• Volume 23,Issue 2,2017 Table of Contents
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    • >区域开发
    • Railway accessibility capacity and urban development in northeast China

      2017, 23(2):1-14. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2017.02.001

      Abstract (1033) HTML (613) PDF 2.32 M (808) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The connected effect of cities based on high-speed rail (HSR) is changing the spatial patterns of regional development.However, it needs to be proved through practice whether development can be achieved by building HSR.This paper focuses on cities along the "Harbin-Dalian" railway, and built triple difference evaluation model, associating information extracted from the train schedule provided by Qunar.com.Results indicate:the HSR greatly accelerates the connected effect between large cities; large cities exhibit accessibility effect on the surrounding cities due to the asymmetry of the HSR accessibility capacity, showing "polarization axis" characterization along the Ha-Da HSR.This work reviews the developing trend of the northeast urban belt, explains the influences on the cities from the HSR operations based on the examination of the HSR accessibility effect and the city connecting effect, and looks at the impact of the accessibility effect on the developing trend of the cities equipped with HSR.

    • The evidence of Guangzhou-Shenzhen twin cities and hinterland cities' interactive relationship recognition in the high-speed rail era

      2017, 23(2):15-29. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2017.02.002

      Abstract (981) HTML (385) PDF 1.87 M (1091) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Benefiting from the "two overall strategies" promotion, Guangzhou and Shenzhen which are located at eastern coastal areas of the open frontier have preferential development opportunities.In the past 30 years, Guangzhou and Shenzhen have established their status of center cities.Such status is shored up by their development.What is different is that the establishment of Guangzhou's status is a reoccurrence of history, rather Shenzhen is a newborn city which was based on the reform and opening policy.Through using classical gravity model, combining with Guangzhou-Shenzhen's city system development practice, establishing the center of the city in the Pearl River delta, identifying interactive relationship, measurement results show that algorithm and sequence rule has maintained consistency although using different calculation methods.Given the central city, hinterland cities' number and area are able to be identified.Empirical research found that:High-speed rail, do make the connected effect of the Pearl River delta cities, and the radiation effect of Guangzhou and Shenzhen are gradually strengthen, and to strengthen the ordinary railway and highway's growth driving force.In other words, Guangzhou and Shenzhen's radiation effect on the hinterland cities is greater than the siphon effect, the situation of whole linkage and clannishness development was already open.The results are still robust when using railway trains and giving weight calculation of city link index to test again.Policy implications include:Give full play to the linkage ability of rapid railway and central cities' designated radiation scope, to balance in the cluster, to regroup the relationship between government and market's action and reaction.

    • >经济创新与发展
    • The impact of monetary policy on enterprise investment based on the perspective of property right

      2017, 23(2):30-39. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2017.02.003

      Abstract (865) HTML (967) PDF 1.05 M (875) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper focuses on how to deal with the changes of monetary policy and how to deal with the differences in the investment behavior of enterprises, considering the government controlled enterprises' property rights.The study finds that countries adopt tighter monetary policy on investment still has an inhibitory effect.However, because the government controls the ownership of listed companies, the transmission mechanism of monetary policy on the investment of enterprises in a certain extent appears weak effect with the differences in property agency relationship, and the control effect of monetary policy is interference.Especially, the state-owned enterprises have very high concentration of ownership, the transmission mechanism of monetary policy on the investment of enterprise's effect is suppressed, which is more easy to deviate from the conduction effects of monetary policy on the investment decision of the enterprises.

    • A study on industry potfolio risk in China stock market based on high dimensional dynamic C-Vine Copula model

      2017, 23(2):40-50. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2017.02.004

      Abstract (970) HTML (867) PDF 3.20 M (912) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Stock market is a "weatherglass" of macro-economy, portfolio risk measurement of different industries in stock market is very important for investors whether in financial markets or in real economy.This article measures multi-dimensional industries portfolio risk by the frontier method of high dimensional dynamic C-Vine Copula, and compares the results to static model.The result shows that VaR series got from high dimensional dynamic C-Vine Copula can get through UC and stability tests, while the static model can not.Thus we can get the conclusion that high dimensional dynamic C-Vine Copula performs better that static model and can be used as a new method for portfolio risk measurement of different industries in stock market.

    • >管理论坛
    • The impact of E-tailer's return policy on consumer purchase intention

      2017, 23(2):51-59. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2017.02.005

      Abstract (1113) HTML (600) PDF 1.25 M (990) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the rapid development of electronic commerce, consumers pay more and more attention to the improvement of online shopping environment including the return policy.In order to explore how the E-retailer's return policy impact consumer's purchase intention, as well as the moderating role of site name familiarity, the paper develops a conceptual model about the impact of the E-tailer's return policy on consumer purchase intention based on signaling theory and equity theory.The model is tested with the data from experiment.The results show that latent return policy make consumers produce higher perceived justice, thereby increase consumers' purchase intention.The effects of a return policy on perceived justice and consumer purchase intention are stronger for high familiar websites than low familiar websites.Finally, we discuss the theoretical significance and practical application of management.

