土木与环境工程学报  2019, Vol. 41 Issue (2): 29-35   PDF    
赵国 , 陈建功     
重庆大学 土木工程学院; 山地城镇建设与新技术教育部重点实验室, 重庆 400045
关键词刚性挡墙    被动土压力    变分极限平衡法    滑裂面    
Variational method for computation of passive earth on retaining wall
Zhao Guo , Chen Jiangong     
School of Civil Engineering; Key Laboratory of New Technology for Construction of Cities in Mountain Area, Ministry of Education, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, P. R. China
Abstract: Considering an inclined rough retaining wall under the general conditions such as curvilinear fill, cohesive soil and uneven surface load, the functional extreme-value isoperimetric model about passive earth pressure is deduced based on the force equilibrium equations of the sliding mass. Then, the model can be transferred into a functional extreme-value problem with two undetermined functions by introducing Lagrange undetermined multiplier. According to Euler equations, Logarithmic spiral slip surface and normal stress distribution along the slip surface are obtained. Combined with the boundary conditions and transversality conditions, the conditional functional extremum problem of passive earth pressure involves searching the minimum of unconstrained optimizations of function with two unknown Lagrange multiplier. Results show that the passive earth pressure resultant force is minimal when the point of resultant force is on the lower bound and it increase nonlinearly as the point of resultant force moved up to the upper bound for general soil. Accordingly, the slip face evolves from logarithmic spiral face to plan. Although the magnitude of passive earth pressure reaches maximal that is the same with result calculated from Coulomb's theory, the application point of earth pressure is not at 1/3 height of the retaining wall. In addition, curvilinear fill and uneven surface load have significant effect on both the magnitude and location of application point of passive earth pressure.
Keywords: rigid retaining wall    passive earth pressure    variational limit equilibrium method    slip surface    

被动土压力的计算是挡土墙上土压力理论研究内容之一,除了对经典的朗肯土压力理论和库仑土压力理论进行扩展、补充外,学者们在考虑其他诸如土拱效应、强度理论、位移模式等方面也对被动土压力的计算进行了深入探讨。李永刚[1]、王立国等[2]考虑了土拱效应原理,按库仑理论得到土压力强度的计算方法。侯键等[3]对平移模式下刚性挡土墙和滑裂面间处于被动极限平衡状态的楔形土体进行应力分析,推导了基于土拱原理的被动土压力系数和滑裂面水平倾角, 并提出被动土压力分布、土压力合力及其作用位置公式。Chang[4]、蒋波等[5]和杨泰华等[6-9]对不同变位模式下的非极限主动土压力进行计算,提出考虑位移效应的被动土压力计算理论。程康等[10]推导了平动模式下非饱和土填土挡墙的被动土压力系数及被动土压力解析解。赵均海等[11]考虑基质吸力等因素的影响,结合双剪强度理论,建立了非饱和土库仑被动土压力的统一解。

变分极限平衡法最早是由Kopácsy提出的[12-14]。李兴高、刘维宁等[15-17]基于墙后滑楔体整体极限平衡方程,建立了被动土压力计算的泛函极值模型,计算结果表明, 挡墙背后土体存在两种被动临界状态,两种状态的计算结果就是被动土压力大小的一个区间估计。该方法所建模型为填土面水平、墙背垂直的情况,不能用于一般情况。对于承受被动土压力的挡土墙(如桥台),有必要研究合力作用点位置对被动土压力大小的影响,本文考虑在一般情况下(倾斜墙背,填土表面非均匀堆载, 墙后为黏性土体,坡面为曲面),利用变分法原理,提出基于合力作用点位置的被动土压力计算方法,由此可以得到挡墙被动土压力的大小和作用点位置的范围。

