在本科土木工程专业高层建筑结构设计课程的教学过程中发现,教材中一道关于风荷载计算的例题与当时GB 50009—2001《建筑结构荷载规范》不符。在布置该例题作为课下习题后,绝大部分学生都发现了问题,并按照规范给出了正确解答,个别同学还对该例题进行了较大补充,提出了新的思路和解答。这是一个典型的教学相长实例,学生发挥了自己的想象力和主观能动性,教师也从中得到学习。
[Key word]
In the teaching of tall building structure design for undergraduates of civil engineering, we found that an example about wind load in the textbook does not calculated correctly according to the “Load code for the design of building structures” at that time. When the example was assigned to students as an exercise, most students found the problem and corrected errors. Furthermore, a student put forward a new idea to calculate wind load from the example. It is a typical instance to learn from the students, which shows that teaching benefits teachers as well as students.