• Volume 28,Issue 4,2022 Table of Contents
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    • >区域开发(教育部名栏)
    • Metaverse empowers the high-quality development of digital economic: Basis, mechanism, path and application scenarios

      2022, 28(4):1-12. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.jg.2022.04.003

      Abstract (382) HTML (683) PDF 1.65 M (587) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the New Era, China’s economy is changing from high-speed growth to high-quality development, and the high-quality development of digital economy is a vital way to promote the transition of China’s economic development model. Based on advanced technologies such as big data, cloud computing, the Internet of things and blockchain, the metaverse effectively integrates production materials like talents, capital and technology, which provides a reliable technical support for the high-quality development of the digital economy. Data is a critical production element of the digital economy, which has changed the supply system of production elements and provided massive reusable resources and offered a sustainable boost to the digital economy. Driven by the metaverse, the space-time barrier effect of resource allocation is removed, supply and demand can be accurately predicted and coordinated, the efficiency of combined elements and productivity grows by leaps and bounds and resource allocation is on the Pareto optimum, and the digital economy sees a surge in benefits. The marginal cost of the digital economy gradually turns into silent cost. Under the model of consumption-driven supply, the development model of the digital economy shifts from economy of scale to economy of scope, and its development space is expanded, fueling the qualitative and quantitative changes of the digital economy. As a key production element, data penetrates into the whole sector and the entire industry chain of the digital economy, a trend which both boosts the transformation of the digital economy into one characterized by intelligence, advancement and crowdsourcing, and unleashes the market potential between the ends of production and consumption. Meanwhile, through in-depth mining of big data, we can blaze the best production path for enterprises, so as to realize the goals of energy conservation, consumption reduction, green and low-carbon development, and drive the profound integration of the digital economy and the Metaverse. The metaverse empowers the high-quality development of the digital economy, a scenario that is in line with the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing. The metaverse boasts the great prospect on multiple fronts like high-end manufacturing, healthcare and smart agriculture, blazing a trial for supply-side structural reform and offering new ideas of the high-quality development of China’s digital economy. At present, when it comes to the metaverse empowering the high-quality development of the digital economy, there are problems such as unbalanced and insufficient integration of the two, ill-equipped core technologies and intelligent equipment, more emphasis on commercial entertainment applications but less on the development of core industries, and the security of application. In the not-too-distant future, there is an urgent need for tackling the weaknesses of crucial technologies and cultivating a model for the deep integration of the metaverse and the digital economy. Furthermore, we are in need of optimizing industrial clusters and diving deeper into the livelihood of the general public, paving the way for the transition from "Made in China" to "Wisdom in China", as well as China’s shift from a manufacturing powerhouse to a world-leading manufacturing power.

    • Traffic accessibility and air pollution:Effect identification and mechanism testing

      2022, 28(4):13-27. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.jg.2020.11.006

      Abstract (217) HTML (408) PDF 1.71 M (718) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:China’s haze pollution presents the characteristics of high occurrence frequency, wide impact range and difficult treatment. Its causes and treatment path are the hot issues concerned by the government and scholars. The generation of haze will be affected by human social and economic activities. In recent years, China’s transportation infrastructure construction represented by high-speed railway construction has promoted the rapid improvement of inter city traffic accessibility. Some literature began to discuss the impact of high-speed railway construction and traffic accessibility improvement on economic development such as economic output and industrial structure, but limited to the availability of data, There is no literature to discuss the impact of high-speed rail and inter city traffic accessibility on haze pollution. The research brings traffic accessibility into the analytical framework of environmental economics. Firstly, the theoretical hypothesis of the impact of traffic accessibility on haze pollution is put forward from three aspects: factor allocation effect, industrial upgrading effect and industrial agglomeration effect. Based on the theoretical framework of Environmental Kuznets curve, a space econometric model constructed to calculate the shortest traffic time of road, ordinary railway and high-speed railway travel between cities as the quantitative method of traffic accessibility. Using the raster data of PM2.5 concentration in MODIS and MISR of 283 cities in Chinese mainland, we test the spatial correlation between urban traffic accessibility and Urban Haze pollution indicators, test the impact of traffic accessibility on haze pollution, and discuss the endogeneity and heterogeneity of the model. The mechanism of traffic accessibility on haze pollution is further analyzed. It is found that there is a significant spatial spillover effect of smog pollution between cities, and there is an inverted "U" relationship between economic development and smog pollution, which confirms the Environmental Kuznets curve; The empirical conclusion also proves that traffic accessibility can significantly reduce urban haze pollution, which is more significant in central and eastern cities; Taking the number of urban colleges and universities lagging behind for one period as the instrumental variable, it is found that the above conclusion is still robust; In the impact of traffic accessibility on haze, it may reduce or increase the heterogeneity of haze pollution in the short term, but in the long term, the improvement of traffic accessibility helps to reduce the traffic cost and friction between urban economies, promote economic growth and efficiency, and then reduce haze pollution; The impact of improved traffic accessibility on Urban Haze pollution is mainly reflected through factor allocation effect, industrial upgrading and agglomeration effect. Specifically, improved traffic accessibility will reduce urban haze pollution through factor allocation effect and increase urban haze pollution through industrial upgrading and agglomeration effect. The research shows that in the process of dealing with haze pollution, effective measures include: reducing the flow cost of factors, technologies, products and industries among cities by optimizing transportation infrastructure construction, and promoting the optimal allocation of resources and product market sharing; Aiming at the spatial correlation of haze pollution, an inter city linkage mechanism for haze prevention and control is constructed.

