



Construction of innovative practice teaching platform for postgraduates majoring in civil engineering under the background of emerging engineering education
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    From subject orientation to industry demand, from professional division to cross-border integration, and focusing on cultivating compound engineering talents is the basic connotation of emerging engineering education. As an important part of cultivating creative, innovative and entrepreneurial outstanding engineering talents in engineering majors, postgraduate practical teaching needs to be based on the background of emerging engineering education in colleges and universities, closely follow the basic theories and basic laws of postgraduate education, and explore and research innovative practical teaching models. In view of the lack of engineering, practicality, inquiry, and inspiration in practical teaching in colleges and universities, taking the construction of emerging engineering disciplines as the core orientation, the immersion experience of major and difficult engineering as the traction, highlighting interdisciplinary subjects, an innovative practical teaching platform for the training of civil engineering graduate students can be established. By explaining the basic concept of innovative practical teaching and discussing the mechanism of practical teaching in the cultivation of civil engineering postgraduate talents, the three basic cores of constructing innovative practical teaching platforms are clarified: highlighting innovation, and stimulating thinking leaps; immersing in major projects experience, and cultivating the literacy of engineers; emphasizing cutting-edge intersection, and cultivating the sense of smell of scientists. Highlighting the central subject position of students, respecting students’ personal interests and self-professional development orientation, and carrying out multi-interface modular practice teaching, four major reconstructions are realized: curriculum system reconstruction, teaching content reconstruction, teaching method reconstruction and evaluation system reconstruction. Since the implementation of innovative practice teaching reform, cutting-edge interdisciplinary research has started smoothly, and the quality of personnel training has improved significantly. The graduates trained have gone deep into the front lines of major military engineering research units, and are rapidly growing into leading various major national defense projects and performing major combat engineering support tasks. The backbone force has effectively promoted the transformation and upgrading of the civil engineering discipline of the college, and gradually formed a new paradigm of engineering education.

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  • 最后修改日期:2022-02-21
  • 在线发布日期: 2023-02-22