XU Xuan bin , PENG Ke shan , HU Pu hui , LIU Yan feng
2002, 8(4):1-8.
Abstract:According to the conditions of the deterioration of vegetation and year to year increase of desertization in west China, this paper first analyzes the formation and damage of sandstorm. And then it proposes five countermeasures which including implement
2002, 8(4):9-12.
Abstract:通过对城市形象概念、特征和构建原则的分析 ,针对重庆城市形象构建中存在的问题 ,提出构建方案 ,在此基础上着重论述了构建 2 1世纪重庆特色城市形象的经济含义
2002, 8(4):13-15.
Abstract:The implementation of market admission system for green food is an important project of WTO. Competition in green food industry will be a focus for agricultural production in the world and China in the 21st century. Green food has a large market potential
PENG Xiao dong , YANG Xin ya , CAO Jing
2002, 8(4):16.
Abstract:Through rethinking of library resources and analyzing of the status of share resources in academic libraries in Chongqing, this paper puts forward the strategies on co constructing a share information resources network of academic libraries in Chongqing,
GUO De hong , LI Chuan zhao , HUANG Jun
2002, 8(4):19-22.
Abstract:On the basis of the theory of third-party logistics operating system and game theory, this paper analyzes emphatically all sorts of faults made by the industrial and commercial enterprises in the course of carrying out the strategy of third party logisti
2002, 8(4):23-25.
Abstract:在我国产业结构优化升级的历史进程中 ,作为生力军的高校科技企业其开发与生产的高新技术产品或服务的技术创新速度快、技术创新方向不易预测 ,由此 ,蕴含着极大的投资风险 ,基于此 ,按照资本市场运作要求建立高校科技企业R&D投资机制 ,创业投资不仅能够扶持符合技术和市场潮流的企业迅速发展 ,而且还可以有效化解和分散投资风险
2002, 8(4):26-28.
Abstract:The imagery thoughts is the aesthetic source and center of Chinese ancient art forms. This thesis not only studys on its concept and meaning,but also emphasizes on some basic appearences caused by its influence on aesthetic thoughts,art forms in the histo
2002, 8(4):29-31.
2002, 8(4):32-34.
Abstract:流沙河是一位非常讲究诗歌形式美的诗人。本文论述了构成流沙河诗歌形式美的三种形态—整齐对称美、抑扬顿挫美和音韵回环美 ,并探讨了其形成原因及在当代诗坛的美学价值
2002, 8(4):35-37.
Abstract:司汤达的小说《红与黑》 ,通过主人公于连与两个女人之间的爱情描写 ,反映了法国大革命后王政复辟时期整整一代小资产阶级青年的憧憬、追求、奋斗、苦闷 ,从中可以看到当时法国的整个社会风貌 ,也揭露和鞭挞了查理十世的黑暗统治。《红与黑》不愧为批判现实主义的奠基力作
2002, 8(4):38-41.
2002, 8(4):42-47.
Abstract:中国民间木版年画有两千多年的历史 ,在漫长的历史长河中 ,它广泛的题材和丰富的内容始终紧贴民风民俗 ,它那独特的造型手段和色彩表现方法始终受到人民大众的喜爱 ,而且长久兴盛不衰。本文将从它的造型规律和色彩规律两方面进行研究 ,这对于我们继承和吸收民间木版年画的精华以及在现代绘画中的创新都有启发意义和借鉴价值
2002, 8(4):48-51.
Abstract:It is unusual that non voluntary immigration is excluded from the theoretical study of international immigration. As the mainstream of Chinese immigration history, non voluntary immigration has played an important role in the social and economic develop
2002, 8(4):52-54.
Abstract:近期阿富汗妇女成为世人关注的焦点。在许多人眼里 ,塔利班对妇女的歧视和限制达到无以复加的地步。本文论述 1919年阿富汗独立后妇女地位的历史演变
2002, 8(4):55-57.
Abstract:本文阐述了邓小平现代化的价值取向、目标、动力等理论和江泽民现代化的新目标构想、体制创新、新举措等 ,从而论证了江泽民提出的新观点、新决策是对邓小平现代化理论的丰富和发展
2002, 8(4):58-61.
