2016, 22(2):1-14. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2016.02.001
Abstract:Through the historical changes, we can always find the example of the transformation of small peasant which lasted more than 30 years. In China, the grain production is not a simple form argument, is the reconstruction of social and economic resources allocation mechanism. The research is on the micro-mechanism of the small-scale peasant production, and to estimate the production function of the rice plant, and reveal the possibility of the production frontier. The results show that:in the case of efficiency loss, the 72.3% can be controlled, and the random and non efficiency is 27.7%, the price expectation of small peasant directly affects the planting will, the probability of rice planting area reduce reached 13%. The economic and social preparation work of rural society transition has been slow to follow. For the realization of agricultural and rural development and stability of target, the key is to weigh the pros and cons, reconstruction efficiency and fairness of the overall situation; it all depends on human effort, the grain production which implants peasant's socialization characteristics has much layers of design. The development of agriculture and rural areas in the future needs to seek the internal balance between society and economy, and reconstruct new understanding of the economic efficiency of small peasants.
ZHANG Heng , ZHAO Yanke , LUO Jianchao
2016, 22(2):15-23. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2016.02.002
Abstract:By studying the necessity of the development of the developing situation between the economic belt along the Silk Road city and Xi'an, the low of the water transportation and shipping coverage degree and the imbalance of industrial structure are the restrict factors of Xi'an as a new starting point of the Silk Road Economic Belt. On this basis, by illustrating the strategic goals of Xi'an as a new starting point of the Silk Road Economic Belt and using the AHP methods to quantify the strategic goals, the strategic conception is confirmed. Specific port includes setting up regional center, establishing contact financial information sharing mechanism, practicing the circulation currency across regions reform pilot area and regional economic circle, building gold line of tourism culture.
2016, 22(2):24-31. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2016.02.003
Abstract:The promoting function of transportation to national economy generates from two sources, the one is the direct function to economy coming from the development of transportation itself, and the other is the indirect function to economy coming from the development of connecting industries because of the transportation growth. This paper uses the connection coefficients to describe the connection between the transportation and its connected industries, and uses the connection coefficients and contribution ratio of growth value to calculate the pulling and pushing function from the transportation to the national economy for Beijing. The research conclusion is that economic function from any industry depends on not only the size of its direct function to economy, but also its indirect function to economy. The size of function to economy depends on its position in the industrial chain, the connecting degree with pillar industries and the distance from transportation to pillar industries. If its position is in front of others, the pulling function is smaller than its pushing function, if it is in behind of others, the pushing function is greater than its pulling function. As a basic industry, the position of transportation is in front of other industries relatively, so its forward pushing function is larger than its backward pulling function.
WAN Lijuan , YANG Yanlin , YIN Xiguo
2016, 22(2):32-38. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2016.02.004
Abstract:Based on the calculation of the Location Quotient, we construct a panel data model according to the theory of economic growth and economic geography theory, and use the dynamic panel GMM estimation method to empirically analyze the Knowledge-intensive Business Services (KIBS) of 24 provinces and cities of China economic growth in 2004-2012. The empirical results show that the knowledge-intensive business services industries agglomeration and economic growth present an inverted u-shaped curve relationship, this suggests that the agglomeration can produce positive effects on economic growth, but the agglomeration not modest will produce negative effects on economic growth. In the end, we bring forward some suggestions related to the agglomeration of knowledge-intensive business services.
WANG Zhen , HU Zhenhua , YANG Bo
2016, 22(2):39-49. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2016.02.005
Abstract:The RMB capital cross-border flow partly increases rapidly and takes the place of the flow in foreign currency which implies the policy aim and economic conditions. Thus this paper classifies the flow into substantial transactions flows and financial transactions flows in terms of their relationships with the real economy and applies the econometric methods to show the evidences of the driving forces. The results show that the policy factor plays a key role in driving the flow as well as the arbitrage factors.
2016, 22(2):50-59. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2016.02.006
Abstract:As an important tool, monetary policy not only affects the development of the macro-economy, but also has important impact on the micro-economic environment of which the enterprise decision makings are based upon. This paper focuses on the background of the private enterprise executives, analyzes the different reflection on the investments of the enterprises when private enterprises have politically connection and what is the effect of monetary policy to the investment. The result shows that the transmission of monetary policy, in area with strong government interventions, the private enterprises with politically connected executives becomes less obvious.
