• Volume 25,Issue 2,2019 Table of Contents
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    • >区域开发
    • A mechanism of income apportionment for the cooperation between rural credit and agricultural insurance: Based on Shapley value in cooperative game

      2019, 25(2):1-13. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.jg.2018.09.008

      Abstract (894) HTML (1204) PDF 1.65 M (978) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The cooperation between rural credit and agricultural insurance is an advanced important mode that finance supports agricultural modernization. Under the cooperation between rural credit and agricultural insurance in this mode, not only the gross income, but also the income of farmers and credit institutions and insurance companies can improve with the rules of income apportionment which is based on Shapley value. However, the farmers run in small scale and dispersedly, so they are lack of negotiation force, for which the farmers face the risk that their income may be encroached. Therefore, the farmers may resist the cooperation between rural credit and agricultural insurance. To promote the cooperation between rural credit and agricultural insurance, a good way of income apportionment viable solution is that government advocates credit institutions actualize lower loan rate, provides premium subsidy for farmers, and promotes the development of rural cooperatives. Besides, insurance companies cooperate with credit institutions by providing insurance for rural credit and delegating agricultural insurance to credit institutions. Based on Shapley value which represents the contribution to cooperative alliance, credit institutions and insurance companies come to an agreement on commission and sign a contract for it.

    • Multidimensional poverty and technical efficiency of coarse cereals production: Based on the micro-data analysis of Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture

      2019, 25(2):14-27. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.jg.2018.09.002

      Abstract (832) HTML (942) PDF 1.89 M (1086) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the data of buckwheat growers in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, this paper uses the stochastic frontier production function model to analyze the technical efficiency of coarse cereals production in poverty-stricken areas. On the basis of defining and dividing the different poverty dimensions, this paper further reveals the relationship between poverty and coarse cereals production efficiency. The results show that the average technical efficiency of buckwheat production was 0.814, and there is still room for further improvement in the utilization efficiency of the input factors. Acreage, fertilizer and labor input has significant positive effects on buckwheat yield. In the "income poverty" dimension, income level has significant positive impacts on buckwheat production technical efficiency. In the "ability poverty" dimension, farmers' educational level, health and social capital have significant positive impacts on the buckwheat production technical efficiency. We should focus on the R&D and promotion of small farm machinery and equipment which is suitable for hilly mountain areas, and increase the intensity and scope of financial subsidies, so as to improve the mechanized application level of coarse cereals growers. Also, we should increase the investment in breeding new varieties of coarse grain, and guid farmers to adopt efficient planting and fertilization techniques. For extreme poverty-stricken areas, we should excavate the potential of the "Late-mover advantage" of coarse cereals industry, and actively grasp the historic opportunity brought by the national strategy of "Targeted Poverty Alleviation". In addition, we must not only pay attention to material and economic assistance, but also pay attention to improving the intelligence of difficult groups, so as to raise the quality of poverty alleviation and establishing a long-term mechanism.

    • Research on regional differences of agricultural scientific and technological innovation performance in China: Based on the innovation performance of agricultural research institutions

      2019, 25(2):28-36. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.jg.2018.09.003

      Abstract (933) HTML (849) PDF 1.22 M (1122) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on panel data of China's 31 provinces from 2007 to 2016, this study uses VRS model to assess provincial agricultural science and technology innovation performance. Then it analyzes spatial and temporal disparity of technology innovation performance in six regions, namely, the Eastern, the Northwest, the Northern, the South Central, the Southwest and the Northeast, and conducts σ convergence and β convergence analysis of technology innovation performance differences in research institutions. The empirical results are as follows:In terms of spatial differences, there are significant differences between provincial performances. According to its performance value from high to low, six regions can be sorted as follows, the Eastern > the Northwest > the Northern > the South Central > the South West > the Northeast. It didn't show significant σ convergence in overall disparity of science and technology innovation performance among regional agricultural research institutions. But absolute β convergence and conditional β convergence model suggest that difference of science and technology innovation performance of agricultural research institutions is gradually narrowing down between six regions. And there exists "chase effect" of backward areas on advanced regions. Provinces in North China will narrow the gap between each other at the fastest speed to achieve internal homeostasis level, followed by the Northeastern. And that of the Eastern region is the slowest. A proper understanding of spatial and temporal differences of science and technology innovation performance in China agricultural scientific research institutions is an important prerequisite for rationally allocating agricultural science and technology resources, strengthening the driving force of agricultural science and technology innovation, improving the innovation system of agricultural science and technology, speeding up the pace of modern agriculture, and promoting the strategy of Rural Revitalization.