Abstract:2 0世纪 90年代兴起的重塑政府运动取得成功的最大挑战不是来自外部而是来自政府自身对政府重塑的挑战。实施政府绩效管理是政府自身管理改革的重点。因此 ,政府绩效管理的主要障碍也是重塑政府面临的最大挑战。消除政府绩效管理的障碍是重塑政府成功的关键。本文运用制度分析的方法对政府绩效管理中的障碍进行了解析 ,认为政府绩效管理主要的障碍在于政府绩效管理中对于政府官僚机构和政府管理人员的激励制度的匮乏。政府绩效管理的激励制度可以通过分权、竞争以及收益共享和节余分享等途径提供
2002, 8(4):62-64.
Abstract:This paper discusses that "three innovation" is the fundamental way to practice "three representative". The theoretical innovation is the thought basis, the institutional innovation is the institutional guarantee, and the innovation of science and techno
2002, 8(4):65-68.
Abstract:运用马克思主义的立场、观点和方法 ,根据马克思主义与时俱进的理论品质和邓小平理论体系的科学性以及江泽民“三个代表”的重要思想 ,认真回答了当今困扰人们思想的两条道路“趋同论”、社会主义“剥削论”、工人阶级地位“下降论”、公有经济“私有化论”几个重大理论是非问题 ,对于进一步统一人们思想 ,高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜 ,坚定走有中国特色社会主义道路的信念具有重要理论指导意义
2002, 8(4):69-72.
Abstract:In the article, the author first analyzes nine problems of the internet public opinion in Chinese central cities and their reasons, then points out some countermeasures: reinforcing leadership, building team, conducting rightly, fortifying function, linki
LIANG Jian chun , LI Zhi , WU Shao qi , PENG Jian guo
2002, 8(4):73-75.
Abstract:The article first discusses the contents, methods and tools of personnel assessment, then points out some deficiencies in personnel assessment, and finally suggests that it should be necessary to work on studying the systems of psychological assessment be
2002, 8(4):76-78.
Abstract:The idea of people and nature in concert and harmony is the important thought which proposed under the background of the appearance of the serious ecological problems on the initial stage in the 21st century. The idea includes Marxism's ecological concept
2002, 8(4):79-82.
Abstract:无权处分实质上是物权形式主义下的概念 ,是指没有处分权的人擅自处分财产的行为。针对《合同法》第 5 1条、第132条提出质疑并作出合理的体系化解释 ,认为出卖没有处分权的物的合同有效 ,第 132条也只是倡导性的规定。相对独立的处分行为则由于出卖人的无权处分而不成立或者无效。无权处分中的善意受让人可以基于物权公信原则得到保护 ,物权公信及相应的权利正确性推定实际上是优于善意取得制度的一项制度
2002, 8(4):83-85.
Abstract:The alteration conditions of reprieve of death penalty are stipulated more definitely in revised criminal procedure law and crimal law in PRC. But these provisons have more room to be discussed. This thesis makes some exploring research into these issues.
2002, 8(4):86-89.
Abstract:To turn the Principle of "No One Is Punished Twice for One Offense" into reality brings a lot of disputes in academic circles and department of law enforcement. The reason lies in that the Principle has not been officially founded in Chinese Administrativ
2002, 8(4):90-92.
Abstract:The new marriage law and legistalative explaination set the fault compensation system for the first time. This will do great benefit to protect the no-fault party and to punish the fault party.This paper analyzes the existing and compensation domain of fa
2002, 8(4):93-96.
Abstract:Drug addicts,as a rule,may chiefly experience the following phases of attempting to take drugs:being curious,hankering for some kind of pleasant sensation and seeking a way of making an escape from the real life before absolutely indulging themselves in d
2002, 8(4):97-99.
Abstract:Combinative crime, imaginative joinder of offense, implicated offense and aggregated consequential offense are not plural crimes. However, there are arguments and ambiguous conceptions about their constitutive requirements and differences. The author aims
2002, 8(4):100-103.
