摘 要:课堂教学是国内高校的主要教学形式之一。然而目前教师“一言堂”、学生被动听讲的传统课堂模式呈现出一些明显的弊端,直接或间接导致学生课堂上接受知识的效果难以保证、学习缺乏主动性、学习兴趣与创新思维不能得到激励、对课堂内容理解较浅而遗忘迅速等。根据重庆大学学生对自身学习体验和心理需求的反馈,高校教学可以采取一种符合学生内在需求的教学模式,创设一个由实际问题驱动学生求知的情境和氛围,提高学生自主学习兴趣和动力。以问题为导向(PBL)教学模式即具有这样的特点。在PBL教学应用于土木工程专业课堂的过程中,教师需要对“问题”进行合理的设计,使之符合学生求学的动机和个人发展的需求;并采取一定的课堂教学策略,调动学生参与其中的积极性。
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Abstract: Classroom teaching is one of the main forms of teaching in domestic colleges and universities. However, the traditional classroom teaching pattern, where teachers give lectures throughout while students keep listening passively, has led to some visible problems. For example, it can be hard for undergraduates to ensure the quality of assimilating knowledge in class. Some students can forget the content of courses rapidly because of an inadequate command of it. Besides, the traditional pattern can result in undergraduates’ lack of initiative on learning as well as their failure to arouse interest in studies or creative thinking. According to the feedback on students’ learning experience and internal needs in Chongqing University, college teachers can arouse students’ initiative by adopting a teaching pattern satisfying students’ own needs and introducing practical problems to motivate students to study. The Problem-Based Learning (PBL) pedagogy meets the requirements above exactly. When implementing PBL teaching model in the class of civil engineering, college teachers are supposed to design appropriate problems which satisfy undergraduates’ motivation to study, i.e. their needs for a successful career. Some teaching strategies are also needed to motivate students to participate in the class actively.