• Volume 17,Issue 4,2011 Table of Contents
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      2011, 17(4):0-2.

      Abstract (1299) HTML (0) PDF 378.39 K (1354) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Management and Building Theory: The Strategies of Research on Chinese Native Management

      2011, 17(4):1-7.

      Abstract (2133) HTML (0) PDF 1.35 M (1363) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The major contributor to global management knowledge is scholarship in developed economies,especially in North America and Western Europe. The development of global management knowledge lags behind the globalization of business enterprises. With the emergence of many developing economies around the world,progress in building the body of global management knowledge could be enhanced by encouraging high quality indigenous research in these novel contexts. This essay discusses two types of context-sensitive research. It argues the need for high quality indigenous research,using the influential studies on management in the Chinese context as illustrations. It offers guidelines on conducting high quality indigenous research that produces contextualized knowledge on the one hand and contributes to global knowledge on the other.

    • Integrating Chineseand Western Management Research

      2011, 17(4):8-12.

      Abstract (1936) HTML (0) PDF 1003.27 K (1178) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This commentary offers several directions for the development of Chinese management research based on the penetrating analyses provided by Barney and Zhang (2009) and Whetten (2009). First and foremost,Chinese management researchers can develop novel,seminal ideas and theories that are not necessarily tied to the Chinese cultural context but are applicable in diverse cultural contexts. The success of this approach depends on the merit of the ideas and theories proposed. A fusion,or combined emic-etic approach,can also be attempted,which integrates elements from Western and indigenous theories. Finally,the synergistic approach involves a dynamic interplay of Chinese and Western management research,which will eventually lead to innovative,culture-general theories. This article argues that all three approaches should be emphasized in Chinese management research.

    • Chinese Management Research at a Crossroads: Some Philosophical Considerations

      2011, 17(4):13-18.

      Abstract (1779) HTML (0) PDF 1.27 M (1182) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this commentary,I discuss some philosophical issues related to contextualizing Chinese management research. First,it should be noted that contextualization can be interpreted in different ways by different philosophical perspectives. Second,the Duhem-Quine thesis implies that replications,in the form of empirical generalization,are an appropriate means of testing Western theories in a Chinese context. Third,owing to the difficulty of conclusively falsifying management theories,attempts to create theories that explain unique Chinese management phenomena may lead to theory proliferation and the perpetuation of weak,or even false,theories. Finally,I propose the study of empirical regularities as an alternative to the theory application and theory creation approaches.

    • Driving Factors, Decomposition Analysis Model and Empirical Study on Regional Carbon Emissions Change

      2011, 17(4):19-24.

      Abstract (2590) HTML (0) PDF 1.47 M (1285) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on analyzing driving factors of regional carbon emissions change which is included of energy structure, energy emission intensity, energy efficiency and economic development factors, this paper sets up a decomposition analysis model of regional carbon emissions change by employing logarithmic mean weigh division index method (LMDI). Moreover, through a case study of Chongqing, it acquires data of energy, population, economy and other basic data of Chongqing from 1997 to 2009 to empirical study. Empirical evaluation shows that: carbon emissions and per capita carbon emissions in Chongqing present an obviously upward trend with time series, their evolution trends are very similar and both show two-phases (smooth evolution and rapid evolution) feature. In addition, factor analysis of carbon emission change shows that the contribution value to carbon emissions per capita of economic development factors is increasing year by year, and economic development factors are main factors of driving a rapid growth of carbon emissions in Chongqing. The inhibitory effect of energy efficiency factors on carbon emissions per capita is increasing gradually, which plays a greater inhibition role in carbon emissions per capita. However, the inhibitory effect of energy structure factors on carbon emissions per capita is not significant. Finally, some policy recommendations on controlling carbon emissions in Chongqing are put forward based on empirical analysis.

    • Framework System and Routes for Transformation into Low Carbon City

      2011, 17(4):25-32.

      Abstract (2171) HTML (0) PDF 2.67 M (1094) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:City is the origin of force to promoting low-carbon economy. This paper analyzes the restraint factors under the development of low-carbon city in China, establishes a dynamic system framework for low-carbon city based on economy, society, energy, environment, technology and urban construction. Then, the author illustrates the characteristics and necessity for the transformation from a old industrial base to a low-carbon city taken Chongqing as example, meanwhile, establishes the developing routes of low-carbon city in Chongqing.

    • Low-carbon Economic Difficulties:Market Failure, Government Failure and Countermeasures

      2011, 17(4):41-46.

