中国快速城市化过程中 “城市美化运动”其后有着复杂的经济、社会原因,市政景观建设成为资本和权力追逐的对象,但其最主要的作为区域融合、链接历史、消弭空间阶层作用的“缝合”功能却被严重忽视。浮于表面化的“城市美化运动”必将导致城市空间尺度夸大、空间序列感丧失、城市文脉断裂、地域身份弱化、阶层分化空间分异,使城市未来建设和发展出现不可持续等问题。文章结合设计案例提出了以文脉观缝合自然与人文,以场所观缝合形象与内涵,以区域观缝合场地与城市、以生态观缝合当下与未来四点应对“城市美化运动”的城市景观设计策略,以期对当代景观设计研究起到裨益的作用。
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With the complicated economic and social factors for city prettified movement in the rapid urbanization of China, urban landscape construction becomes the chase object of capital and power, while the suture functions of regional integration, historic connection and spatial stratification elimination are severely neglected. It reveals that the city beautiful movement, a superficial embarrassment, will raise issues like exaggerated urban space scale, lost partial sequence, cracking city historical and cultural symbol, weakened region identification, spatial differentiation of stratification together with unsustainability of urban construction and development in future. Then, in combination with design cases, it proposes four strategies for city prettified movement which is helpful to the landscape design research: suture the nature and humanism by historical and cultural symbol, image and connotation by space settlement, space and city by regional integration, and current and future by ecological theory.