XIE Ji , GAO Hang , ZHAO Xinquan
2016, 22(2):60-66. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2016.02.007
Abstract:This paper structures and estimates an open economy mixed AD-AS model based on statistics from 2002 to 2013 in China, analyzes and compares the optimal monetary policies among three targets, taking interest as policy instrument, deduces the optimal interest rate rule in China with dynamic optimization method. As a result of analysis and calculation, we get the following conclusion:The optimal monetary policy of interest rate smoothing target is more propitious to China, the corresponding optimal interest rate rule could effectively control both of output gap and inflation in the long term, and possess well both of feasibility and operability, this rule could contribute to stabilization of macro economy and society in China.
2016, 22(2):67-79. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2016.02.008
Abstract:In an intertemporal general equilibrium framework, the economic mechanism of how saving rate and interest rate are affected by shocks of birth or death rates is discussed. Redistributions of consumption within the population is found to be the key driving force, given a small enough elasticity of intertemporal substitution (EIS<1). Quantitatively, an empirical analysis using cross-national panel data indicates that birth and death rates affect the saving rate (or interest rate) through not identical channels. Birth rate affects saving rate positively, whereas death rate affects it negatively, and the effect of birth rate on saving rate is stronger than that of death rate. By contrast, interest rate is decreasing in the birth rate and increasing in the death rate, and the effect of birth rate on interest rate is smaller than that of death rate.
MENG Weidong , ZHANG Mengyu , LU Jing
2016, 22(2):80-89. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2016.02.009
Abstract:Using principal component analysis, this paper separately constructs A-share's and H-share's composite indexes as proxy for market investor sentiment. In the two-pass conditional asset-pricing framework, this paper allows the Beta varying with investor sentiment and firm characteristics. The empirical results indicate:after incorporating investor sentiments in conditional pricing models, the size effects of A-share market and H-share market are no longer significant; meanwhile, the B/M effect of A-share market becomes less significant. Therefore, this paper draws the conclusion that incorporating investor sentiment as conditioning information in conditional asset-pricing models improves the model performance in capturing asset-pricing anomalies, however, the improvement on A-share pricing is stronger than that on H-shares, which demonstrates that different market investor sentiments have different degrees of impacts on asset pricing, resulting in the price difference of dual-listed A and H-shares.
LIU Zhiying , ZHENG Xiaofeng , HU Yanjie
2016, 22(2):90-100. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2016.02.010
Abstract:OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturing) upgrading is the inherent requirement for realizing China's industrial restructuring and economic quality enhancement. OEMs should make reasonable technological upgrading strategies to improve technology capacity. Technological change has the properties of path evolution. The existing technology in OEMs provides steady revenue while it has the risk of path "lock-in". The new technology will bring higher incremental value and establish a beachhead for future competition. However, the time for developing new technology and the relationship between new technology and the existing one determine the development of path evolution. Based on path dependence and path creation theory, this paper uses the method of evolutionary game to construct models, contributing to the practical application of path evolution and providing suggestions for OEM enterprises' upgrading. Specifically, this paper observes the development of path evolution under the potential or realistic risk of path "lock-in" of existing technology, as well as the complementary and contradictive relationship between new technology and existing technology.
2016, 22(2):101-108. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2016.02.011
Abstract:As an important factor for firms to conduct international strategy, innovation ability is a crucial topic to investigate how innovation ability affects firm's exporting. This paper proposes three relevant propositions that can be empirically examined by micro-level data of Chinese manufacturing firms. We can get that:a) Innovation ability affects weather the products of firms could match the preference of target consumers and then affects firms' exporting; b) The firms with strong innovation ability can break through fixed costs of exporting by enhancing its productivity level and then upgrade to exporters; c) Compared with foreign firms, domestic firms are more dependent on innovation ability in exporting.
2016, 22(2):109-118. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2016.02.012
Abstract:Most of researches associated with platforms focus on industry economic and strategic management. This paper builds up an underlying mechanism of the platform brand cognition and brand behavior based on the hierarchical relationship from "cognition-affect-behavior". The findings demonstrate that the platform brand cognition don't affect consumer behaviors positively. Product brand sensitivity negatively moderates the influence of the platform brand on consumer behaviors. These findings hope to be benefit for creating and managing brand of the traditional clothing trading platform.
2016, 22(2):119-124. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2016.02.013
Abstract:As China has paid high attention to the construction of new-type think tanks in recent years, the construction and research of think tanks develops fast in a national scale. Considering the urgent demands emerging from think tank practice and theories, the authors, based on journal articles, dissertations and theses, newspapers papers, conference papers and monographs, systematically analyze the latest developments and trends of the think tank research and put forward countermeasures and advices to further promote the sustainable and healthy development of think tank research in China.