1 被动土压力变分计算模型

设挡土墙高为H,坡面形状为y = g(x),倾斜角为α,墙后土体容重为γ,墙土间的摩擦角为δ,黏聚力为c、内摩擦角为φq(x)为作用在坡面上的竖向压力集度。考虑极限平衡条件下墙后土体形成滑动楔体,假定其滑裂面通过挡墙墙踵,用曲线y = s(x)表示,Pp为挡土墙对滑动土体的作用合力,其值等于被动土压力合力。σ(x)、τ(x)为滑裂面上的法向和切向应力,点B为滑裂面的上端的点,其X坐标为x1A为墙背的上端点,其X坐标为x2点,x2 = -tan α,被动土压力作用点位置至墙踵的垂直距离与挡土墙高度的比值称为作用点位置系数ξ,见图 1。滑楔体OAB的静力平衡方程为

图 1 计算模型示意图 Fig. 1 Sketch map of computation model

由∑X = 0得

$ P_{\mathrm{p}} \sin (\delta+\alpha)-\int_{0}^{x_{1}} \tau \mathrm{d} x-\int_{0}^{x_{1}} \sigma s^{\prime} \mathrm{d} x=0 $ (1)

由∑Y = 0得

$ \begin{array}{l}{P_{\mathrm{p}} \cos (\delta+\alpha)-\int_{0}^{x_{1}} \tau s^{\prime} \mathrm{d} x+\int_{0}^{x_{1}} \sigma \mathrm{d} x-\int_{0}^{x_{1}} q \mathrm{d} x-} \\ {\int_{x_{2}}^{0}[\gamma(g-k x)+q] \mathrm{d} x-\int_{0}^{x_{1}} \gamma(g-s) \mathrm{d} x=0}\end{array} $ (2)

由∑MO = 0得

$ \begin{array}{c}{P_{\mathrm{p}} \cos \delta \frac{\xi H}{\sin \alpha}+\int_{x_{2}}^{0}[\gamma(g-k x)+q] x \mathrm{d} x+} \\ {\int_{0}^{x_{1}}\left[\left(x s^{\prime}-s\right) \tau-\left(x+s s^{\prime}\right) \sigma+\right.} \\ {q x+(g-s) \gamma x ] \mathrm{d} x=0}\end{array} $ (3)

式中:s′ = ds/dxk = tan α,滑裂面上的应力遵循Mohr-Coulomb破坏准则,即

$ \tau=n_{1} \sigma+c $ (4)

式中:n1 = tan φ



$ J=M_{\mathrm{p}}+z_{0}=\int_{0}^{x_{1}} F_{0} \mathrm{d} x $ (5)


$ M_{\mathrm{p}}=P_{\mathrm{p}} \frac{\xi H \cos \delta}{\sin \alpha}; $
$ \begin{aligned} F_{0}=&\left(x+s s^{\prime}+n_{1} s-n_{1} s^{\prime} x\right) \sigma-(g-s) \gamma x-\\ & s^{\prime} x c+s c-q x ;\end{aligned} $
$ z_{0}=\int_{x_{2}}^{0}[\gamma(g-k x)+q] x \mathrm{d} x=\mathrm{const}。$


$ \int_{0}^{x_{1}}\left(z_{1} F_{0}+F_{1}\right) \mathrm{d} x=z_{2} $ (6)


$ F_{1}=\left(-n_{1}-s^{\prime}\right) \sigma-c; $
$ z_{1}=\frac{\sin \alpha \sin (\alpha+\delta)}{\xi H \cos \delta}=\mathrm{const}; $
$ z_{2}=z_{0} z_{1}=\text { const }。$


$ \int_{0}^{x_{1}}\left(z_{3} F_{0}+F_{2}\right) \mathrm{d} x=z_{4} $ (7)


$ F_{2}=\left(-n_{1} s^{\prime}+1\right) \sigma-c s^{\prime}-q-\gamma(g-s); $
$ z_{3}=\frac{\sin \alpha \cos (\alpha+\delta)}{\xi H \cos \delta}=\mathrm{const}; $
$ z_{4}=z_{0} z_{3}-\int_{x_{2}}^{0}[\gamma(g-k x)+q] \mathrm{d} x。$


$ \begin{array}{c}{J^{*}=\int_{0}^{x_{1}} F \mathrm{d} x} \\ {F=F_{0}+\lambda_{1} F_{1}+\lambda_{2} F_{2}}\end{array} $ (8)


