, | (1) |
, | (2) |
。 | (3) |
, | (4) |
, | (5) |
。 | (6) |
。 | (7) |
(8) |

图1 CdS/PMMA复合材料在不同温度下拉伸断裂强度随体积分数变化的实验数据
Fig. 1 Experimental values of tensile strength with volume fraction of CdS/PMMA composites at different temperatures

图2 CdS/PS在不同温度下拉伸断裂强度随体积分数变化的实验数据
Fig. 2 Experimental values of tensile strength with volume fraction of CdS/PS composites at different temperatures

图3 ZnS/PMMA在不同温度下拉伸断裂强度随体积分数变化的实验数据
Fig. 3 Experimental values of tensile strength with volume fraction of ZnS/PMMA composites at different temperatures
温度/K | 多项式函数 | Vpc/% |
303 |
σc=7.98+1 960.41vp-67 398.72v | 1.45 |
323 |
σc=2.27+2 899.20vp-109 084.05v | 1.33 |
343 |
σc=0.80+368.29vp-12 842.99v | 1.43 |
363 |
σc=7.98+1 960.41vp-1 292v | 1.45 |
温度/K | 多项式函数 | Vpc/% |
303 |
σc=5.95+2 974.97vp-161 986.61v | 0.92 |
323 |
σc=5.14+2 907.75vp-161 837.41v | 0.90 |
343 |
σc=10.04+555.37vp-30 089.62v | 0.92 |
353 |
σc=5.95+2 974.97vp-161 986.61v | 0.92 |
363 |
σc=-1.28+436.19vp-23 498.75v | 0.93 |
温度/K | 多项式函数 | Vpc/% |
323 |
σc=7.84+1 071.93vp-26 346.15v | 2.00 |
343 |
σc=1.22+307.20vp-8 012.82v | 1.92 |
363 |
σc=0.12+83.43vp-1 987.18v | 2.10 |
材料参数 | CdS/PMMA | CdS/PS | ZnS/PMMA |
T0/K |
30 |
30 |
32 |
Vp/% |
1.6; 2. |
1.37; 1.8 |
2. |
νm |
0.3 |
0.35 |
0.3 |
rp/nm |
1.5 |
1 |
γ(T0)/(J∙ |
1.1 |
3 |
0.7 |
σm(T0)/MPa |
14.6 |
10. |
12.5 |
Tmelting/K |
43 |
37 |
43 |
Em(T)/MPa |
303K: 1 59 |
303K: 1 74 |
323K: 1 24 |
323K: 1 24 |
323K: 1 66 |
343K: 5 | |
343K: 5 |
343K: 1 18 |
363K: | |
363K: |
353K: 23 | ||
363K: 35. | |||
ρ/(g·c |
CdS: 4.8 | ||
Cp(T)/(J·k |
PMMA: -6.35×1 | ||
PS: -5.197×1 |

图4 颗粒增强聚合物基复合材料拉伸断裂强度在不同温度下的预测结果与实验数据对比
Fig. 4 Comparison of predicted and experimental tensile fracture strength of particle-reinforced polymer composites at different temperatures

图5 颗粒增强聚合物基复合材料拉伸断裂强度在不同温度下的预测结果与实验数据对比
Fig. 5 Comparison of predicted and experimental tensile fracture strength of particle-reinforced polymer composites at different temperatures

图6 颗粒增强聚合物基复合材料拉伸断裂强度在不同温度下的预测结果与实验数据对比(2.5% ZnS/PMMA复合材料)
Fig. 6 Comparison of predicted and experimental tensile fracture strength of particle-reinforced polymer composites at different temperatures(2.5% ZnS/PMMA composites)
2)根据一元二次多项式对CdS/PMMA、CdS/PS和ZnS/PMMA 3种复合材料在不同温度、不同体积分数下拉伸断裂强度实验数据的拟合,获得了这3种复合材料在不同温度下的临界体积分数,得到了临界体积分数对温度不敏感的结论。
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