基于分布式发射线圈的WPT抗偏移 与互操作性研究


Anti-Deflection and interoperability study of WPT Based on Distributed Transmitting Coils

1.Liuzhou Power Supply Bureau of Guangxi Power Grid Co., Ltd;2.School of Automation, Chongqing University

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    The offset of the relative position between the receiver and transmitter in the radio energy transmission system will affect the system transmission efficiency to a certain extent. In this paper, the full-range offset resistance and interoperability of the coupling mechanism are investigated in two aspects. A proposed many-to-one coupling mode is proposed, the transmit coil type is a planar distributed transmit unit coil combination, and the open mode of the distributed transmit coil is studied for different receive coil types, axial offset conditions and rotational offset conditions of the position mode to achieve interoperability and wide-range all-directional offset resistance of the receive coil. To improve the degree of freedom of the distributed transmit coil, a distributed series control logic circuit is proposed, and the resonance parameters of the transmit coil are designed for the series connection condition to reduce the effect of cross-coupling. The search strategy for receiving coil position detection is proposed by combining the magnetic field characteristics of the distributed transmit coil and the pickup voltage detection method based on the LCC-S resonant topology. An experimental setup is built, and taking the axial and rotational offsets of all positions into account, the maximum efficiency fluctuation of the planar receiving coil is 3.3%, the maximum efficiency fluctuation of the vertical receiving coil is 5.57%, and the maximum efficiency fluctuation of the solenoid receiving coil is 4.45%. The experimental results show that the proposed system has good antioffset characteristics and interoperability, verifying the feasibility and efficiency of the system.

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  • 收稿日期:2023-05-26
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