





The Application Status Aand Development Trend of Overhead Transmission Line Conductors

1.State Grid Chongqing Electric Power Company Economic and Technological Research Institute;2.State Grid Chongqing Electric Power Company;3.Chongqing Guanghui Power Supply Service Company Limited;4.College of Engineering and Technology,Southwest University

Fund Project:

Science and technology projects of State Grid Corporation of China (52209624000G)

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    Overhead transmission lines are a typical means of electric energy transmission within power systems, playing a crucial supporting role in the implementation of national strategies such as “West-to-East Power Transmission” and the “Dual Carbon” initiative. As a key component of overhead transmission lines, the performance of conductors directly influences the power transmission capacity ?of these lines. To meet the demands for high-quality energy delivery and to adapt to complex outdoor environments, ongoing innovations and optimizations in material composition and structural design of overhead transmission line conductors have been pursued. This paper summarizes the types, operational parameters, and applications of overhead transmission line conductors both domestically and internationally. It analyzes the technical shortcomings and bottlenecks of various conductor types, further providing a comparative overview of domestic and international standards for overhead conductors. Additionally, the paper examines the usage of different types of overhead transmission line conductors based on practical analyses of domestic transmission line engineering. Finally, it concludes with a summary of the current status and bottlenecks of overhead transmission line conductors, while proposing future technological development directions and trends in this field.

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