1) Euler微分方程

$ \frac{\partial F}{\partial \sigma}-\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d} x}\left(\frac{\partial F}{\partial \sigma^{\prime}}\right)=0 $ (9)
$ \frac{\partial F}{\partial s}-\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d} x}\left(\frac{\partial F}{\partial s^{\prime}}\right)=0 $ (10)

2) 约束方程


3) 边界条件

$ s(0)=0 $ (11)
$ s\left(x_{1}\right)=g\left(x_{1}\right) $ (12)

4) 横截条件

$ \left.\left(F-s^{\prime} \frac{\partial F}{\partial s}+g^{\prime} \frac{\partial F}{\partial s^{\prime}}\right)\right|_{x=x_{1}}=0 $ (13)
2 被动土压力变分计算模型的求解


$ \frac{\mathrm{d} s}{\mathrm{d} x}=\frac{x+n_{1} s-\lambda_{1} n_{1}+\lambda_{2}}{n_{1} x-s+\lambda_{1}+\lambda_{2} n_{1}} $ (14)


$ u=x+\lambda_{2}, v=s-\lambda_{1} $ (15)

坐标平移后的模型见图 2

图 2 坐标变换后的计算模型 Fig. 2 Computation model after coordinate transformation

w = v/u,则微分方程式(14)变为

$ w+u \frac{\mathrm{d} w}{\mathrm{d} u}=\frac{n_{1} w+1}{n_{1}-w} $ (16)


$ \ln \left[u^{2}\left(1+w^{2}\right)\right]=2 n_{1} \arctan w+z_{5} $ (17)


$ u=r \cos \theta, v=r \sin \theta $ (18)


$ r=z_{6} \mathrm{e}^{n_{1} \theta} $ (19)


s(0) = 0得原坐标原点O在新坐标中为u0 = λ2v0 = -λ1,新坐标中O点的极坐标为(r0, θ0),则滑裂面方程为

$ r=r_{0} \mathrm{e}^{-n_{1}\left(\theta_{0}-\theta\right)} $ (20)

式中:${r_0} = \sqrt {\lambda _1^2 + \lambda _2^2} $

$ \left\{\begin{array}{cc}{\theta_{0}=-\arctan \left(\lambda_{1} / \lambda_{2}\right)} & {\lambda_{2}>0} \\ {\theta_{0}=-\pi-\arctan \left(\lambda_{1} / \lambda_{2}\right)} & {\lambda_{2} \leqslant 0}\end{array}\right. $



$ \begin{array}{c}{-2 n_{1} \sigma+\left(-n_{1} x+s-\lambda_{1}-n_{1} \lambda_{2}\right) \sigma^{\prime}-} \\ {\gamma x-\lambda_{2} \gamma-2 c=0}\end{array} $ (21)


$ \frac{\mathrm{d} \sigma}{\mathrm{d} \theta}+2 n_{1} \sigma=-2 c-\gamma r_{0} \mathrm{e}^{-n_{1}\left(\theta_{0}-\theta\right)} \cos \theta $ (22)


$ \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {\sigma = {\rm{e}}\int_{{\theta _1}}^\theta - 2{n_1}{\rm{d}}\theta \left( {{z_7} + \int_{{\theta _1}}^\theta ( 2c - } \right.}\\ {\gamma {r_0}{{\rm{e}}^{ - {n_1}\left( {{\theta _0} - \theta } \right)}}\cos \theta ){\rm{e}}\int_{{\theta _1}}^\theta 2 {n_{{1^{{\rm{d}}\theta }}}}{\rm{d}}\theta )} \end{array} $

式中:z7为积分常数;θ1为任意角度,可取θ1 = 0。

$ \begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {\sigma = {z_7}{{\rm{e}}^{ - 2{n_1}\theta }} - }\\ {\frac{{\gamma {r_0}{{\rm{e}}^{ - {n_1}\left( {{\theta _O} - \theta } \right)}}\left( {\sin \theta + 3{n_1}\cos \theta } \right) - 3{n_1}\gamma {r_0}{{\rm{e}}^{ - {n_1}\left( {{\theta _O} + 2\theta } \right)}}}}{{1 + 9n_1^2}} - }\\ {\frac{c}{{{n_1}}}} \end{array} $ (23)


