根据社会需求,按照建筑学专业特点,结合河南大学的具体情况,建立了“以需求为动力,以市场为导向,以服务为宗旨”和“以特色求发展、以创新求特色、以质量求生存”的工程教育理念,强化了“数量与质量相统一,知识与能力相匹配,理论与实践相联系”的工程教育思想,构建了KAQ(Knowledge Ability Quality)工程教育模型,建立了具有本专业特点与学校特色的产学研合作工程教育模式。
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In accordance with social needs and characteristics of architecture, the concept of engineering education was put forward combined with our specific situation. It took the need as a motivation, the market as an orientation, and the service as a purpose, sought development with characteristics, characteristics with innovation, and survival by quality, and strengthened the concept of engineering education. We established the KAQ (knowledge ability quality) engineering education model as well as IURC (industryuniversity research cooperation) engineering education mode with the professional features and characteristics of our school.