    • >共同富裕研究专题
    • The scientific connotation, essential characteristicsand realization path of common prosperity in the new era

      2022, 28(4):28-38. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.zs.2022.05.002

      Abstract (406) HTML (644) PDF 1.62 M (636) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Common prosperity is the essential requirement of socialism, a key feature of Chinese-style modernization, and a beautiful vision pursued by human society from generation to generation. Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and the CPC Central Committee with General Secretary Xi Jinping at its core has placed in a more important position the gradual realization of common prosperity of all the people, which has become one of the important matters of the country. To solidly promote common prosperity in the new era, first, we need to grasp its scientific connotations, that is, the unification of "whole" and "comprehensive" in terms of the subject and coverage of common prosperity, the unity of "head" and "pocket" with regard to the relation between material wealth and spiritual happiness, the unity of "shared together" and "jointly constructed" with reference to the process and result of common prosperity, and the unity of "do your best" and "do what you can" taking common prosperity as a long-term objective. Second, we should have an accurate understanding of the nature of common prosperity in the new era. Based on the common prosperity of Marxist theory and combined creatively with the characteristics of China’s practice and development in the new era, this concept is the essential requirement of socialism, the original mission of the communists, the fundamental guarantee of social harmony and the spiritual force of national rejuvenation. Finally, give full play to the "four forces" of market force, spiritual force, institutional force and moral force, and explore the diversified realization path of common prosperity in the new era. That is, to activate the vitality of market subjects, improve the market operation mechanism, form a comprehensive opening-up pattern, promote high-quality economic development with market force thus making the cake bigger, and common prosperity can be fully realized only on the basis of developed productivity. We should remain people-oriented, promote diligence and innovation, meet the reasonable needs of the people, always regard the people as the main subject of common prosperity for whom and by whom it is carried out, and constantly stimulate the people’s internal driving force with spiritual force to create prosperity and make the cake good. We should give full play to the advantages of the political system, economic and legal systems as they function, strengthen the regulation and enhance the accuracy of taxation, social security and payment transfer, expand the proportion of the middle-income group, adjust the income gap to a reasonable range, promote a scientific distribution system where those having gotten prosperous first help others to catch up, thus gradually realizing common prosperity, and use institutional forces to coordinate fairness and efficiency to let everyone share the cake. We should adhere to the principles of spontaneity and voluntariness and guide people to appreciate virtue and goodness, make balanced the micro flow of social resources and social wealth among different groups by means of fund-raising, donation and funding, encourage public charity and voluntary service with moral force, and let people embrace a sense of responsibility and dedication into their yearning for a better life, so as to make the realization of common prosperity in the new era a widely-shared moral practice.