      Abstract (2316) HTML (0) PDF 1.30 M (1157) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As a kind of the world's popular idea to response the crisis of ecological, economic and social development, low-carbon economy has made rapid propagate in China. But because of the restriction on technical and institutional innovation, low-carbon economic development is still facing market failure and government failure in China. The text introduces two concepts: political convergence and economic convergence, which invented by Anthony Giddens, and puts forward some transform measures for the government and enterprise behaviors to resolve market and government failure.

    • A Differential Game between Local Government andReal Estate Speculators:Dynamic Property Tax Rate Design for Local Government

      2011, 17(4):47-54.

      Abstract (2027) HTML (0) PDF 2.36 M (1172) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Government’s original intention of property tax reformation was to inhibit housing speculation, rather than seize benefit from local resident.Whether local government’s property tax policy was valid depended on tax receipt and residents’ welfare. By quantifying them to set local government’s objective function, also quantifying the speculation revenue to set estate speculators’ objective function, Stackelberg differential game model was available to analyze the government’s dynamic optimal tax rate strategy, as well as speculators’ dynamic optimal house hoarding ratio strategy. The government’s operative norms are elaborated and several main conclusions are obtained: 1)Local government’s dynamic optimal adjustment of property tax rate should be synchronized with speculators’ actions as possible; 2)Rate adjustment should follow: improper too long interval, each time slight variation, consistent varying tendency; 3)Even if the house-hoarding behaviors disappear, property tax still would not be abolished. It is appropriate to maintain a dynamic critical rate for just inhibiting the motivation of house-hoarding; 4)In order to avoid property tax is transferred, high rate should be adopted at the very beginning of property tax reformation.

    • The Decision-making Method and Empirical Analysis of City Location Strategy as Traffic Change

      2011, 17(4):55-61.

      Abstract (1805) HTML (0) PDF 1.46 M (1135) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A relationship structural model about traffic and the city location strategy localization has been established in this paper, and also an algorithm of traffic condition change affecting the city radiation scope and a decision program of the city location strategy localization are set up. The author thus supplements and develops the breaking point theory, and provides scientific basis for positioning of many cities in China. At last, taking Chongqing city as an example, the paper analyzes the localization strategy of Chongqing city under the new traffic environment.

    • Structure and Influence of Tacit Knowledge Sharing Network in High-tech Enterprises

      2011, 17(4):62-67.

      Abstract (2356) HTML (0) PDF 1.75 M (1282) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to explore the structure of the network about tacit knowledge sharing and its effect on tacit knowledge sharing in the high-tech enterprises, based on the social network theories, this paper is from the network density, centrality and structural holes of the important dimensions to explore, and select high-tech enterprise's core knowledge team as the research object. The results show that there are some problems and weaknesses in tacit knowledge sharing networks, and reveal the structure of tacit knowledge sharing network and its structural constraints on tacit knowledge sharing knowledge workers. This paper is to establish an effective knowledge-sharing network, so the employees can contribute the maximum of their accumulated tacit knowledge, to provide a theoretical reference for high-tech enterprises use the collective wisdom to enhance the innovative capability.

    • Property, Accounting Information and Executives Compensation

      2011, 17(4):68-74.

      Abstract (1794) HTML (0) PDF 1.26 M (996) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Compared with the executive’s compensation between the state-owned and private holding company, the private holding company relies more heavily on accounting information than state-owned holding company in executive’s compensation contacts. There is not the same conclusion between strong and weak state-owned holding company. Additionally, it is also found the state-owned holding company pays more compensation to their executives than the private holding company.

    • The Duration and Determinants of the Impact of Disasters on Enterprise Value of Listed Companies

      2011, 17(4):75-80.

      Abstract (1710) HTML (0) PDF 1.26 M (982) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper examines the impact and its duration of the May 12 earthquake on the enterprise value of local listed companies in China by event study method which is suitable for the event with cluster effect, and finds out the influential factors which contribute to the different performance of the local stocks after the earthquake by stepwise regression. The empirical results indicate that the overall significant impact on local listed companies lasts until the 10th day after the event. During this period, the industry category which will benefit from the reconstruction after the earthquake has a significant correlation with the abnormal return of the listed company. After that, the impact is reflected by the different market performance of the individual stocks. The inventory turnover ratio partly explains the difference. Firms with high inventory turnover ratio more rely on the supply chain and vulnerable to the adverse environment after the earthquake. By the 25th day after the earthquake, the impact has died out.

    • Comparison Analysis of Competitive Tender between Announced and Secret Control Price of Construction Project

      2011, 17(4):81-86.