ZHAO Rongying , GUO Fengjiao , QIU Junping
2016, 22(2):125-131. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2016.02.014
Abstract:As one of the world's most famous national strategic advisory body, development experience of the Rand Corporation has an important reference for think tank's construction in China. The author conducted a study on the current development of the Rand Corporation, and summarized the recommendations, future development of think tank in China can learn from, on the basis of the Rand Corporation's successful experience. Recommendations are as follows:stick to their own independence; adhere to the principle of non-profit and broaden the financing channels; focus on the diversity of personnel selection and emphasis on the movement of persons; actively promote research achievements, and expand the influence of think tanks; exploit social resources effectively, and strengthen cooperation and exchange between cross-unit, inter-regional and even cross-border; improve think tanks' quality of research based on China's national conditions.
ZHANG Xinyuan , ZHAO Rongying , QIU Junping
2016, 22(2):132-138. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2016.02.015
Abstract:As with the increasingly prominent influence of think tanks on government policy around the world, Chinese government have attached great importance and support to the construction of domestic think tanks. American think tanks which not only started early and were numerous, but also formed a group of top think tanks with high international influence is a good reference for Chinese think tanks' development. This paper consider the most important thing of American top think tanks is the production process of intelligence products from the perspective of information resources, choose Rand corporation, Brookings Institution as well as Hoover Institution which can stand for the top of American think tanks on the basis of different affiliation, and come to a conclusion that there are several key process consist of the procedure, that is topics selection, data collection, research analysis and transformation of knowledge to intelligence. Clearly analyzing these key process and examples in order to provide a reference for Chinese construction of new think tanks.
2016, 22(2):139-145. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2016.02.016
Abstract:Centre of Obligation Theory of environmental law is derived from the aspect of "Law Technology". It is different from "Obligation Standard Theory" which is derived from the aspect of "Law Value". "Centre of Obligation Theory" is neither ignorant of the subject's right nor regression to "Obligation Standard Theory". It is the most powerful protection and enforcement of environmental rights which means to improve the legal efficacy. The objective basis of "Centre of Obligation Theory" in environmental law is actually the objectivity of natural laws, the basal property of human's demand and specialty of environmental problem. In order to enhance the legal efficacy of environmental law by reforming the legislation of environmental law according to "Centre of Obligation Theory", China's environmental law need to reform legal theory and expand legislation path. The reform of legal theory has to be change from forcing by previous errors to precaution of predictable risks. The measures to expand legislation path on "Centre of Obligation Theory" in environmental law include appropriate allocation of each subject's environmental obligation, extension of active obligation contents, addition to fulfillment methods of environment obligation, and aggravation of legal results for violation of environment obligation.
2016, 22(2):146-151. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2016.02.017
Abstract:In environmental governance, as the old concept may be attached to negative affective factors too much, thereby increasing the resistance and the cost of environmental governance, one of the effective methods to promote environmental governance is to introduce new concepts. There is a successful case in this area, which is the concept of "Wetland" introduced. The new concept of wetland achieves ideal effect of environmental governance. On the same time, there are many problems because of introducing of new concept of "wetland". This is the value of studying why the new concept of "wetland" instead of "swamp" and "tidal flat" old concepts, which will help us to understand environmental governance.
2016, 22(2):152-159. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2016.02.018
Abstract:Major environmental pollution accident crime was revised to crime of polluting environment by the Eighth Amendment of China's Criminal Law passed. The judicial interpretation of environmental pollution crime was issued by the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate in 2013. It is of great significance to combat environmental crime for the promulgation of both. However, it's still problems for judging from subjective fault, the formation of joint offence, and application of strict liability about crime of polluting environment. From the description of facts about a crime and the judicial of crime of polluting environment, the subjective fault of crime of polluting environment should include intent and negligence. Joint negligent crime of polluting environment has its existing legal basis and practical needs. Simultaneously, strict liability applied in crime of polluting environment should be adopted by China's Criminal Law.
2016, 22(2):160-166. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2016.02.019
Abstract:It is a breakthrough in Torts Law to impose post-sale duties on manufacturers after products had been put on markets. Post-sale duties are correction of development risk defense under strict liability. It has functions of preventing damage and protecting consumers. That manufacturers know or should know defect of product is the generating condition of post-sale duties. When defect emerges (before sale or after sale) does not affect the establishment of post-sale duties. The tort liability caused by violating post-sale duties belongs to fault liability, and cannot be defended by development risk. The statutes of repose on victim's right of remedy cannot be applied in suits on violating post-sale duties.
