• Volume 17,Issue 6,2011 Table of Contents
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      2011, 17(6):0-2.

      Abstract (1425) HTML (0) PDF 363.02 K (1439) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Research on Village Change During Agricultural Modernization Process Based on the Case Investigation of Sanyuanzhu in Shouguang of Shandong Province

      2011, 17(6):11-16.

      Abstract (1990) HTML (0) PDF 1.37 M (1094) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Take Sanyuanzhu in Shouguang of Shandong province as a case study, with modernity in village and villagers’ daily production and life of the penetration and expansion for the main contents, with literature analysis, the villagers interviews and field survey of organic integration of the research methods, through the village production mode, life style and villagers’ value concept description and analysis, this paper explores the inner rural social change practice and logic, to know China rural modernization development process, and the occurrence of Chinese rural social change of seeking localization explanation.

    • The Spatial Diffusion and Convergence of Urban Housing Price in the Pearl River Delta

      2011, 17(6):17-23.

      Abstract (2583) HTML (0) PDF 1.61 M (933) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The purpose of this paper is to explore the spatial diffusion and convergence of urban housing price by using the housing price data of nine cities in the Pearl River Delta over the period 2001Q1 to 2010Q4. The Cointegration Test, Multivariable Granger Causality Test, Generalized Impulse Response Function and Panel Data Unit Root Test were employed. The results show that the regional housing prices in the Pearl River Delta have a tendency towards stable long-run relationships, the housing prices of Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Zhuhai, the “Pivotal Cities” of the three sub-regional housing market in “Shen-Guan-Hui”, diffuse to other cities within own sub-regional market, while the housing price of Shenzhen diffuses to the sub-regional market in “Guang-Fo-Zhao” and “Zhu-Zhong-Jiang”. The further investigation indicates that the nine cities of Pearl River Delta exhibit regional housing price convergence based on the Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Zhuhai. The findings can help government to formulate differentiate intervention strategies as well as regulate the regional housing market.

    • Analysis of Farm Households’ Financing Preference and Causes

      2011, 17(6):24-29.

      Abstract (2000) HTML (0) PDF 1.47 M (952) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:There are two major aspects for farmers to borrow money: the formal credit and informal credit. According to 897 questionnaire data about credit needs assessment of farmers from Shaanxi Province and Gansu Province, we find that farmers prefer the informal credit. On the basis, the paper studies the factors farmers consider when they borrow money from the formal credit. Then the results show that reasons leading to the phenomenon include the mistrust of banks, farmers dislike the way of loans, the complicated procedures, interest rate factors, farmer’ subjective preferences to the relatives and friends and so on. At last, the paper puts forward policy recommendations to solve the issue.

    • VAR Model Based on Sub-loan Crisis and the Closing Price of China’s Eight Major Sectors of the Contagion Effect of Fluctuations in Test

      2011, 17(6):30-38.

      Abstract (1790) HTML (0) PDF 3.27 M (888) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, sub-loan crisis in the United States as the background, the authors select 8 of China’s domestic industries, use of vector autoregressive (VAR) model, Granger causality test, impulse response function (IRF) and other technologies, to analyze China’s eight major industry crisis in the stock market before and after the closing price volatility causal relationship between changes in the industry to discuss the crisis transmition originated in response to the impact of the industry and its contagion effect between sectors. The results show that: 1) In the pre-crisis period of a smooth closing price of China’s eight major fluctuations in the industry there is no clear causal relationship; 2)Crisis in the steel industry during the closing price in most sectors of the fluctuations of the closing price fluctuations has a one-way causal relationship, with a small number of businesses closing price fluctuations in two-way causal relationship.

    • An Empirical Study on the Fluctuations of Stock Returns in Real Estate Listed Companies in China

      2011, 17(6):39-46.

      Abstract (2336) HTML (0) PDF 1.48 M (1056) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper leads ARCH models into the study of fluctuations of stock returns in real estate listed companies and industry in China. We conclude that: fluctuations in the early returns of real estate listed companies’ impact on the future show gradually decline trend; the fluctuations leading by Good news will be greater than that of the same degree of bad news; There is no significant correlation between expected benefits and expected risks in most of the real estate listed companies. It can be judged that benefits and risks in real estate listed companies don’t have the properties of mature markets. At last, we propose countermeasures about how to improve the real estate market and the stock market.

    • Capital Chain,Marketability Value and Stock’s Short-term Return Analysis

      2011, 17(6):47-54.

