



Comprehensive geophysical exploration and safety evaluation of the mine with a fully mechanized pressurized mining face
  • MU Yi

    MU Yi

    Mine Safety Technology Branch of China Coal Research Institute, Beijing 100013, P. R. China;State Key Laboratory of Coal Mining and Clean Utilization(China Coal Research Institute), Beijing 100013, P. R. China;Beijing Mine Safety Engineering Technology Research Center, Beijing 100013, P. R. China
  • XU Hui

    XU Hui

    Mine Safety Technology Branch of China Coal Research Institute, Beijing 100013, P. R. China;State Key Laboratory of Coal Mining and Clean Utilization(China Coal Research Institute), Beijing 100013, P. R. China;Beijing Mine Safety Engineering Technology Research Center, Beijing 100013, P. R. China
  • MA Zhichao

    MA Zhichao

    Mine Safety Technology Branch of China Coal Research Institute, Beijing 100013, P. R. China;State Key Laboratory of Coal Mining and Clean Utilization(China Coal Research Institute), Beijing 100013, P. R. China;Beijing Mine Safety Engineering Technology Research Center, Beijing 100013, P. R. China
  • JIANG Peng

    JIANG Peng

    Mine Safety Technology Branch of China Coal Research Institute, Beijing 100013, P. R. China;State Key Laboratory of Coal Mining and Clean Utilization(China Coal Research Institute), Beijing 100013, P. R. China;Beijing Mine Safety Engineering Technology Research Center, Beijing 100013, P. R. China
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    Through the combined use of transient electromagnetic method and radio wave perspective method, the water-rich mining area and the water-conducting channel were detected in the pressurized mining area of the 61114 working face of the Dafanpu Mine, and the overlapping abnormal areas identified by the transient electromagnetic method and the radio wave perspective method were comprehensively analyzed. Safety evaluation and analysis of the pressurized mining area was conducted, and safe mining measures were proposed. The results showed that the transient electromagnetic method mainly detected the aquifer range and water richness, the radio wave perspective method mainly detected the development of the coal seam and the aquifuge layer. The overlapping abnormal regions detected respectively by the two methods had both water bodies and water channels, which were key areas for water prevention and control. For these overlapping anomalies defined by the underground comprehensive geophysical exploration, it was necessary to carry out pre-drilling verification. When the existence of water-rich anomalous structural belt was confirmed, safety analysis should be conducted in time, and grouting may be necessary for blocking the water conducting fractured zone or setting waterproof coal (rock) pillar to guarantee the safe mining on the pressurized workface.

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  • 收稿日期:2019-07-25
  • 在线发布日期: 2019-11-21