文章选取4所高校1 650名学生和学生社团组织为研究对象,对高校学生网络使用状况及高校学生组织(学生会、学生社团)网络舆论引导现状进行调查。通过分析指出高校学生组织网络舆论引导现状及影响因素,探讨提高高校学生组织网络舆论引导工作的科学对策,构建高校学生组织网络舆论引导的科学、可行路径,营造高校健康稳定、和谐的校园舆论环境。
[Key word]
The research probes into countermeasure to improve internet public opinion guiding in university student organizations and analyzes present situation of internet public opinion guiding in university student organizations and its influencing factors based on a survey of university student organizations, university students and present situation of internet usage in university students and internet public opinion guiding in university student organizations study.