结合桂林理工大学多年的城市规划专业教学探索与实践,提出面向基层人才培养的教学实践思路,并通过构建“核心素质+模块嵌入” 的教学实践体系,提出了与之配套的 “展、融、导、新”教学实践培养具体措施和方法。
[Key word]
Based on the teaching practice and exploration on the urban planning specialty in Guilin University of Technology, we proposed a thought for teaching practice focusing on basic level talent training, constructed a practice teaching system including the “core quality and embedded module”, and provided strategies and methods about “prolongation, combination, conduction, and innovation” in the practice teaching.
新世纪广西高等教育教学改革工程项目 (2011JGA049;2013JGA150;2013JGZ131)