文章主要阐释了高校思想政治教育内容体系构建的三大依据:首先,改革开放后,系列关于大学生思想政治教育重要文献提供了法规政策依据;其次,相关研究成果奠定了理论依据;最后,当前大学生思想实际提供了现实依据。 文章通过对以上几大依据的梳理,分析了高校思想政治教育内容体系是由政治观教育、思想教育、道德教育、心理健康教育等几大重要要素相互影响、相互作用、不断发展变化的动态体系,并具有指向明确、结构合理,动静结合、日趋完善,内涵丰富、不断创新的特点。
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I presented the following three bases of content system construction for ideological and political education in universities and colleges. First, the reform and openingup policy provided legal basis for some important educational documents. Secondly, relative research provided the theoretical basis. Thirdly, scientific investigations provided the practical basis. Based on the analysis of these bases, I proposed a dynamic system of content system construction for ideological and political education, which included political education, ideological education, moral education, and psychological education.