    • >经济创新与发展
    • Financial inclusion and income equality: Based on the perspective of cross-national research

      2019, 25(2):37-48. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.jg.2018.09.007

      Abstract (862) HTML (897) PDF 1.67 M (916) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Financial development can play an important role in reducing income inequality and eliminating poverty. Financial inclusion is one of critical dimensions of financial development. We test the relationship between the income distribution and the financial inclusion. The level of financial inclusion is assessed by the IFI, while income distribution is measured by Gini coefficient. The panel VAR model shows that the level of financial inclusion has a significant impact on income distribution, and raising the level of financial inclusion may effectively reduce the inequality in income distribution.

    • >管理论坛
    • A study on the total factor productivity and its influence factors of the manufacturing industry in China

      2019, 25(2):49-58. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.jg.2018.11.002

      Abstract (945) HTML (1983) PDF 1.28 M (1002) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Hsieh and Klenow proposed a model to measure the efficiency of total factor productivity and resource allocation in 2009, and Gong Guan and Hu Guanliang expanded the model in 2013.This paper extends Hsieh and Klneow's model further and constructs a new model of monopolistic competition for heterogeneous product. Based on this model, this paper studies TFPs of manufacturing industry and explores deep factors affecting the overall TFP growth from the point of the efficiency of resource allocation and technological progress with the methods of Olley and Pakes. The following conclusions are made. First, the overall TFP growth rate is 4.93% in the period from 2001 to 2007, and TFPs are relatively high in central and Western China while TFPs in eastern China are relatively low. Second, because of the declining of both the capital allocation efficiency and the labor allocation efficiency, there is a significant decrease of TFP after 2007.

    • Social responsibility, political connections and diversification strategy: Evidence from listed private enterprises in China

      2019, 25(2):59-74. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.jg.2018.09.005

      Abstract (968) HTML (893) PDF 1.60 M (1151) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This article starts from the strategic application of social responsibility and political connections, discusses the relationship among social responsibility, political connections and the diversification strategy from Chinese publicly listed private enterprises. The empirical test results show that private enterprises establishing political connections can contribute to diversification, and conducting social responsibility helps the promotion of the diversification strategy; and those taking more social responsibility are easier to establish political connections. In the meanwhile, the more social responsibility private enterprises take, the stronger association between political connections and diversification for private enterprises is. This study provides a new empirical evidence for the understanding of political connections for private enterprises to the access of economic resources, and a new perspective for the conduct of social responsibility from private enterprises.

    • A micro-consideration of the third income distribution under the intermediate income stage: A sample of the background of CEO education of listed companies

      2019, 25(2):75-88. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.jg.2018.09.004

      Abstract (754) HTML (996) PDF 1.46 M (917) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:China has entered the ranks of "middle-income" countries in 2010, the middle income stage is faced with the problem of unfair distribution of income and the widening gap between the rich and the poor. In view of the important role of the third distribution in promoting social equity, we research the relevant business behavior at the micro level. This paper collects the data of listed companies from 2005 to 2015, and studies the relationship between executive education background and corporate donation. The study found that:1) if the choice of major in the higher education stage (including specialist, undergraduate, and higher education) of the CEO of enterprise belongs to the humanities and social sciences rather than science and engineering class, their enterprises will have more social donations; 2) The professional background of the CEO's decision-making has a long-term stability of the impact of occasional events. Based on the theory of high-level echelon, this paper further studies the influence of executive characteristics on the donation behavior of enterprises, and finds that educational background of executives has a long-term impact on corporate donation decision-making, which helps to guide enterprises to fulfill their social responsibilities and promote social equity.

    • >社科研究与评价
    • Research on the phenomenon of applying for the talents programs at the upper age limit: Taking Changjiang Scholars Program and National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars as examples

      2019, 25(2):89-99. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.gg.2018.12.002

      Abstract (1120) HTML (0) PDF 2.49 M (270) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Taking the Changjiang Scholars and the Distinguished Young Scholars of National Science Fund over the years as research objects, this paper analyzes the phenomenon of applying for the talents programs at the upper age limit and its policy implications. The study finds that, firstly, such phenomenon is quite prominent in both talents programs. Secondly, the proportion of applicants who applied at the upper age limit has an upward trend, which closely relates to the aging trend in the talents programs. Furthermore, it also finds that the above-mentioned proportions are relatively high among the following groups of applicants:those who come from Double First-Class universities, those who come from western regions, and those who are in the fields of engineering technology or life and medicine. The research suggests that China should implement differentiated talent policies for researchers in different disciplines and different age groups.

