



Research on the compound talent training mode of technology and application of civil engineering and big data
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    With the development of computer technology, the third wave of informatization represented by the internet of things, cloud computing and big data has begun to emerge. In the field of civil engineering, big data technology has become indispensable, and the demand for talents in civil engineering and big data is increasing. As a result, the demand for training compound talents of civil engineering and big data is becoming stronger and stronger. This paper briefly introduces the concept of big data and lists the application status of big data technologies in civil engineering in domestic and abroad. Then it proposes the necessity of cultivating civil engineering and big data compound talents. Finally, it explores the training mode of compound talents for technology and application of civil engineering and big data.

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  • 最后修改日期:2018-09-25
  • 在线发布日期: 2019-08-19