    • Effort complementary, non cooperative game and effort level in entrepreneurial company

      2017, 23(2):60-67. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2017.02.006

      Abstract (704) HTML (987) PDF 1.14 M (776) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Capital shortage usually exists in the high-tech venture, but the venture capital solves the financing difficulties.Once the venture capitalists enter into entrepreneurial activities, the business success depends on the effort of the entrepreneurs and investors.This paper contrasts on the incomes of different strategies for the effort level between entrepreneur and investor to analyze the reason for the faulty of Pareto, it also estimates the interval of distribution coefficient, which can provide the reference for the distribution of income in entrepreneurial company.

    • >社科研究与评价
    • Comparative evaluation study on network influence of Chinese think tanks

      2017, 23(2):68-78. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2017.02.007

      Abstract (816) HTML (325) PDF 2.06 M (825) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the network environment, it is very important to evaluate the network influence of think tanks. The paper constructed the evaluation index system of the network influence of think tanks, which was composed of three first-level indicators (think-tank website construction, think tank network communication, and new media of think tank) and seven second-level indicators. Based on the analysis of data from the top 10 universities, the Party, Government and Army, the local academy of social sciences and the social think tanks in "China Think Tank Report 2015", we found that network influence of university think tanks was far ahead; the Party, Government and Army think tanks performed well in network influence; social think tanks were leading in the new media influence; the local academy of social sciences think tanks' network influence was the lowest. Finally, the paper put forward four suggestions including focusing on website construction, flexible use of new media, enriching participation forms in network and strengthening cooperation with media.

    • The deformity ofacademic productivity distribution and its correction: Taking law as example

      2017, 23(2):79-88. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2017.02.008

      Abstract (772) HTML (588) PDF 1.98 M (887) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The productivity distributions of law have many problems nowadays, such as the uneven distributions in geographical regions, subjects and ages.The restriction factors of imbalances mainly include material-centric factors and human-centric factors.The interaction between these two factors can form four modes:strong-strong alliance, strong-weak mixture, weak-strong combination, double weak union.The four modes correspond to positive-sum game model, neutral-sum game model and zero-sum game model.To get out of the productivity dilemma of law, lessons must be drawn from systematic thinking.Growth pole theory and academic matrix theory provide theoretical supports for it.

    • >法学研究
    • Legislative principles to combat terrorist crimes under the rule of law: In an example to analyze the draft of Anti-terrorism Law

      2017, 23(2):89-96. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2017.02.009

      Abstract (914) HTML (861) PDF 1.45 M (840) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The rule of law should be the goal of building a socialist legal system.Legislative efforts to combat terrorist crimes ought to be included within the framework of the rule of law.The rule of law is the art trade-off between freedom and order, rights and power.Legislative efforts to combat terrorist crimes need to have a good balance between freedom and order, right and power.It is not desirable to think that there is a "half and half" balance between freedom and order.Since the weigh-style cogitation taking into account characteristics of counter-terrorism, it is advocated.Legislative principles to combat terrorist crimes include:the principle of supremacy of the Constitution, the principle of maintaining order, the principle of protecting rights, and the scientific principle.The whole "People's Republic of China Anti-terrorism Act (draft)" shows the feature of "enough severity but insufficient flexibility".The concept of relying on power to protect order is contrary to the rule of law, so the weigh-style cogitation should be applied to correct it.

    • On the attendance of key witnesses under the European model and its value

      2017, 23(2):97-106. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2017.02.010

      Abstract (792) HTML (1183) PDF 1.32 M (946) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The drafting of Article 6 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms indicates the adversarial core of this Article.The history of the judicial precedents of European Court of Human Rights on confrontation right is the history of the slow development of its adversarial core.In dealing with problems of confrontation right, the European Court of Human Rights established a two-tiered analytical approach.Via this approach, the safeguard of confrontation right is taken back into the vision of fair trial for consideration.In order to implement the two-tiered analytical approach, the European Court of Human Rights created a three-steps test, that is, to examine step by step the reasonable basis for the witness not appearing in court, whether the written testimony is the only or conclusive evidence against the defendant, and whether there are other balance factors to offset the adverse effects caused by written testimony to the defendant.Learning from the European Court of Human Rights, China should make clear the substantive requirements and the procedural requirements for the attendance of key witnesses, the conditions of non-attendance of key witnesses and the criterion to distinguish them.

    • Analysis about the phenomenon of “incrimination of administrative ex-act”

      2017, 23(2):107-112. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2017.02.011

      Abstract (711) HTML (574) PDF 980.18 K (785) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Due to the consideration of criminal policy, the judicial interpretation of the crime of theft stipulates a halved theft sum standard in the situation of administrative ex-convict.This phenomenon is essentially to incriminate the acts of administrative illegal, that is, "incrimination of ex-act".It's produced from the theory of act without value, which treated ex-behavior as one element of illegality.This opinion violates the standpoint of objectivism in criminal theory.We should insist on the standpoint based on the theory of consequence without value, and regard ex-act as elements of liability rather than elements of illegality.