    • Internal logic and path choice of high-quality development to promote common prosperity

      2022, 28(4):39-52. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.zs.2022.05.001

      Abstract (333) HTML (461) PDF 1.71 M (554) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The idea of common prosperity has a long history. It is not only the goal pursued by the Chinese nation for a long time, but also the essential requirement of socialism, and it is also the proper meaning of high-quality economic development. At the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, the need to promote high-quality development and promote common prosperity was emphasized. Common prosperity is not only the realization of material wealth, but also includes multiple levels of connotation, such as economic prosperity, political prosperity, spiritual prosperity, social stability, and livable environment. High-quality development is a more efficient and sustainable development aimed at meeting the people’s needs for a better life and promoting the five-in-one construction of economy, politics, culture, society and ecological civilization. It is the direction and important topic of development in the new era. The economic high-quality development is the key to high-quality development, and it will promote the improvement of the total economic volume and the optimization of the economic structure, thereby promoting the revitalization of the countryside and the improvement of the income level of residents, and achieving economic prosperity. Among them, adhering to the primacy of scientific and technological innovation, the dialectical unity of goals and results, quantity and quality, and the inclusiveness of development results are the distinctive characteristics of the era of high-quality development in the new era. Based on improving the quality of economic development and better achieving the goal of common prosperity, the internal logic of high-quality development enabling common prosperity can be discussed from three perspectives: theoretical logic, era logic and practical logic. Common prosperity must be based on high-quality development, and common prosperity is the result of successful high-quality development. The promotion of high-quality development and the realization of common prosperity are interconnected in terms of time, and are also practically feasible. High-quality development to promote common prosperity has the opportunity of the times, but also faces a series of challenges. The leadership of the Party, the institutional advantages of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the mass foundation, and the continuous improvement of national governance capacity are opportunities of the era for high-quality development to empower common prosperity, but at the same time, it is also faced with five major challenges: regional disparity and income disparity, population aging and financial pressure, unequal development of digital technology, short-term economic pressure caused by the transformation of new and old kinetic energy, and the heightened uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, a practical path for high-quality development to empower common prosperity is put forward: improve the basic socialist economic system and grasp the new dual-cycle development pattern; improve the income distribution system by promoting the reform of the fiscal and taxation system; assist the rural revitalization plan and promote the integrated development of industries; conform to digital transformation, improve the technological innovation system, and provide more scientific and modern means for common prosperity; promote industrial optimization and upgrading, improve the quality of financial development, and better promote common prosperity. It can be considered that the conclusions of this study have important theoretical inspiration and practical significance for understanding the internal logic between high-quality development and common prosperity, and exploring the path to achieve common prosperity.

    • >企业经济研究专题
    • The market price reaction and corporate governance effect of listed companies’renaming: Evidence from Chinese stock market

      2022, 28(4):53-65. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.jg.2020.12.002

      Abstract (226) HTML (721) PDF 1.66 M (554) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Renaming of listed companies has become a common phenomenon in Chinese stock market, and its impact on stock price and company performance has attracted widespread attention from securities regulators, listed companies and investors. The article first theoretically analyzes the impact of company renaming, especially the company’s renaming behaviors based on different motives such as business scope changes, mergers and acquisitions, strategic adjustments, reputation changes, and other reasons, on its stock prices and operating performance according to existing relevant research results, and puts forward corresponding research hypotheses. Then, on the basis of statistical analysis on the status of Chinese listed companies renaming and the reasons for their renaming, taking the stock price data of Chinese listed companies in the 60 trading days before and after the renaming from 2010 to 2017 as the sample, the article uses the event study method to empirically research the market price response to the renaming of listed companies. Taking the operating performance data such as ROA and EPS, financial data such as company size and financial leverage, and corporate governance data such as equity structure and board structure in the three years before and after the renaming from 2010 to 2015 as the sample, the article uses difference T test and multiple regression model to empirically research the corporate governance effect of listed company renaming. The main results are as follows. No matter what causes the renaming of listed company, it may produce significant positive excess returns in a very short time before and after the renaming, however, such positive excess returns will disappear within a short time after the renaming and even produce significant negative excess returns. Meantime, renaming of listed company may also significantly reduce its ROA and EPS within 1-3 years after the naming, and have significant negative corporate governance effect. The short-term market price reaction of companies’ renaming is strongly internal consistent with its long-term corporate governance effect. Therefore, the renaming of company is not an effective way for listed companies to improve their business performance and governance performance, and it may be difficult for investors to obtain positive excess returns in the long and short term by investing in renamed listed companies. The securities regulators should issue more detailed company renaming regulations to standardize the renaming behavior of listed companies and curb the chaos of listed companies renaming, and provide institutional guarantees for creating a good environment of Chinese stock market. When the listed company changes its name due to business scope changes, strategic adjustments, mergers and acquisitions, reputation deterioration, and other reasons, it should make correct decisions based on the actual situation of the company. Renaming may not improve the company’s operating performance and generate a positive governance effect. Investors should not blindly invest in the renamed listed company, which may not bring short-term and long-term excess returns for them by improving the company’ operating performance and producing positive governance effects. The results of the article provide a decision reference for the securities regulatory authorities to regulate the renaming behavior of listed companies, and listed companies to change their name, and investors to invest on renamed companies.