      Abstract (2330) HTML (0) PDF 1.08 M (1073) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Code of Valuation with Bill Quantity of Construction Works enacted in 2008, which requires that the control price must be worked out and announced when the state-owned capital investment projects have being tendered. In this study, the impacts of announced and secret control prices are discussed based on independent private values model in first sealed bid auction. The study shows that if the control price had been announced, the quoted prices of the bidders and the payment of the owners would be reduced. When the number of bidders is given, the payment of owners would increase with the control price. When the control price is given, the payment of owners would reduce with the number of bidders.

    • A Study on the University Technology Transfer:Based on the Analysis of the Inventor’s Behavior

      2011, 17(4):87-91.

      Abstract (1702) HTML (0) PDF 972.10 K (1038) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:There exists serious information asymmetry and uncertainty in the process of university technology transfer, so leads to the possibility of occurrence of moral hazard. Based on the study of the technology licensing contract by predecessors, the author intends to make a analysis on the behavior of inventor in the technology transfer model of start-ups, then makes a comparative studies. He believes that the technology transfer mode of start a business ensures the inventor’s dividend distribution of residual claims, while not influences the total revenue of investors and production decisions, which can be a better solution to the moral risk, relative to technology licensing bonus mode.

    • Existing Condition Analysis and Countermeasure Research of Cadre Educating and Training in Institutions of Higher Education

      2011, 17(4):92-97.

      Abstract (2141) HTML (0) PDF 1.28 M (1093) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Cadre educating and training is the pilot, fundamental, strategic project in constructing the highly qualified contingent of cadres, as well as the important approaches and measures to strengthen the Communist Party of China’s construction of governance capability and progressiveness. It is also related to the overall work of the Communist Party of China and the whole nation. Thus, how to try our best to create a new situation of cadre educating and training in institutions of higher education becomes the new task for both the administration and institutions of cadre educating and training. This paper, choosing the urgent need of highly qualified contingent of cadres in institutions of higher education under the new period and new situation as a starting point, analyzes the existing conditions and current problems in the work of cadre educating and training in institutions of higher education since the reform and opening up. Also, through analysis and research on the concept, mechanism and operation mode of educating and training, this paper explores the basic countermeasures of improving the level of scientification and standardization of cadre educating and training in institutions of higher education.

    • The Research State of Evaluation Index for Powerful Cultural Countries and Its Revelations

      2011, 17(4):98-103.

      Abstract (2115) HTML (0) PDF 1.35 M (1238) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the research documents about the evaluation index for powerful cultural countries from foreign experts and scholars, this paper reviews and summarizes the research tendency, the methods for constructing index, theoretical foundations, the dimensions for constructing the evaluation indicators system, and the criteria for indicator selection of these studies from powerful cultural countries in today’s world. Besides, this paper makes a brief analysis on these research results. Accordingly, this study points out that China should learn experience from the research achievements abroad. Meanwhile, the paper also reveals that the study abroad also has its defects. Therefore, we should learn lessons from it.

    • On the Strategies of Building Social Science Research Team:From the Learning Organization Perspective

      2011, 17(4):104-108.

      Abstract (1769) HTML (0) PDF 974.90 K (1037) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Currently there are some difficulties in the building social science research team, including lacking researchers, being short of funds, having no system and culture support, etc. According to the learning organization theory, building research team also is making learning organization, therefore, university or school should integrate all participators’ power, and establish initial framework based on the system thinking principle. Team leaders should be responsible for forming shared vision, and organize team research or learning commonly. Team members should try hard to achieve personal mastery, that is devoting to team research actively; and they also should reflect their mental models often to find the thinking ways which have no functions for team work, and learn to communicate and co-operate with partners actively.

    • Implementing the Responsibility to Protect: Actualization of Rules and Shaping of Ideas

      2011, 17(4):109-116.

      Abstract (1617) HTML (0) PDF 1.71 M (963) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Sovereignty state should bear the responsibility to protect its people. If a country cannot or will not protect its citizens, international community should offer and undertake the responsibility to protect. As the mechanism of the responsibility to protect has been sprouting and developing, and it has been lack of dynamical, the mechanism of the responsibility to protect should be established on the basis of shared idea and existing norm. In the aspect of effect and purpose direction, proper causality idea and analysis method should be formed, so as to find out and offer the most proper content and way of protection action in the separate case. To solve dynamical of the mechanism of the responsibility to protect, on the basis of gradually developing idea and norm on “obligation erga omnes” undertaken by sovereignty state for whole international community, we should gradually develop idea and norm on “the responsibility to protect” legally undertaken by whole international community for sovereignty state and its people, so that we can make the mechanism of the responsibility to protect generate dynamical of implement in the course of international community gradually developing towards integration and whole.