      Abstract (1905) HTML (0) PDF 1.34 M (943) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:After a new definition of stock’s marketability value was given through the thought of capital chain, the paper pointed out that the price of stock, the liquidity and the volatility were the main factors which might affect the marketability value of stocks. Then, pricing models of stock’s marketability value with single factor and multi-factors were built and the weekly data of Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Markets was selected to test the model. The empirical analysis shows that the new model can explain the short-term return of Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Market and it is better than Fama-French Three Factor Model in a certain degree.

    • Research on Functions of Industry Associations under Multi-Perspectives:Analysis Based on Institutional Theory

      2011, 17(6):55-64.

      Abstract (1773) HTML (0) PDF 2.52 M (925) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper tries to view the construction of industrial associations from the perspectives of Interest Groups Theory, Legitimacy Theory and Governance Theory which are all relative to Institutional Theory using deductive method. Specifically, there are three sub-perspectives to Interest Group Theory, namely politics, economics and sociology. There are three dimensions to Legitimacy Theory, namely regulative legitimacy, normative legitimacy and cognitive legitimacy. And there are two streams to the governance theory of clusters, namely network governance and value chain governance. The possible relationship between them can be depicted as the findings from Legitimacy Theory are the essential conditions for exerting functions deducted from the other two theoretical perspectives. Basically, the former is the foundation of the latter.

    • Research on Real Estate Project Success Criteria System

      2011, 17(6):65-68.

      Abstract (1960) HTML (0) PDF 971.80 K (864) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Real estate project is the core product of the real estate industry; its success not only impacts the improvement of the residential environment and people’s living standards, but also influences a country’s industrialization and urbanization. The development of standards for project success is first and foremost to ensure the success of the project, and it has important significance for project implementation. On the basis of summarizing of domestic and overseas achievements on project success criteria, with the methods of literature research and expert consultation, this paper establishes a two-dimensional matrix for the real estate project success criteria from the points of project total life cycle and project stakeholders, and builds the implement system, which is conducive to develop real estate project success criteria from the long-term view of corporate, social, and environment, to avoid short-sighted behaviors of real estate project and guide the healthy, orderly and sustainable development of real estate industry.

    • An Empirical Research on Ownership Property and Earnings Management Based on the Principle of Ultimate Ownership

      2011, 17(6):69-73.

      Abstract (1757) HTML (0) PDF 1011.68 K (911) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the principle of ultimate ownership, this paper scientifically partitions ownership property of listed firms in China and also analyzes the relationship between ownership property and earnings management. We find that firms controlled by government have higher earnings management than those controlled by non-government; center government more than local government; center government and local government more than non-government respectively.

    • Coordination of Construction Process Based on Compensation Mechanism and Shapley Value Benefit Sharing

      2011, 17(6):74-78.

      Abstract (2363) HTML (0) PDF 1.01 M (905) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper points out the shortcomings of centralized coordination of project construction process and provides another viewpoint: self-organize negotiation coordination. Dividing the construction process coordination into two kinds basing on TCTP: coordination between activities of the same subcontractor, coordination between activities of different subcontractors, considering the self-interesting and independency of subcontractors,the authors introduce the compensation mechanism and give a mathematical model for coordination of project construction process based on cooperative game theory. The Shapley value method is applied to the cooperative benefit sharing among the cooperation subcontractors.

    • The Studies outside China on the Relation of Economic Status and Subjective

      2011, 17(6):79-83.

      Abstract (3716) HTML (0) PDF 892.68 K (1078) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Psychologists, sociologists, and economists outside China have conducted many researches on the relation of economic status and subjective well-being (SWB) in developing countries. The findings from related researches are as follows: The economic status–SWB relation for developing countries is significantly stronger than that for developed countries. The association is strongest for low-income samples within developing country and weakest for high-income samples. The economic status–SWB relation declines with increases in educational attainment, such that the relation is strongest for the least-educated samples. The constructs used to measure SWB and economic status, as well as the gender distribution of the sample were found to affect the economic status–SWB relation. The results were explained with need theory.

    • Comparison of the Citations Statistic Analysis Functions between Google Scholar and CCD: Analysis Based on the Joural Citations

      2011, 17(6):84-89.

      Abstract (2262) HTML (0) PDF 1.37 M (1101) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Journal Citation is an important index in the journals evaluation. Different citations databases always give different retrieval results. Such difference of citations statistic certainly has considerable influence on the journals evaluation. In this paper, the top 10 journals in the field of “Library, Information and Documentation science” were selected as research subjects. Then we searched each journal’s citations during 2007-2008 from Google Scholar and CCD (Chinese Citation Database). Based on the comparison of their results, it was found that presently CCD is much better than the Google Scholar for Chinese journals citations statistic but Google Scholar may represent the development trend of citation databases.

    • Research on Information Communication of Printed Publication Pointed to Cognitive Individual

      2011, 17(6):90-95.

