文章以重庆大学机关工会组织为例,归纳、分析了当前高校机关工会组织的基本情况和特点,进一步探讨在现代大学制度的建设下如何发挥工会组织 “维护、建设、参与、教育”四项职能,努力建设好“职工之家”,用情感的力量做好对职工的教育、引导和组织工作,使工会组织真正成为教职员工可以信赖的温馨大家庭,在学校民主政治建设、教工之家建设、师德师风建设、校园文化建设、机关作风建设等方面发挥重要作用。
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The paper focuses on the work of management agencies union of Chongqing University, analysing and concluding the basic situation and the feature of the office work. It also discusses how to?realize the four function of the Labour Union, sustaining, building, attending and educating, in order to maintain the “family of the staff”, which will do better in the educating the staff by motion, and let the labour union become the true family of the staff. It will play an important role in the construction of the democracy, family of staff, teacher’s ethics, campus culture, working style of the institutions.