素活性。典型雌激素物质与库区消落带雌激素效应无显著关联。因此,需要开发新的方法与技术,以便更为精确地指导消落带雌激素效应的风险识别与管控。


    [Objectives] In the current study, the water level fluctuation zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) was selected, in which chemical analysis was combined with biological testing to investigate the effects of water fluctuation on the compounds and concentrations of estrogenic effector substances and the estrogenic activity in soil (non-flooding period) and sediment (flooding period). The correlation between typical estrogens and estrogenic activity was analyzed. The study hence could provide important data support for reservoir ecological safety and environmental health management. [Methods] The distribution and concentration of 8 typical estrogens were analyzed by an ultra-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS), and the estrogenic activity was determined by a Yeast Estrogen Screening assay (YES). Correlation analysis and concentration summation calculations were used to establish the correlations between chemical substances and biological effects. [Results] Only estrone (E1) and ethinylestradiol (EE2) were detected with the ranges of 0.02-2.67 ng/g from the 8 studied estrogens. The sediments of the flooding period showed significantly estrogenic activity, which the 17β-estradiol equivalents (EEQ) ranging from 0.637-6.987 ng EEQ/g. Correlation analysis did not show distinctly correlation between the target compounds and estrogenic effects, which the detected chemicals only contributed about 29.46% of the estrogenic activity. [Conclusions] Water fluctuation could affect the type and concentration of estrogens in the water level fluctuation zone of the TGR, with the estrogenic activity increased during flooding period. The linkage between typical estrogens and estrogenic activity was not found. Therefore, new methods and techniques are required in order to increase the identification accuracy and improve the management on the risk of estrogenic effects in the water level fluctuation zone.

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