Mine Safety Technology Branch, China Coal Research Institute, Beijing 100013, P. R. China;State Key Laboratory of Coal Mining and Clean Utilization, Beijing 100013, P. R. China;Beijing Mine Safety Engineering Technology Research Center, Beijing 100013, P. R. China 在期刊界中查找 在百度中查找 在本站中查找
Mining-induced fractures and goaf are closely related to mine coalbed methane seepage and occurrence. Accurate detection of goaf and mining-induced fractures is the basic work of coalbed methane mining. Based on wave field transformation theory, nonlinear damped least squares algorithm was used to calculate the wave field transformation integral equation. Whole-space response correction and wave field data processing were carried out. The working method of synthetic aperture imaging in coal-mine-underground roadway was expounded. Numerical simulation of 3D goaf wave field imaging model was carried out. Engineering application were carried out for advanced detection and coal mining face detection methods in Jincheng coalbed methane mining area. The results show that wave field transformation imaging technology can extract electrical boundary information in transient electromagnetic data and obviously reflect the water-rich boundary of the mining-induced fractures and goaf. The drilling verification results are consistent with the results of wave field imaging and apparent resistivity analysis, and the technology can reduce the adverse effects of volume effect on the interpretation of goaf and mining-induced fractures.