
1.重庆大学 输配电装备与系统安全与新技术国家重点实验室;2.重庆大学输配电装备与系统安全与新技术国家重点实验室



Smooth Transition Method for Sensorless Control of SPMSM

1.State Key Laboratory of Transmission and Distribution Equipment and System Safety and New Technology,Chongqing University;2.State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission and Distribution Equipment and System Safety and New Technology of Chongqing University

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    为了实现表贴式永磁同步电机(Surface-mounted Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor, SPMSM)全速域无位置传感器控制,本文采用基于I/F控制和非线性磁链观测器相结合的混合式无位置传感器控制方法。在低速域中,通过I/F控制方式来实现电机稳定的启动和可靠运行。在中高速域,引入非线性磁通观测器和锁相环(Phase Lock Loop, PLL)进行位置估计。针对混合式控制方法普遍存在的切换振荡问题,本文提出了基于PI控制的电流融合切换方法;并将线性扩张状态观测器(Linear Extended State Observer, LESO)与电流融合切换法相结合,进一步形成一种复合切换法;并设计了仿真和实验分别验证两种方法的切换性能。实验结果表明所提出的两种方法都能实现控制策略的平滑切换,其中复合切换法在过渡过程中具有更好的性能。


    For full-speed position sensorless control of surface-mounted permanent magnet synchronous motor (SPMSM), this paper presents a hybrid position sensorless control scheme based on combination of I/F control and nonlinear flux observer. In low-speed region, the I/F control method is utilized for the stable startup and reliable operation. In medium-speed and high-speed region, a nonlinear flux observer and a phase locked loop (PLL) is introduced for position estimation. In response to the common switching oscillation problem in hybrid control methods, this paper proposes a current fusion switching method based on PI control; And combine the linear extended state observer (LESO) with the current fusion switching method to further form compound switching method. In addition, simulations and experiments are designed to verify the switching performance of the two methods. The results show that both proposed methods can achieve smooth switching of control strategies, and compound switching method has better performance during the transition process.

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