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Engineering education and industrial development are mutually supportive and closely linked. The cultivation of engineering talents needed for economic and social development is the mission of engineering education and industrial development. Based on the development history of American engineering education and the history of industrial structure development, it integrates into the evolution of American engineering education paradigm, summarizing 1783 to 1990, the process from the first stage of the American engineering education technology paradigm to the scientific paradigm, the United States has transformed from a big agricultural country to a information country. And the relationship between engineering education and industrial structure has undergone three stages of response, adaptation and leading. And derived from 1990 to the present, that is, under the fourth industrial revolution, the engineering education of the return paradigm should lead the development of industrial structure.
2019年度华南理工大学高等教育研究基金项目“区域产业集群与学科集群融合之路径研究”;重点项目;编号 gj2019008