    • Bank credit, financing cost and margins of firm’s import and export

      2022, 28(4):66-82. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.jg.2021.03.005

      Abstract (151) HTML (577) PDF 2.54 M (463) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In policy and reality, China’s imports and exports are undergoing great historical changes. China’s foreign trade policy has experienced changes from "rewarding export and limiting import" to "high-quality import and export " and then to "promoting high-quality development of foreign trade". In promoting the high-quality development of foreign trade, the financing environment is one of the important influencing factors. From a financial point of view, we need to know, in different historical periods, whether bank loans can promote foreign trade, how loan costs affect import and export and what are the different impacts on foreign-invested enterprises and non-foreign-invested enterprises? Based on the World Bank Investment Climate Survey in 2005 and Enterprise Survey in 2012, this paper examines the historical changes of bank credit affecting the export and the import of intermediate inputs of Chinese enterprises, and also examines the differences of these changes among enterprises with different ownership natures. It is found that, on the whole, the positive influence of bank credit on the extensive margin and intensive margin of import and export is increasing. On the extensive margin, the positive impact of collateral loans and unsecured loans on export participation is significantly enhanced. On the intensive margin of export, the impact of collateral loans and unsecured loans on direct exports value has not changed significantly, but collateral loans have significantly increased the proportion of direct exports. In 2003, collateral loans significantly increased the proportion of imported intermediate inputs used by enterprises, and in 2011, unsecured loans played this role. The test results of the whole sample more reflect the impact of bank credit on non-foreign-invested enterprises. The positive impact is highlighted in that low-cost loans replace high-cost loans to promote the export and import participation and increase the proportion of imported intermediate inputs. This supports the transformation of international trade from focusing on price to focusing on quality. The adverse effects are mainly manifested in the fact that the higher loan cost urges non-foreign-invested enterprises to reduce the supply in the domestic market. Their export value has not increased significantly while the proportion of exports has not. This means that under the high pressure of repaying loans, enterprises are restricted in the dilemma of exporting in order to alleviate financing constraints, and the export mode is difficult to upgrade. China should continue to promote banking reform, improve the financing environment, and effectively reduce the financing costs of local enterprises. On the one hand, it can change the low-quality export of enterprises to alleviate financing constraints, correct excessive export orientation, and urge enterprises to serve the domestic market; On the other hand, it can promote the import of higher-quality intermediate inputs, improve productivity and product quality, and promote the high-quality development of foreign trade.

    • >新时代高等教育评价研究专题
    • Theoretical understanding of the construction of high-quality higher education system: Based on the perspective of educational evaluation reform in the new era

      2022, 28(4):83-94. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.zs.2022.06.003

      Abstract (285) HTML (449) PDF 1.67 M (538) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Constructing a high-quality education system is a major task for China to become an educational power in the 14th Five-Year Plan period and through the year 2035. The high-quality higher education system is not only an important aspect of the high-quality education system, but also an important content and key goal of deepening the reform of education evaluation in the new era. In view of this, it is necessary to think deeply and answer scientifically what high-quality higher education system is, clarify its basic characteristics and framework, and then answer how to build high-quality higher education system. Only by defining its core meaning, can we grasp the construction direction, content and requirements of high-quality higher education system. High-quality higher education system refers to a whole composed of various aspects, elements, links, fields and levels of higher education, which is closely linked, organically connected and coordinated, and coupled with other related systems in the economic and social fields. It can promote and realize the high quality development of higher education. Therefore, it is clear that the first essence of high-quality higher education system is high quality, which serves the high-quality development of economy and society with its own high quality; its core is to cultivate people with moral integrity so as to train socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor; its basic requirement is systematization, which means higher education forms an organic whole by itself; its fundamental approach is to achieve balanced and full development in a coordinated way and solve the problem of unbalanced and inadequate development. To sum up, high-quality higher education system mainly has five basic characteristics. The first is sinicization, which means distinctive Chinese characteristics and bright background; the second is coordination, which means internal coordination and external coordination; the third is modernization, which means continuously pursuit of development and progress; the fourth is internationalization, which means realizing the evolution of globalization; the fifth is excellence, which means constructing efficient and high-quality higher education. The construction of high-quality higher education system involves system, personnel, structure, outreach and guarantee, which can be summarized into eight aspects. First, a high-quality education governance system should be constructed to provide institutional and mechanism guarantee; second, a high-quality personnel training system should be formed to constantly improve the ability of personnel training; third, a high-quality teacher team system should be built to cultivate and build a high-quality teacher team; fourth, a high-quality discipline specialty system should be constructed to form discipline specialty structure in line with the new development pattern; fifth, a high-quality layout structure system should be built to optimize the regional layout and type structure of higher education; sixth, the high-quality innovation service system should be expanded to promote the in-depth integration of innovation chain and industry chain; seventh, a high-quality opening up system should be deepened to accelerate the internationalization of higher education; eighth, a high-quality conditions guarantee system should be consolidated to provide high-quality support for high-quality higher education system..

