运用人的全面发展、协同发展理论,按照教师、教材、教法三教改革要求,基于“教什么”、“谁来教”、“怎么教”、“谁保障”等突出问题,在装配式建筑职业教育人才培养中,构建“课证岗进阶式” 的模块化课程融合机制、“科研反哺教学”的师资发展机制、“智能+”育训结合的教学改革机制 和“政产教研用”五维协同的人才培养保障机制,实现了育人理念、育人机制、育人平台和育人内容创新。
[Key word]
Based on theory of all-round development and coordinated development of people and focused on typical issues such as "what to teach", "who will teach", "how to teach", and "who guarantees", the authors proposed three mechanism majoring in prefabricated building in accordance with the reform requirements of teachers, teaching materials, and teaching methods. One is the modular curriculum integration mechanism of course, certificate and post. The second is the teacher development mechanism of research and teaching. The third is the teaching reform mechanism combining "intelligence +" education and training. The last is the five-dimensional collaborative training guarantee mechanism for government, industry, school, education and research. These mechanisms have realized the innovation of education concept, education mechanism, education platform and education content.
中国住房与城乡建设部建设科技项目“基于虚拟仿真技术的建设行业实训基地建设研究与应用”(编号:K82018304),主持人:郑周练;重庆市职业教育学会科研重点课题“基于建筑工程技术专业建设的1+X证书制度实践研究— 以装配式建筑构件制作与安装为例”(编号:2020ZJXH282009),主持人:钟焘。