2016, 22(2):167-177. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2016.02.020
Abstract:It is universally existed in Yangtze River Delta that the result of regional regulations conflict is rooted in "Externality" between different regional governments. The difficulties of coordinating regional regulations conflict lies in the tough works of voluntary negotiating which only can be facilitated if there were no external authorized participation. The conundrum of coordinating regional legal systems is that how to facilitate voluntary cooperation between local governments without external authority. The voluntary cooperation without external authority, according to the theory, depends on three key elements:Equal retaliation (uncooperative) capability; Game length of period; Reputation mechanism and the community of the three elements. Implications of the theory, in order to improve the coordination, local governments of Yangtze River Delta have to set up a special partner agency organizing the regional coordination, coordinate the normalization of regional regulations and use the reputation mechanism to operate the regional regulations coordinate smoothly, so that can achieve the "best" in the game of legislation and enforcement to solve the problem caused by regional regulations conflict effectively.
2016, 22(2):178-185. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2016.02.021
Abstract:Genetic studies are becoming commercialized more and more which may do harms to objectivity of science and human subjects too. It is necessary to exert a duty to disclose financial interests in research on researchers. This obligation is justified by some values and policies such as individual autonomy, better trust. The fiduciary relationship between researchers and human subjects is the base of the duty. In comparative law this kind of legal obligation does exist. The obligation should be designed better. All kinds of researchers should be responsible for this compulsive duty. It is necessary to clarify when to disclose. What to disclose should be defined properly. Process of disclosure should be set up.
2016, 22(2):186-192. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2016.02.022
Abstract:Value consciousness is the basis and premise of value self-confidence, value self-confidence is the result and destination of value consciousness, the full value of self-confidence only can be created by a high degree of value consciousness. The value of self-confidence with Chinese characteristics only can be created by a high degree of value consciousness with China characteristics. The value of self-confidence with Chinese characteristics is bound to cast the Chinese nation's socialist political value identification;"Four Comprehensive Strategies" is the practical choice and the essence embodiment in enhancing the socialism value self-confidence with Chinese characteristics, will inspire the Chinese nation's endless creativity and fighting power during realizing the Chinese Dream, composes a new chapter in the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
ZHAO Nan , PU Qingping , ZHU Liping , WANG Huili
2016, 22(2):193-199. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2016.02.023
Abstract:College counselors and college students from 20 universities nationwide were interviewed and assessed with self-made questionnaire about Marxism Faith. The research shows that college counselors, as a whole, believe in Marxism. However, some college counselors lowly accept the tendency of the Communism. Some of them are not have enough confidence in narrowing the income difference and worry about the Steadfastness of inner-party ideal. All of these influence the college counselors' steadfastness of Marxism faith deeply. Their confusion of the Marxism belief resulted in the decline of college students' faith influences. Therefore, we must enhance scientific understanding, rational recognition, and implicit recognition, as the starting point, to form the scientific cognition on college counselors' Marxism belief. Firming faith, confidence, trust, as the entry point, sets up a dynamic system of counselors' belief in Marxism. Improving the sense of self-esteem, self-efficacy, awe, as a breakthrough point, helps college counselors establish the regulation mechanism of Marxism faith. Implementing life-oriented, modernization, scientific, as the exerting point, helps college counselors establish the practicing mechanism of Marxism belief. Only by forming the "four in one" Marxism faith cultivation and cultivation system can the college counselors achieve the state transcendence of the faith.
2016, 22(2):200-206. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2016.02.024
Abstract:In China, the problem of rural left-behind children is progressively severe, which is highly valued by the society. Through the combination of literature analysis and in-depth interviews, this paper reveals the outstanding problems of rural left-behind children, such as learning and growth, conduct education, mental health, and the reasons. On this basis, according to the theory of public governance, this paper puts forward the countermeasures of solving the problems of rural left-behind children from four aspects:government, school, society and family.
2016, 22(2):207-212. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2016.02.025
Abstract:The cultural development on campus is beneficial to strengthen the comprehensive capacities of colleges and universities, and a favorable cultural environment at school is significant to cultivate qualified talents. It should go without saying that the cultural development has been granted great importance as colleges and universities are the cradle of talents. Colleges and universities should tailor their cultural development to the full embodiment of the spirit of the era in order to have campus culture with the characteristics of the era, and achieve the rational localization in face of the contrast between Chinese culture and Western culture, among which the most important point is to focus on the essential characteristics of campus culture as well as learn from the modern education concepts of western colleges and universities such as independence, comprehensiveness and non-bureaucracy, in order to develop healthy, civilized and diversified campus culture with distinct characteristics of the era in the colleges and universities.
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