
1.滇西应用技术大学 测绘与信息工程学院;2.滇西应用技术大学 云南省高校山地实景点云数据处理及应用重点实验室;3.长安大学 地质与测绘学院;4.云南建投第一勘察设计有限公司



Multi-GNSS Ambiguity Resolution Study based on Different PPP-AR Products

1.West Yunnan University of Applied Sciences,School of Surveying and Information Engineering,Dali Yunnan;2.West Yunnan University of Applied Sciences,Key Laboratory of Mountain Real Scene Point Cloud Data Processing and Application for Universities in Yunnan Province,Dali Yunnan;3.College of Geological Engineering and Geomatics, China&4.#39;5.an University;6.Yunnan Construction Investment First Investigation and Design Co,Ltd Kunming Yunnan

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    针对不同类型的模糊度产品,本文基于双频无电离层组合模型介绍了PPP-AR方法的原理与方法,从定位精度、收敛时间、首次固定时间和模糊度固定率四个指标对实验结果做出详细分析。结果表明:单GPS系统和单Galileo系统实验方案的相位偏差产品和小数偏差产品的模糊度固定解分别为0.53 cm、0.54 cm、1.05 cm和0.59 cm、0.58 cm、1.31 cm,相比于浮点解提升了49.0%、32.5%、15.3%和41.6%、20.5%、3.7 %。相位偏差产品能够将单GPS系统的收敛时间由17.5 min提升至13.5 min,提升了22.9 %,但模糊度产品对Galileo系统的收敛时间提升较小,只有不到10 %,单GPS系统和单Galileo系统的首次固定时间分别在21 min和27 min左右。各PPP-AR产品的单GPS系统模糊度固定率均在90 %以上,而单Galileo系统模糊度固定率均在85%左右。随着BDS系统的加入,多系统相位偏差产品的定位精度达到0.45 cm、0.49 cm和1.02 cm,提升了32%、34.7%和17.1%,收敛时间缩短至10 min以内,首次固定时间降至10 min左右,各模糊度产品均能保持95%以上的模糊度固定率。


    For different ambiguity products, this paper introduced the principle and methodology of the PPP-AR methods based on the dual-frequency ionosphere-free combination model, made detailed analysis of the experimental results in terms of four indexes: positioning accuracy, convergence time, the time to first fix and ambiguity fix rate. The results show that: the ambiguity fix solutions of phase bias product and fractional cycle bias product for the single GPS system and single Galileo system experimental schemes are 0.53 cm, 0.54 cm, 1.05 cm and 0.59 cm, 0.58 cm, 1.31 cm, respectively, which are 49.0%, 32.5%, 15.3% and 41.6%, 20.5%, 3.7 % improved compared with the floating solution. The phase bias product is able to improve the convergence time of the single GPS system by 22.9 % from 17.5 min to 13.5 min, but the ambiguity product improves the convergence time of the Galileo system by less than 10 %, the time to first fix was around 21 min and 27 min for the single GPS system and the single Galileo system, respectively. The ambiguity fix rate of each PPP-AR products is above 90 % for the single GPS system, while the ambiguity fix rate of the single Galileo system is around 85 %.. With the addition of the BDS system, the positioning accuracies of the multi-system phase bias products reach 0.45 cm, 0.49 cm, and 1.02 cm, which are improved by 32 %, 34.7 %, 17.1 %, the convergence time is shortened to less than 10 min, and the time to first fix is reduced to around 10 min, and all the ambiguity products can maintain ambiguity fix rate more than 95 %.

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  • 收稿日期:2024-03-27
  • 最后修改日期:2024-08-30
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