    • Evaluation of academic journal columns in China based on citation analysis

      2019, 25(2):100-114. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.pj.2018.09.002

      Abstract (998) HTML (1131) PDF 1.69 M (886) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Along with the changes in the order of academic communication, academic journal columns are hidden and ignored. The purpose of this study is to arouse academic attention and attach importance to the evaluation of academic journal columns. This paper briefly introduced the current situation and research situation of column evaluation. Taking seven psychological journals of CSSCI as the case, based on citation analysis, research on column evaluation was done through quantitative analysis of the impact factors, proportion of cited papers, citations per paper, and non-cited rate of 30 fixed columns. Then the relationship between column evaluation and journal evaluation was discuss, and suggestions were put forward on journal development.

    • >法学研究
    • The problem and crux of social governance penalization

      2019, 25(2):115-123. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.fx.2018.09.007

      Abstract (970) HTML (1099) PDF 1.50 M (961) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The penalization of social governance refers to the trend of expansion and aggravation of penalty power in the process of social governance. The crux of social governance penalization lies in misusing social control theory. Specifically, the crux of concept of social governance is to strengthen penalty instrumentalism and weaken penalty humanism; the crux of social governance mode is to pay attention to external penalty sanctions and despise inner moral restraint; the crux of social governance subject is excessive state penalty control and inadequate public participation. As a result, there are deviations in the value concept of criminal law, the positive function of criminal law is weakened, and the effect of crime prevention is not obvious. Undoubtedly, the penalization of social governance is not conducive to the modernization of social governance and the process of rule of law, and a profound reflection and long-term consideration are needed.

    • The choice and bounds of the theoretical basis ofcriminalization

      2019, 25(2):124-131. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.fx.2018.09.004

      Abstract (784) HTML (917) PDF 1.14 M (893) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the period of social transition, social contradictions are more prominent and difficult problems emerge in an endless stream, and the pursuit of "external good" in criminal law system will inevitably lead to frequent legislative activities. Especially since the 1997 revision of the new Criminal Law of China, in a short period of twenty years a separate criminal law and nine amendments have been adopted to supplement and perfect its content. Implementing "violation of legal interests" as the basic principle of criminal legislation, inappropriate legislative provisions resulting from imperfection of legislative technology in a specific period should be decriminalized in time, thus to improve the criminal legislation technology and criminal law structure of China.

    • Research on the instruction system of criminal jury: On the perfection of the instructions of people's jurors in China's criminal proceedings

      2019, 25(2):132-144. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.fx.2018.09.006

      Abstract (988) HTML (1270) PDF 1.61 M (852) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Criminal jury instruction is an important system in jury system countries. This system is very important in traditional jury system countries such as Britain and the United States. As an important part of the jury system, jury instruction is an indispensable part of the jury's trial of criminal cases. Jury instructions mainly consist of oral instructions, written instructions, and the combination of the two. The time of instruction is generally before the jury's review of the court, but in the course of the review, as to questions requiring further instructions, the jury may also require instructions. The contents of jury instructions are the most important part, including the general instructions of the judge to the jury, the instructions on law and the instructions on evidence. The jury's misconduct is also a frequent occurrence of jury trials, and some countries have made distinctions as to whether the errors are harmful or not. The system of people's jurors is a unique litigation system in China. However, there are still some problems in practice. As far as the instructions of people's jurors are concerned, China can, in perfecting the system of people's jurors, draw on the form of jury instructions from foreign countries to ensure the effective participation of the people's jurors.