$ \begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {\sigma \left( {{x_1}} \right) = \sigma \left( {{\theta _1}} \right) = }\\ {\frac{{\cos {\theta _1}\left( {q\left( {{x_1}} \right) + cg'\left( {{x_1}} \right)} \right) - c\sin {\theta _1}}}{{\sin {\theta _1}\left( {g'\left( {{x_1}} \right) - {n_1}} \right) + \cos {\theta _1}\left( {1 - {n_1}g'\left( {{x_1}} \right)} \right)}}} \end{array} $ (24)


$ \begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{z_7} = {{\rm{e}}^{2{n_1}{\theta _1}}} \cdot }\\ {\left[ {\frac{c}{{{n_1}}} + \frac{{\cos {\theta _1}\left( {q\left( {{x_1}} \right) + cg'\left( {{x_1}} \right)} \right) - c {\rm{sin}}{\theta _1}}}{{\sin {\theta _1}\left( {g'\left( {{x_1}} \right) + {n_1}} \right) + \cos {\theta _1}\left( {1 - {n_1}g'\left( {{x_1}} \right)} \right)}} + } \right.}\\ {\left. {\frac{{\gamma {r_0}{{\rm{e}}^{ - {n_1}\left( {{\theta _0} - {\theta _1}} \right)}}\left( {\sin {\theta _1} + 3{n_1}\cos {\theta _1}} \right) - 3{n_1}\gamma {r_0}{{\rm{e}}^{ - {n_1}\left( {{\theta _0} + 2{\theta _1}} \right)}}}}{{1 + 9n_1^2}}} \right]} \end{array} $


$ \begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {\mathit{\Phi }\left( {{\lambda _1},{\lambda _2}} \right) = {{\left[ {\int_0^{{x_1}} {\left( {{z_1}{F_0} + {F_1}} \right)} {\rm{d}}x - {z_2}} \right]}^2} + }\\ {{{\left[ {\int_0^{{x_1}} {\left( {{z_3}{F_0} + {F_2}} \right)} {\rm{d}}x - {z_4}} \right]}^2} = 0} \end{array} $ (25)


3 算例分析

设挡土墙墙高6 m,墙后为砂土,重度γ = 18 kN/m3,内聚力c = 0,内摩擦角φ = 30°,挡土墙倾角α = 70°,挡墙与土体的摩擦角δ = 10°,坡面倾角β = 20°,上部堆载q = 10 kPa。

计算结果见图 3,图中Φ曲线存在一Φ = 0的水平直线段,此直线段的ξ系数变化范围就是被动土压力合力作用点的位置系数范围,存在上下界限值(此例中下限值ξd = 0.336 9,上限值ξu = 0.535 5),在此范围内,Φ = 0,也即是说,当土压力的合力作用点位于距墙锺2.02~3.21 m范围内时,墙后土体可以达到极限平衡状态。图 4为被动土压力合力随作用点位置系数ξ的变化曲线,图 5为滑裂面随作用点位置系数ξ的变化情况。随着作用点位置系数的增大,被动土压力呈非线性增长,在作用点位置下限处,被动土压力最小,滑裂面为对数螺旋曲面,但随着作用点位置的上移,曲率半径逐渐增大,到上限处变为平面,此时,被动土压力值达到最大。

图 3 Φ函数计算结果 Fig. 3 Calculated result of function Φ

图 4 被动土压力随系数ξ的变化曲线 Fig. 4 The curves of varied passive pressure according the coefficient ξ

图 5 不同ξ对应的不同滑裂面曲线 Fig. 5 The different curves of slip face according to different values of ξ