    • First-class talents under the background of Double First-class construction: Connotation, evaluation, generation and development

      2022, 28(4):95-105. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.pj.2022.05.003

      Abstract (296) HTML (449) PDF 1.62 M (480) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In February 2022, the Guidelines on Deepening the Construction of World-class Universities and Disciplines were published, and the second list of universities and disciplines included in the Double First-class Project was released. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, has pointed out that "only those universities that cultivate first-class talents can become world-class universities. To run China’s universities successfully and turn them into world-class universities, we must firmly grasp the core point of comprehensively improving the ability to cultivate talents." Cultivating first-class talents is a key issue that cannot be avoided under the background of Double First-class construction. As the "pioneer" of the pilot reform of first-class talent training, Double First-class construction universities should firmly grasp the core point of comprehensively improving the ability of talent training, and give full play to the role of the main force in training urgently needed high-level talents and basic research talents. The proposal and evolution of the concept of Double First-class provides an important theoretical basis for the study of first-class talents. The major strategic deployment of talents of the CPC Central Committee in recent years and the objective needs of the talent-strengthening strategy have given strategic significance to the research of first-class talents. From the perspective of universities’ basic functions, improving the quality of talent training and cultivating first-class talents is the core mission of building first-class universities. First-class talents should have first-class knowledge and skills, have first-class innovation ability, and have an advanced sense of contributing to the country, society and the people. They are endowed with common characteristics such as high integrity, all-round development, love of country, broad vision, based on practice, and courage to innovate. To establish a scientific first-class talent evaluation scale, we must not only establish a correct value orientation, and reform the traditional "five-dimensions-only" assessment system, but also form a diversified evaluation system. It plays an important role in maximizing the innovation and creativity of talents and their potential. Under the background of Double First-class construction, the cultivation of first-class talents is not only a response to the national strategic needs, but also calls for the return of the authenticity of education and meets the needs of talent development. Therefore, we must deeply understand the consistency of promoting the construction of first-class universities, first-class disciplines and the training of first-class talents, firmly establish the principle of the Party’s management of talents, adhere to the "four aspects" and the fundamental task of cultivating people with morality, and promote the deep integration of production, study and research. Double first-class universities should seize opportunities, shoulder responsibilities and call for more talents to emerge, grow and play their roles on the land of China and make greater contributions to the prosperity and rejuvenation of the nation. They should provide replicable and extendable experience for the cultivation of first-class talents, play a leading and exemplary role in the construction of a powerful country in higher education, and build a solid foundation for the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

    • >企业竞争力提升评价研究专题
    • Research on upgrade paths of fresh supply chain based on the advantageous resources of fresh retailers in the Internet environment: A comparative case study of Baiguoyuan and Missfresh

      2022, 28(4):106-119. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.jg.2020.06.001