      Abstract (1996) HTML (0) PDF 1.29 M (919) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Printed publication transfer behavior is a comprehensive process that be restricted by information transmission chain. Internally, it is controlled by the recording medium communication carrier, the way of information loading and arrangement, and more dominated by cognitive individual physiological and psychological perception of visual system. Externally, the social progress and changes promote a dramatic change on the print media, the information revolution, in turn, propels the society forward, accelerates the pace of science and technology forward. Under the strong impact of modern electronic information communications media, the printed publications information design, communication, receiving mode will certainly present the multiplex situation that can handle the reality and cognitive individual requirements.

    • Problems and Solutions in the Exercise of Commercial Forest Rights

      2011, 17(6):96-101.

      Abstract (1727) HTML (0) PDF 1.18 M (873) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Commercial forests possess properties of merchant resources; the purpose of operating them is to maximize benefits, which is different from eco-public forests. Commercial forest rights have the basic feature of private rights, people who enjoy the rights pursuit the use value of commercial forests. Meanwhile, commercial forest rights are confronted with governmental intervention and adjustment which are in view of ecological requests, and this makes them possess the content of public power as well. The rightful owners are facing conflicts between commercial benefits and ecological benefits during the use of commercial forest; there are also several problems in the systems of felling, circulation, scenery developing and utilizing, etc. This article analyzes the problems in the exercise of commercial forest rights; proposes the view of establishing a principle which keeps a balance between free use in commercial forest rights and reasonable governmental intervention; what’s more, this article gives out suggestions and solutions to these problems, emphasizes that it is essential to strengthen the directorial impact of operating schemes on commercial forests, abolish quota systems on felling, enhance supervision from government, delegate powers to commercial forest right-owners progressively.

    • A Study on Legislation of Forest Carbon Sinks Trade:From the Perspective of an Effective Supply of Forest Ecological Benefits

      2011, 17(6):102-106.

      Abstract (1805) HTML (0) PDF 1.13 M (837) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:An effective supply of forest ecological benefits depends on the value realization of these benefits. Trading forest carbon sinks in the market fully commercializes forest ecological benefits and provides a new platform for financing forestry development. Because of the public benefits, publicity, risks and transaction object’s “transferability” of forest carbon sinks trade, we must ensure an orderly trade by measures such as improving standard contracts, establishing a carbon exchange, setting up forest carbon insurance and building a proper forest rights system.

    • Reforms on Collective Forest Rights System Instructed by the Idea of Resource Sociality

      2011, 17(6):107-111.

      Abstract (1642) HTML (0) PDF 1.03 M (896) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Reforms on collective forest rights system need to be instructed by the idea of resource sociality. The idea of resource sociality asks collective forest rights system to satisfy the ideas of order, efficiency, equity and safety. To perfect collective forest rights system, we should take measures including the following: to perfect protecting system of forest owners’ rights, to perfect management system of forest rights, to establish the system combining the scale management and family management together, and to builds up valuation mechanisms for forest resources.

    • A New Understanding of the Nature of Crime: The Thinking Caused by Ecological Interest

      2011, 17(6):112-117.

      Abstract (1726) HTML (0) PDF 1.23 M (928) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Defining crime as offences against legal interests instead of offences against rights and social relationships through replacing rights and social relationships with legal interest is not just a simple change and replacement of words, but a fundamental progress involving the understanding of the nature of crime. The putting forward of the concept of “legal interest” introduces the judgment of value into the conviction phase, making the scope of crime not just limited to the offences against the citizens’ personal right but expanded to the domain of society and public, which provides large space to include ecology as a legal interest into the a protection object of criminal law and make the activity severely injuring or threatening the ecology a crime when environment problem becomes a severe social problem ,threatening the fundamental interests of human being, and other laws can not provide enough regulation and protection. The criminal law will inevitably respond to the introduction of the ecological interest, the newly introduced legal interest with the increase of the importance attached to it and the increase of the severity of the likely injury or threat of injury.

    • On the New Understanding of the Value of the Marxism in the Era of Post-crisis

      2011, 17(6):118-122.

      Abstract (1411) HTML (0) PDF 1.14 M (866) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Post-crisis era is a special historical period and is intended to ease the crisis and instability, but it is also the era of big adjustment, great development and change. The coming of Post-crisis era proves value quality and truth quality of Marxism. For demonstrating Marxist value and promoting the popularization and era of Marxism in contemporary China, We should stand on theoretical innovation, the same destiny with the masses, using technical carrier of mass media.

    • Marx and Engels’s Eco-Philosophy and Scientific Outlook on Development

      2011, 17(6):123-127.