4 与库仑土压力理论结果对比

按变分法的计算结果与按库仑公式的计算结果见表 1。可以看出,当作用点位置在上界限时,即滑裂面为平面时,被动土压力值与按库仑公式得到的土压力值是一致的,但合力作用点位置却不一致,这主要是因为库仑理论假定土压力线性分布,且不考虑土楔体力矩平衡条件。按变分法的计算结果,当滑裂面为平面时,滑裂面上的应力分布呈非线性,相应的土压力分布也应是非线性的。

表 1 变分法与库仑土压力理论的计算结果比较 Table 1 Result comparing of passive earth pressure using variational method and using Coulomb theory

图 6所示为库仑理论的挡土墙模型,取墙后部分三角形滑动土楔体ABD作为研究对象,如图 7所示。Pp(y)为墙背对滑楔体的支撑反力合力,也即被动土压力合力;R(y)为不动土体对滑楔体的反力合力;G(y)为土体ABD的重量;Q(y)为作用在AD面上竖向压力。

图 6 库仑刚性挡土墙模型图 Fig. 6 COULOMB's Model of retaining wall

图 7 土楔体ABD受力分析 Fig. 7 mechanical analysis on sliding wedge ABD

土楔体ABD的力平衡条件见图 8,由三角形正弦定理可得

$ \frac{{{P_{\rm{p}}}(y)}}{{\sin (\theta + \varphi )}} = \frac{{R(y)}}{{\sin (\alpha + \delta )}} $ (26)
图 8 土楔体ABD的力平衡条件 Fig. 8 Force equilibrium of sliding wedge ABD


$ \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {{P_{\rm{p}}}(y) = \int_0^y {{p_{\rm{p}}}} (y){\rm{d}}y}\\ {R(y) = \int_0^{{y_{\rm{D}}}} r (y){\rm{d}}y} \end{array}} \right. $ (27)


$ \int_{0}^{y} p_{\mathrm{p}}(y) \mathrm{d} y=\frac{\sin (\theta+\varphi)}{\cos (\alpha+\delta)} \int_{0}^{y_{\mathrm{D}}} r(y) \mathrm{d} y $ (28)


$ y_{\mathrm{D}}=\frac{y}{\sin \alpha} \cdot \frac{\sin (\alpha+\beta)}{\sin (\theta-\beta)} \cdot \sin \theta $ (29)


$ p_{\mathrm{p}}(y)=\frac{\sin (\theta+\varphi)}{\cos (\alpha+\delta)} \frac{\sin \theta}{\sin \alpha} \cdot \frac{\sin (\alpha+\beta)}{\sin (\theta-\beta)} \cdot r\left(y_{\mathrm{D}}\right) $ (30)

式中:$r\left({{y_{\rm{D}}}} \right) = \frac{{\sigma \left({{x_D}} \right)}}{{\cos \varphi }}$σ(xD)为滑裂面上D点的正应力,可由式(23)计算得到。通过变分法计算滑面上的正应力及滑面倾角,就可通过式(30)得到被动土压力强度的非线性分布。图 9即为算例中当滑裂面为平面时的被动土压力强度分布图。

图 9 土压力强度分布图 Fig. 9 Distribution of earth pressure

表 1中的安全系数一栏是指按库仑公式进行挡墙的抗倾覆设计,取1.5的安全系数时所对应的按本文方法计算的抗倾覆安全系数范围。若按库仑理论进行设计,实际的被动土压力合力作用点位置比库仑理论设定的要高,其安全系数达不到1.5的要求,所以,应优化挡墙的结构,控制挡墙的变位模式,使合力作用点降低,提高抗倾覆安全系数。

5 坡面起伏和非均匀超载对被动土压力的影响

设挡墙高6 m,墙后土重度γ = 18 kN/m3,内聚力c = 10 kPa,内摩擦角φ = 20°,挡土墙倾角α = 70°,坡面形状函数g(x)和非均匀超载q(x)均用三角函数模拟坡面的起伏和非均匀超载。表 2为计算结果,可以看出,被动土压力合力和作用点受坡面的起伏以及坡面超载的不均匀性影响不能忽视。

表 2 考虑坡面起伏及非均匀超载的计算结果 Table 2 Computed results considering surface undulation of earth filling and uneven surface load

6 结论


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