    • The investigation method of arbitration agreement

      2019, 25(2):145-154. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.fx.2018.09.005

      Abstract (918) HTML (817) PDF 1.22 M (877) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Civil law countries and regions generally regard arbitration agreements, guarantees of litigation costs and non-litigation contracts as obstacles to litigation, the investigation procedure is initiated by the defendant's plea in abatement, and the investigation methods under the debate doctrine are taken. The Arbitration Law originally proposed that arbitration agreements should be advocated by litigants as obstacles to litigation. However, the Civil Procedure Law and its interpretation made the non-existence of arbitration agreements a litigation element. The lack of regulation and research on litigation obstacles in China's legislation and theoretical research leads to the confusion between litigation elements and litigation obstacles. The provisions of the Interpretation of Civil Procedure Law on the investigation methods of arbitration agreements improperly infringe upon the parties' right to choose the way of dispute resolution, and even inappropriately expand the investigation power of the judges in litigation elements.To construct a system oflitigation obstacles and to take arbitration agreements as litigation obstacles, to initiate the investigation procedure by the defendant's plea in abatement, and to take the investigation method under the debate doctrine are the perfection direction of investigation method of arbitration agreement.

    • >政治建设与社会治理
    • The value analysis of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era

      2019, 25(2):155-167. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.gg.2018.09.005

      Abstract (1069) HTML (866) PDF 1.91 M (957) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era develops Marxist theory of value. Its value ideal is the Chinese dream, the value goal is the "two centenary goals", the value choice is socialism with Chinese characteristics, the value subject is the people, the value core is core socialist values, and the value construction is the "four comprehensives" strategic layout. It has distinct value characteristics, and is the organic unity of time character and national character, special value and common value, positive value promoting and negative value abandoning, scientific quality and rational quality, value concept and value entity, as well as factual value and normative value.

    • Xi Jinping's moral education thought on traditional culture and its contemporary value

      2019, 25(2):168-179. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.gg.2018.10.005

      Abstract (941) HTML (1300) PDF 1.61 M (1097) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Xi Jinping's moral education thought on traditional culture is an organic part of the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, which embodies the precious spiritual character and lofty value pursuit of the Chinese nation. Focusing on the strategic goal of rejuvenating the country with morality, the value objective of fostering morality and cultivating talents, and the modern target of inheriting and innovating the core values, it requires adherence to the people-orientated principle, the consistency principle of knowledge and practice, and the permeability principle, and requires adoption of morality self-cultivation, model demonstration, sincere practice and other methods. Then, it suggests that we should make full use of the family and nation spirit of traditional culture to refresh and gather more strength, take advantage of the harmony and cooperation value of traditional culture to infiltrate the soul, and learn from the moral pursuit of traditional culture to strengthen individual moral cultivation. On the basis of fully affirming the moral values of Chinese excellent traditional culture, it has enriched the moral connotation of traditional culture, strengthened the cultural confidence in solving moral problems, rammed the historical foundation of core socialist values, and accelerated the pace of moral construction in the new age.

    • >教育研究
    • The evolution of college students' motivation to join the Party in the past 40 years of reform and opening up and its enlightenment for education

      2019, 25(2):180-189. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.jy.2018.10.004

      Abstract (1177) HTML (2057) PDF 1.49 M (1297) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the past 4 decades of reform and opening up, the motivation of college students to join the Party has undergone a complicated evolution of monism, dualism and pluralism. Although the mainstream of current college students' motivation to join the Party is correct, we must also face the objective reality of the decline of faith and the rise of utilitarian motive. In the course of the evolution of college students' motivation to join the Party, the change of the times is the main factor, the Party's image is the key factor, and the individual "three views" are the core factors. The experience and reasons of the 4 decades ‘college students’ motivation evolution show that, we should stick to "three-points awareness" to defend the good image of the Party in the minds of college students, adhere to "three-causes idea" to ensure the effectiveness of motivation education, integrate "three classes" to realize the systematization of motivation education, and explore "three-tests evaluation" to gradually improve the scientific evaluation of college students' motivation to join the Party.

    • The “changes” and “invariance” of ideological and political education in colleges and universities in the era of big data

      2019, 25(2):190-198. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.jy.2018.09.004

      Abstract (874) HTML (1194) PDF 1.13 M (1243) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:There is a certain difference and close connection between the ideological and political education in colleges and universities in the era of big data and the traditional one. In the era of big data, to grasp the relationship between "changes" and "invariance", the ideological and political education in colleges and universities should realize its goals through the change of ideological and political education concept, educational attainment, education method and main structure on the premise of insisting on guiding ideology, fundamental task, fundamental purpose and main principle, combining with the new situation in the era of big data. In the era of big data, the "change" and "invariance" of ideological and political education in colleges and universities are a dialectical unity. "Change" is the practical wisdom of "invariance", and "invariance" is the essence of "change." "Change" and "invariance" are dialectically unified in the development of ideological and political education in colleges and universities.

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