    • Environmental public-private partnership: The theoretical route of contract administration and judicial relief approach

      2017, 23(2):113-121. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2017.02.012

      Abstract (766) HTML (997) PDF 1.31 M (871) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:By means of contractual agreement based on the acceptability of burden sharing, risk pooling and mutual benefits, the efficacy of environmental public-private partnership (EPPP) to control environmental pollution, improve ecological environment and supply environmental public goods and services has been paid much attention in environment protection area.The contract between government and private sections is the legal basis and core of EPPP, which also fully reflects the legal theory expansion and mechanism innovation of environmental administration from traditional supervision administration to contract administration.Due to EPPP contract's attributes of both administrative orientation and contract desirability:both public nature and private nature, the legal regulation and judicial remedy of EPPP contract is also featured by a duality:public principles and rules & private spirits and specifications.Combined with the fact that EPPP contract is essentially an administrative contract under the environmental public welfare guiding, judicial remedy is an indispensable part of legalization of EPPP.According to the different priorities of consensus and power in different EPPP contracts, the contracts could be classified to two types:the private EPPP contract and the administrative EPPP contract.The former mainly depends on civil litigation to settle disputes while the later resorts to means of administrative litigation or administrative litigation incidental civil action.In addition, the attribute of pursuing environmental public benefits of EPPP contracts also makes it possible to introduce environmental public welfare litigation as a new sort of judicial relief mechanism for EPPP contracts.

    • Research on environmental law regulation transformation with environmental quality improvement as the core

      2017, 23(2):122-128. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2017.02.013

      Abstract (794) HTML (776) PDF 1.03 M (1005) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:China now is in the key stage of building a well-off society, and the public's requirement for environmental quality is increasing day by day.The 13th Five-year Plan proposed that the core of environmental protection in China should be to improve environmental quality, and the environmental management pattern aiming at environmental quality improvement is shaping.New pattern of environmental management pays more attention to the realization of personal environmental rights and interests of the public, and its goal and concept, legal obligations and responsibilities, control measures are obviously different from pollution-control oriented management model.The change of the management pattern raises new demands and challenges for environmental legislation, law enforcement and judiciary.The environmental legal system should be transformed based on the core of environmental quality improvement, and attentions should be paid to legislative goals, legal system, and judicial relief.

    • >政治建设与社会治理
    • Research for the impacts of voluntary service on volunteers' political identification: Based on the survey of the National Voluntary Service Projects Competition

      2017, 23(2):129-137. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2017.02.014

      Abstract (1042) HTML (1119) PDF 1.31 M (1033) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the social transformation and the impact of various social thoughts, political identification meets an unprecedented challenge in China. However, it is an efficient method to improve political identification by promoting voluntary services. By analysing the figures from 505 award-winning voluntary service projects, results were found that volunteers had high political identification in total, and the level of unconstructive identification was higher than that of constructive identification; in voluntary conditions, with the increase of the number of participation, the figures for political identification rose dramatically, but the relationship was not simply linear, there's an identification inflection point; the level of political identification of males and Party members was higher than that of females and non-Party members; the level of political identification of constrained participators was significantly lower than that of people who participated voluntarily and were introduced by others, and the results were irrelevant to the involvement.

    • On the color concept of the Song Dynasty grottoes

      2017, 23(2):138-146. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2017.02.015

      Abstract (933) HTML (1183) PDF 4.80 M (946) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Song Dynasty grottoes, the last stage of the Chinese grotto art history, mainly distributes in Dazu and Anyue, Yan'an, Lingyin, and Jiangyong.Dazu Rock Carvings are the most representative example:not only because they are a glorious summary of Chinese grotto art, but also because they are a typical text and a concentrated reflection of design of the Song Dynasty grotto art.Their unique color concept and expression form have distinct time and region characteristics.As the epitome of the grotto art of Song Dynasty, their color design reflects the characteristic of combination of shape and color as well as integration of the sacred and the secular.As a reflection of the Song Dynasty society, their color concept system is diachronic, conventional, synchronic, economic, technical, perceptual, unconscious, and metaphorical.As a materialization of the Song Dynasty culture thoughts, they marked the finish of sinicization and popularization of Buddhist grotto art, as well as the highly mature and systematic of Taoism and Confucianism grottoes.

    • >教育研究
    • Theoretical exploration: Psychoanalysis of undergraduates' core socialist values internalization

      2017, 23(2):147-154. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2017.02.016

      Abstract (894) HTML (830) PDF 1.46 M (1023) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:On the basis of combing the theory of internalization, the paper thinks that students' internalization of core socialist values is a continuous process of psychological development, and this process involves schema cognition, herd behavior, partial assimilation, and structural adaptation.The educational strategies for promoting internalization of core socialist values of college students are to respect the subject, enhance sustainability, strengthen synergies, highlight practicality, strengthen pertinence, and highlight demonstration.Then the internalization of students' core socialist values can be effectively promoted.

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