    • Looking into Rule of Law in China from Historical Perspective

      2011, 17(4):117-121.

      Abstract (2127) HTML (0) PDF 1.17 M (1021) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the paper we look into the building of the rule of law in China from historical perspective. By reviewing the history of the Chinese legal system, as a whole the Chinese legal system is divided into five periods of rule of ritual and so on. We analyze their characteristics. From analyzing legal system events of ancient and modern, we present that the progress of the rule of law often needs a high price, the rule of law in China should learn lessons and avoid detours. Due to historical inertia and practical issues, the rule of law in China still has a long way to go and can’t be finished in a short time. If we want to achieve the final success of the rule of law, we must establish national self-confidence and willpower, train law-abiding habits and form our own system of legal philosophy.

    • The Question and Countermeasure about of the Criminal Policy’s Implementation in China

      2011, 17(4):122-129.

      Abstract (1538) HTML (0) PDF 1.77 M (935) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The formulation and the implementation about the criminal policy are two close connection function fields, when the formulation of policy ends,the implementation of policy begins, the implementation of policy is the vital aspect that decided the policy will success or failure, it’s system status cannot substitute.The implementation of the criminal policy in China has serious politicization, distortion and chaotic phenomenon, which not only has reduced the achievements of the policy’s implementation, deviated the goal decidede by the criminal policy, but also has brought the approval crisis of the criminal policy’s implementation.When we restructure China’s criminal policy’s implementation pattern, we must process the benefit relations in the policy’s implementation correctly,take cultivation of the social capital in the policy’s implementation,and supervise the criminal policy’s implementation by the appraisal on achievements.

    • Research on Benefit Balance Mechanism of Digital Music Copyright

      2011, 17(4):130-134.

      Abstract (2376) HTML (0) PDF 1.17 M (1307) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This article analyzes the benefit balance mechanism of digital music copyright based on the copyright law, explains the difference between the “fair use” and “legal license” principles, infringement issues and the corresponding responsibility identification problems of digital music copyright. Thus, the author puts forward her views and opinions into three aspects about the balance mechanism of reconstruction made from digital music copyright: the balance among interests of copyright authorized parties, the balance between law and technology, and the balance between charging standards and consumer consciousness of copyright law. Dialectical logic of digital music copyright in music transmission and how to balance the interests of all parties of digital music copyright holders are the innovations and emphasis of this article.

    • Chinese Traditional Society, Power and Public Space

      2011, 17(4):135-139.

      Abstract (1865) HTML (0) PDF 1.04 M (1031) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The concept of public space is sourced from philosophy of European society which is different from Chinese society. When this concept are used to discuss Chinese traditional architecture, its nature changed completely. Based on the analyses of the concept changing process from philosophy to architecture and from European society to Chinese society, the paper gives a new definition of Chinese traditional powerful public space and gets its classified catalogue which are characterized by Chinese power gradation system.

    • On the Change of the Practice Mode and Modernization Theory of China

      2011, 17(4):140-146.

      Abstract (1858) HTML (0) PDF 1.65 M (967) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This thesis takes the modernization mode of Marxist sinicization as an approach to interpreting the main theories and historical changes of modernization. It tries to analyze the reasons for Marxist modernization theory’s being neglected and marginalized, exploring the historical course and specific characteristics of China’s modernization. It reveals the process of combining Marxism with the reality of China’s modernization, concluding that the socialist modernization mode with Chinese characteristics is of historical inevitability and great theoretical significance.

    • Rule of Virtue and Rule of Law: Position of China’s Administrative Ethic Value in the New Period

      2011, 17(4):147-152.

      Abstract (1645) HTML (0) PDF 1.36 M (1121) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the rapid development of economy and society of China, there are more and more demands on building of ethic in the process of administration. The background of the demands refers to “Rule of Virtue” in terms of moral value and “Rule of Law” in terms of legal value, i.e. the administrative ethic building should be conducted at the same time in terms of both value rationality and tool rationality. In the new trend, they complement and rely on each other, and the objective development requires that we should on the one hand adhere to basic principles of “Rule of Law”, on the other hand carry forward the value concept of ethics, which is not only a must of further enhancing the administrative level and improving the socialism law system, but also the prerequisite of building the socialism political civilization. In national governance, the balance of relations between Rule of Virtue and Rule of Law is of great significances.

    • An Analysis on the Institutional Environment of Non-governmental Women’s Organizations in China

      2011, 17(4):153-158.

