针对高等教育教学方法改革,在本科生中进行了问卷调查。调查结果显示, 目前主要的教学方法还是学生被动接受学习。为探索互动型和研究型教学方法,提出了课堂讨论、案例研究、客座讲课和小组作业4种教学方法,分析了4种方法的优缺点,并讨论在教学中如何运用这4种教学方法。
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An investigation was conducted among the undergraduate students to explore the reform of teaching methods in higher education. The investigation results show that the mainstream of the current teaching methods is making the students passively study. The four teaching methods, class discussion, case studies, guest speakers and group work, are proposed for exploring the interactive teaching methods. The advantages and disadvantages of each method are discussed. The experiences on how to successfully apply the methods to teaching are described.