基于轨道式MC-WPT的废旧电池电能回收系统 设计与实现


Design and Implementation of Power Recycling System in Discard Batteries Based on Long-Track MC-WPT

1.Electric Power Science Research Institute of Guangxi Power Grid Co., Ltd;2.College of Automation Chongqing University Chongqing, China

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    The development of new energy and the application of a large number of batteries have also posed challenges to the recovery of residual energy from waste battery packs. To address the above issues, this article proposes an electric energy recovery system based on track type MC-WPT (Magnetic Coupled Wireless Power Transfer) technology, providing a new supplementary method for the recovery of residual electric energy from waste batteries. This system transports multiple sets of waste battery packs on the assembly line while efficiently transmitting their remaining electrical energy to the power grid, improving the energy recovery and utilization rate. This article improves the traditional track type MC-WPT coupling mechanism by using the non-track end as the energy transmitting end and the track as the receiving end. The system circuit topology is designed, a system mathematical model is established, and the transmission characteristics of the system under this coupling mechanism form are simulated and analyzed. Finally, a power recovery experimental platform was built, and four sets of waste battery packs were simultaneously recovered to the power grid on the track. The system input power was 1116.8W, and the energy recovery efficiency was about 82.4%. The experimental results verified the feasibility and efficiency of the system.

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  • 收稿日期:2023-06-05
  • 最后修改日期:2023-07-04
  • 录用日期:2023-08-24