



Study on creep characteristics and creep model of initially damaged sandstone

1.School of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Anhui University of Technology,Huainan;2.School of Mechanics and Optoelectronics Physics,Anhui University of Science and Technology,Huainan

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    为了描述地下岩体因构造因素引起的损伤,基于耗散能理论和加卸载试验和确定不同围压下砂岩的初始损伤。利用分级加卸载蠕变试验,对比分析了初始损伤砂岩和完整砂岩在不同围压下的蠕变规律,证实了围压对损伤砂岩的轴向应变具有一定的限制作用。基于元件模型和损伤力学理论,以Poyting- Thomson体与改进的Maxwell体和村山体为基础,构建一种新的考虑初始损伤的砂岩黏弹塑性蠕变模型并提出以等速蠕变时间(tc)和屈服强度(σs)为砂岩蠕变分段的判断依据。结果表明,随着围压的增大,输入总能量和卸荷能量均呈现增加趋势,但在60%峰值应力下致损的岩石,其损伤变量却随着围压的增大而减小;研究阐述了单向应力状态下卸荷损伤对岩石蠕变各阶段影响随时间增大的趋势,以及三向应力状态下卸荷损伤对岩石蠕变各阶段影响先增后减的变化规律;新模型的理论曲线与单轴和三轴试验数据拟合度高达0.93以上,这证实了所构建的黏弹塑性模型适用于所有应力状态和损伤程度的岩石蠕变试验,并且能够很好地反映蠕变三阶段的力学特征。研究成果为地下岩石工程提供理论基础和蠕变模型构造提供新方法。


    To accurately describe the disturbance of underground rock caused by constant-rate loading and simulate the creep physical properties of rock before and after damage, unloading tests to induce damage at 60% of the yield strength under various confining pressures and creep tests with graded loading were conducted. Based on thermodynamic theory, the initial damage variable values under different confining pressures were calculated, revealing the trend of damage variables with varying confining pressures and the changes in strain differences between damaged and undamaged rocks during various creep stages. Combining the theory of component models and damage mechanics, the isochronous creep time (tc) and yield strength (σs) were used to segment the creep stages in modified Maxwell and Kelvin-Voigt bodies. By connecting the Poynting-Thomson body, the modified Maxwell body, and the modified Kelvin-Voigt body in series, a new viscoelastic-plastic creep model was developed.The results indicate that as the confining pressure increases, both the total input energy and unloading energy exhibit an increasing trend. However, for rocks damaged at 60% of peak stress, the damage variable decreases with increasing confining pressure. The study elucidates the tendency for the influence of unloading damage on rock creep stages to increase over time under uniaxial stress conditions and the pattern of this influence first increasing and then decreasing under triaxial stress conditions. The theoretical curves of the new model align with uniaxial and triaxial experimental data with a fit degree of over 0.93, confirming that the constructed viscoelastic-plastic model is applicable to rock creep tests under all stress states and damage levels, and can effectively reflect the mechanical characteristics of the three creep stages. The research findings provide a theoretical foundation for underground rock engineering and offer a new method for constructing creep models.

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