      Abstract (1840) HTML (0) PDF 1.29 M (1053) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As a kind of institutional arrangement in Chinese institutional structure,the non-governmental women's organizations grow up in the normativecode, the constitutional order, political and economic institutional arrangements. But, the institutional environment such as patriarchal cultural systems,depending on planning system, political and legal system of dual management also directly led to the slow development of non-governmental women’s organizations in China.Therefore,to promote the development of non-governmental women’s organizations need to nurture appropriate cultural,legal,political and economic system environment.

    • Specificity in Poetry Translation:A Case Study on English Versions of Li Bai’s Three Poems

      2011, 17(4):159-163.

      Abstract (1811) HTML (0) PDF 975.67 K (1128) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper has an exploration on the constraints of specificity in poetry translation, based on the theory of cognitive linguistics concerning specificity and compared with different English Versions of Li Bai’s three poems. As a result, we find that translators, consciously or unconsciously, not only have been constrained by specificity on the comprehension of the original poem, but also do their best to achieve “specificity equivalence” to the original poem in translation.

    • The Translation of Chapter Titles in Two English Versions of San Guo Yan Yi from the Perspective of Skopostheorie

      2011, 17(4):164-168.

      Abstract (2027) HTML (0) PDF 1.09 M (1211) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Functionalist approaches originated in Germany in the 1970s, with Skopostheorie as its core theory. Skopostheorie holds that a translational action is determined by its Skopos. This article, with Skopostheorie as its guiding theory, conducted a comparative study on the translation of chapter titles in two English versions of San Guo Yan Yi. With instances as evidence the author found out the two translators C. H. Brewitt-Taylor and Moss Roberts differ considerably in their translation methods of chapter titles in San Guo Yan Yi based on their different translation skopoi and translaiton briefs, thus bringing out two totally different styles.

    • Research on the Relationship between Social Support and Psychological Health of Impoverished Undergraduates

      2011, 17(4):169-172.

      Abstract (1657) HTML (0) PDF 821.55 K (992) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:At present, the studies and social adaptation problems of impoverished undergraduates have arisen concerns of the whole society. The proportion of college students’ dropout, crime and abnormal psychology due to poverty is increasing. Thus more social support to impoverished undergraduates can not only reduce or eliminate the above problems, but also reflect education equity of a country or society. This paper investigates and analyzes the degree of social support and the psychological health level of impoverished undergraduates by The Symptom Checklist90(SCL-90) and Social Support Rating Scale(SSRS). The results show that: (1) There are more psychological pressure in impoverished undergraduates. (2) Social support to impoverish undergraduates is positively correlated to their psychological health level. (3) Female college students are better than male students at the use of social support, and the former receive more social support.

    • An Inquiry into the Career Planning Education for College Students

      2011, 17(4):173-177.

      Abstract (2175) HTML (0) PDF 1.00 M (1026) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the grimness, college students are now facing in their seeking of employment, an important subject for the higher learning institutions is to further improve the system of career planning education so as to promote the employment opportunities of college students. Based on the investigation into the status quo of career planning education for 3500 college students in 15 universities in Chongqing, this article points out the problems in college student career planning education, including: low continuity, lack of systematicness, insufficient practice platform, and lack of coordinated exertions, etc. Countermeasures are also proposed which include: constructing a whole-journey-covered career planning educational system, forming an all-staff-participating mechanism for vocational education, setting up a systematically structured practice platform, implementing classified models of career planning education, and cultivating joint teams for vocational education consisting of both full-time and part-time staff members.

    • A Study of College Student Aid System

      2011, 17(4):178-183.

      Abstract (1792) HTML (0) PDF 1.67 M (968) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:College student aid system is an important content of modern university system construction. Using the World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale (WHOQOL-100) and SPSS statistical analysis software, this article empirically investigates and researches the relationship between the quality of life and consumption of college students, and establishes the appropriate college students living standards; then, the author proposes the colleges student financial aid system initially by cost-sharing theory, and introduces the minimum living subsidy into the aid system for students.

    • Factor Analysis of Effective Implementation of Curricular Innovations in China: What?Who?Where?When?Why?

      2011, 17(4):184-190.

      Abstract (1880) HTML (0) PDF 1.60 M (1117) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Effective implementation of the new national curricula is the key to the success of quality-oriented education in China. However, effective advancement in curricular innovation involves exploring answers to many theoretical and practical questions. This article expounds the main issues that need to be taken into account in the process of reform from the perspectives of five interrogative words, that is: what, who, where, when, and why. By examining the reality of the curricular innovation, the authors put forward some suggestions in relation to developing models of curricular innovation, reconstruction of teacher culture to promote teacher autonomy, and giving due recognition to the complicated nature of curricular innovation.

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