通过换热器综合实验装置,搭建了建筑环境测试技术课程的实验台。新的实验台增加了压力传感器、涡轮流量计和热电偶等自动测量传感器和仪表。该实验台能测量换热器的换热量、冷热水流量、热水侧的水循环阻力、冷热水进出口温度等参数,其信号由Agilent 34972A采集仪采集。该实验台利用了实验室已购置的设备,减少了外购实验台的费用支出,取得了很好的教学效果。
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Built environment test technology course is established by using available heat exchanger experiment device. Vortex flow meter,pressure sensor and thermal couple are installed on the platform. Parameters such as heat exchange rate of exchanger,flow rate of cold(hot)water,circulation resistance of cold(hot)water side,temperatures of exits and entrances for cold(hot)water are gauged and these signals are collected by Agilent 34972A data logger.We take full advantage of available device and reduce expenditure of purchasing relevant equipment and promote teaching effect.