针对振动工况下同级别座椅间的舒适性对比评价需求,在6种振动幅值的低频垂向振动激励(0.5-20 Hz,加速度均方根值为0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2 m/s2)下,对3款汽车座椅进行了振动舒适性相关的主观打分、体压分布和加速度测试试验,以实现对汽车座椅的振动舒适性进行评价。基于对体压分布和加速度测试结果分析,提取平均压力变化率均方根、法向力变化率均方根和加权加速度均方根值等3个客观指标。运用非参数统计方法对主客观量间的相关性进行分析,验证了主客观评价结果的一致性。在此基础上,通过对比3款座椅对应的主客观评价结果,最终实现3款座椅的振动舒适性评价。
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For meeting the requirements of comfort evaluation between the same level of automotive seats under vibration conditions, the subjective evaluation, body pressure distribution, and acceleration tests related to vibration comfort were conducted on three automotive seats, A, B, and C with 12 test participants under low-frequency vertical excitation with six different magnitudes (from 0.5 to 20 Hz with six magnitudes 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2 m/s2). Based on the analysis of body pressure distribution and acceleration test results, three objective indicators were obtained, such as the root-mean-square of average pressure changing rate, the root-mean-square of normal force changing rate and the root-mean-square of weighted acceleration. The correlation analysis was carried out on subjective and objective indicators by applying the non-parametric statistics method for verifying the consistency of subjective and objective evaluation results. Finally, the vibration comfort evaluation between the three automotive seats was realized by comparing the subjective and objective evaluation results.
国家自然科学基金资助项目; 重庆市自然科学基金项目