Abstract:A text refers to any natural language which can express complete semantic sense but not necessarily restricted by syntactical grammar in a certain contextual situation. Discourse coherence is an essential constituent and one of the vital subjects studying
2002, 8(4):104-106.
Abstract:The figure of speech is an unusual mode of expression that gives variety or force by using words out of their literal meaning and suggesting similitudes which provoke thought. It is the most widely used rhetoric in all languages as well as a way for peopl
2002, 8(4):107-110.
Abstract:Politeness, as a symbol of human civilization, is a universal phenomenon of the human society. However, different cultures have different criteria and ways of expression concerning politeness, thus rendering this word different connotations. Politeness it
2002, 8(4):111-113.
Abstract:Although it belongs to the German language, the Austrian German is unknown to most people. Similar to the German used in Germany and Switzerland, the Austrian German is a variety of the standard German language. It has not only common properties but also
2002, 8(4):114-116.
Abstract:The effectiveness is getting poor in the traditional organization of school. The developing of internet education produce a new organization in the true. On one hand, traditional organization of school has its own effectiveness, on the other hand, the new
LI Ben bo , HE Li juan , LEI Sen
2002, 8(4):117-119.
Abstract:The ISO9000 quality standards have been used extensively in setting up quality assurance management systems. This paper first analyzes the application of the eight quality management principles in the educational institution, then discusses the necessity
2002, 8(4):120-121.
Abstract:The strategy of the Great Western Development is a significant policy of the central government. At this turning point, universities and colleges in the west should use their own conditions to give prominence to postgraduate courses, transform educational
2002, 8(4):122-123.
Abstract:Based on constructionism, a model of layering network instruction depending on IP network and information agents is proposed. Some ideal results show that this model has a vast range of application prospect in higher education.
2002, 8(4):124-126.
Abstract:The logistic socialisation reforms are becoming key issue in Chinese universities. This paper firstly analyzes the challenges that Chinese universities are facing, including the huge demand and construction of university buildings and infrastructure, syst
2002, 8(4):127-128.
Abstract:Student management is a major part of education in medical colleges. How to further enhance the management efficiency is one of the important tasks which are worth studying,while deeper study is being conducted about the requirement put on talents by soci
TANG Liang dan , TANG Jun ying , YE Zhi mei
2002, 8(4):129-130.
Abstract:On the basis of analyzing the problems in current teaching system, this paper proposes that the key of cultivating innovative talents should be change the traditional conception with the subject and intelligence as the center. It should set up the educat
XIE Zhi jiang , JIANG He sheng , TAO Gui bao , SUN Hong yan , ZHANG Ji sheng
2002, 8(4):131-133.
Abstract:2 1世纪的人才竞争是综合素质的竞争。作为人才摇篮的高等学府 ,正竞相探索新的教育方法 ,转变教育思想观念 ,逐渐从重视“工程科学”转向重视“工程综合应用” ,以提高学生的综合能力 ,培养出高素质的技术型人才。本文从《机电工程案例分析》课程研究的必要性、案例教学法的概念与特点及具体实施方法等方面 ,论述案例分析是机电工程教学和培养学生技术能力的有效手段
2002, 8(4):134-136.
Abstract:Depending on the requirement of software engineering teaching, this paper argues the necessity of construction of software engineering courses system. It then puts forward a three tiered architecture of the software engineering courses and its improvemen
XIA Hong , DING Yi , ZHANG Qing wei
2002, 8(4):137-138140.
Abstract:The characteristics of expressing knowledge with Multimedia-Computer Aided Instruction software and teaching in classroom with CAI courseware is detailed in this paper, and the distinguish with traditional method of teaching in classroom is present too. T
LIU Yun , QI Hong bo , WANG Yong , HU Li na , LIU Wei chao
2002, 8(4):139-140.
Abstract:This paper first analyzes the necessities of multimedia medical teaching. Combining with the application of multimedia technology in medical teaching, it then discusses the teaching methods and the development direction.
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