“ LARP 780: Topics Theory Design: Curious Landscapes”是美国宾夕法尼亚大学 Master of Landscape Architecture (景观硕士项目)疫情期间新开设的线上创意型设计课程。本文通过对该课程的建构基础、教学组织、教学进程及内容的介绍,分析了该课程的教学特色,并针对我国基础教育中以逻辑思维训练为主而风景园林教育中感性思维开发又严重缺失的问题,提出了该课程将感性思维训练作为设计的基础、强调基于场地的体验性教学、鼓励好奇心、想象力和创造力、注重培养学生主动发现问题的能力、将想象转化为设计的基础等方面的借鉴意义。
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"LARP 780: Topics Theory Design: Curious Landscapes" is a new online creative design course offered by the Master of Landscape Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania during the pandemic. This paper analyzes the teaching characteristics of the course through the introduction of its framework, organization, process and content. In response to the problem that the basic education in China is dominated by logical thinking training while the development of perceptual thinking in landscape architecture education is seriously lacking, the significance of the curriculum in terms of taking perceptual thinking training as the basis of design, emphasizing site-based experiential teaching, encouraging curiosity, imagination and creativity, focusing on cultivating students" ability to actively discover problems, and transforming imagination into the basis of design are proposed.