      Abstract (2205) HTML (0) PDF 948.58 K (1324) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The nature viewpoint of Marx and Engels includes abundant and profound Eco-Philosophy: The nature of environment problems is people’s problems; The key of solving environment problems is to conquer gene onesideness; Science and technology are important means to solve environment problems; The relationship of people and nature is unification of the initiative nature and passive nature; Taking people as root is the most value of building an ecological civilization; etc. These thoughts are very important to insisting scientific outlook on development and implementing sustainable strategies.

    • Ecological Writing in North-American Dystopian Novels

      2011, 17(6):128-133.

      Abstract (1813) HTML (0) PDF 1.33 M (1084) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Dystopian novels are interrelated with ecological thinking which typically criticizes man’s control over nature and manages to balance the two sides by exploring the deep roots of environmental destruction. Dystopian literature also puts stress to cultural criticism and its crisis imagination——including environmental destruction—covers many aspects to describe an apocalyptic world. In order to reveal the interconnections between the dystopian novels and ecological thinking, this paper selects some classical texts to discuss the question from four perspectives.

    • Study on the Constructs of Colonial Culture in the Enemy-occupied Areas in Anti-Japanese War Period

      2011, 17(6):134-139.

      Abstract (2216) HTML (0) PDF 1.34 M (977) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In Anti-Japanese War Period, Japanese invaders and Puppets reinterpreted the existing cultural elements and their relationship in Enemy-occupied Areas,which was lead to formation of colonial culture.In the aspect of national culture,they focused on distorting confucian culture and history of China-Japan relations.In the area of alien culture,they adopted a simple exclusive attitude to Capitalist Culture and Marxism,core of Communist Culture, taken to absorption overall of Japanese Culture.Finally, all of these led colonial culture alienate in national characteristics,lack of independence and subjectivity, surrendered to Japanese Culture in time’s characteristics.

    • The Characteristics of Chongqing Culture

      2011, 17(6):140-145.

      Abstract (3163) HTML (0) PDF 1.40 M (987) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Chongqing culture refers to the sum of physical creation and spirit creation which produced in the interactions by human beings since ancient times and the particular environment in Chongqing. This paper analyzes Chongqing culture based on the concept of big culture. The conclusion is Chongqing culture has four characteristics: long history, martial spirit, open and tolerant, and bright individuality.

    • On the Musical Meaning of “jie” and Its Position in the History of the Chinese Music

      2011, 17(6):146-150.

      Abstract (1678) HTML (0) PDF 1.12 M (921) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:“Jie” has three meanings in the literature of Qin and Han dynasty : first refers to the “ control music” and “coordination music”, focusing on the music concept level; second refers to “movement”; third refers to “instrument”. The latter two meanings focus on practical aspect of music. “Control music” and “coordination music” are the basic meanings, which emerge along with the musical aesthetic direction. As “movement ” ,“jie” has the conection with “sheli”;As“instrument,” “jie” has broad and narrow meanings. Broad meaning refers to all the “jie” instruments. Narrow sense refers to the specific “jie” in the Xiang He song. The position of the “jie” in the Xiang He song reflects the distinctive rhythm of the Xiang He song.

    • Research on the Group Characteristics of High Employment Competitive University Graduates

      2011, 17(6):151-154.

      Abstract (1738) HTML (0) PDF 881.69 K (897) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Through the questionnaire survey, we analyze the differences between high employment competitive university graduates and low employment competitive university graduates on individual basic conditions, employment abilities,employment preparation behaviors, and we get that there are three significant differences. Then we have a deep research on the group characteristics of college graduates.

    • A Survey on Health Risk Behaviors of Undergraduates in Chongqing

      2011, 17(6):155-162.

      Abstract (1991) HTML (0) PDF 1.61 M (892) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To investigate the present situation of health risk behaviors, an anonymous questionnaire surveying on health risk behaviors was conducted among 1228 undergraduates from five universities in Chongqing. Results as follows:Health risk behaviors were common among the undergraduates. The prevalence of no seatbelt use was 60.6%.The prevalence of usual cigarette smoking and usual alcohol use was 14.7 % and 55.1 %. The prevalence of the net surfing and being addicted in net was 91.8% and 7.4%. The prevalence of feeling depressed was 45.1% and seriously considering of suicide attempt was 5.1%. 6.2% reported that they had the experience of sexual intercourse. The scores were significant difference in gender, grade, urban and rural areas, single child and living on campus. The male students who have poor academic performance, higher level of his father’s literacy and living off campus were more likely to develop health risk behaviors. There was a significant positive correlation between any two kinds of health risk behaviors of unintentional injury behavior, violence behavior, smoking, suicide, insecure sexual behavior and internet addiction disorder behavior.

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