根据应用技术型大学定位的技能和应用型人才培养目标, 研究以土木工程专业技能与实践能力为核心、专业理论教学与实践教学相辅相成的专业课程体系,构建新型“三平台、一训练、两能力”的专业实践教学体系,即通过“基础教学试验平台—专业实践教学平台—工程技能实战平台”和大学生创新创业训练,培养学生的工程实践能力和应用与创新能力。同时,为确保专业实践教学体系运行的质量和可持续性,对其保障措施和监控体系进行分析。通过改革现有专业实践教学,建立一个适应应用型大学土木工程专业,促进应用型人才培养目标的新型专业实践教学体系势在必行。
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To realize the objective of training application-oriented college students, we studied a professional course system of civil engineering, which well integrated theoretical teaching and practical teaching. A practical teaching system of civil engineering was constructed by a teaching platform consisting of basic experiment, professional practice and engineering skill training, and training of innovation and entrepreneurship. To ensure the performance quality and continuity of practical teaching system, guarantee measures and a ministering system were also analyzed. It is very important to develop a new practical teaching system which is suitable for and can promote discipline of civil engineering in technique-application-oriented universities.