      Abstract (160) HTML (456) PDF 2.01 M (505) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the Internet age, the traditional mode of upstream fresh supply chain can no longer meet the diversified demand of the sales end, which restricts the long-term development of fresh retailers. Aim at this problem, we analyze the different advantageous resources and the "Internet +" supply chain upgrade paths of Baiguoyuan and Missfresh. Then, the research finds that fresh retailers with heterogeneous resources will choose different "Internet +" supply chain upgrade paths based on their own advantageous resources, including the co-construction supply chain upgrade path and the leading supply chain upgrade path. The characteristic of co-construction supply chain upgrade path is fresh retailers combining suppliers to acquire new resources and develop core competencies to connect stakeholders in the supply chains. They can access Internet technology resources and upgrade supply chains by constantly exploring the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain. This is built on the strong connection between fresh retailers and upstream suppliers and the logistics advantages of physical stores. The characteristic of leading supply chain upgrade path is fresh retailers using their technical advantages to promote supplier resources upgrading. They attract more and more consumers to form large-scale data through social marketing, membership reforming, and continue to tap consumer demand, increase the influence of fresh retailers on the supply chain. This is built on the fresh retailer’s data resources, technical advantages and online sales platform. Finally, we find that the nature of retailers and suppliers, network relationships and advantage resources are the main factor affecting the upgrade path of the fresh chain.

    • Research on the influence of business groups on the R&D investment-cash flow sensitivity of high-tech enterprises: From the perspective of internal capital market’s allocation scale and activity degree

      2022, 28(4):120-138. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.jg.2020.12.001

      Abstract (204) HTML (338) PDF 1.81 M (542) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In an environment of financing constraints, a stable and sufficient cash flow can help reduce the financing uncertainty of high-tech companies and ensure the development of R&D activities. R&D investment-cash flow sensitivity is an important indicator to measure the dependence of R&D investment on financing of technology companies. Some research literature show that the cost of cash flow is lower. When the external financing cost is high, ample cash flow can become an important basis for ensuring the development of scientific and technological enterprises. However, excessive dependence on cash flow will cause high-tech companies to abandon their existing innovative investment projects. Therefore, how to balance and improve R&D investment-cash flow sensitivity is an urgent issue for high-tech companies to consider. From the research perspective of the existing literature, most of the literature focuses on considering the interaction between corporate financing and external capital markets, trying to explore ways to ease financing constraints, reduce cash dependence, and improve the sensitivity of R&D investment-cash flow. However, with the rapid development of China economy, the diversification of business operations and the expansion of business scale, business group organization has become an important form of organization for Chinese enterprises. Research on the improvement of R&D investment-cash flow sensitivity of high-tech enterprises should consider the disturbance of business group organizational factors. Hierarchical theory points out that an internal capital market (ICM) will be formed within the group organization, which uses administrative orders within the group to replace the external capital market allocation and can be used as a supplement and substitute for the external capital market to ease corporate financing constraints. Compared with the external capital market, the internal capital market has the advantages of information symmetry and resource sharing. The introduction of the business groups environment can effectively improve the sensitivity of R&D investment-cash flow. Based on this, this article embeds high-tech companies in the group organization environment and explores the sensitivity of high-tech companies’ R&D investment-cash flow under the joint influence of internal and external capital markets. From the two perspectives of the size and activity of the internal capital market allocation, the discussion focuses on the improvement of the sensitivity of R&D investment-cash flow of technology companies and the mechanism after the introduction of the internal capital market environment. Due to the interrelationship between corporate investment and financing decision-making behaviors, the use of a single equation to test a single indicator may ignore the impact of changes in other indicators. In order to avoid estimation bias, this paper uses the inter-period system equation method to comprehensively analyze the R&D investment of technology companies-cash flow sensitivity. Using the PSM method to construct the experimental group and the control group, to investigate the influence of the group’s organizational attributes on the sensitivity of high-tech companies’ R&D investment-cash flow. The research found in this paper: 1) Group organizational attributes can reduce the sensitivity level of R&D investment-cash flow of technology companies; 2) The allocation scale effect of the internal capital market quantitatively explains the level of R&D investment-cash flow sensitivity of technology companies under the group The reasons for the decrease; 3) The effect of the degree of activity of the internal capital market explains the decrease in the sensitivity level of R&D investment-cash flow from the frequency. Based on this, technology companies can be guided to form a group-like enterprise consortium and use group organizational functions to improve R&D investment-cash flow sensitivity; at the same time, it is necessary to further improve the group’s operating mechanism and control model to improve the operation of the internal capital market mechanism. Effectiveness, to encourage the headquarters to improve the efficiency of capital allocation, and to provide protection for the R&D investment of technology companies under the group.

    • >人文论坛
    • The financial informal function in Qing Dynasty from the perspective of the increased miscellaneous taxes

      2022, 28(4):139-150. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.rw.2022.06.002

      Abstract (183) HTML (695) PDF 1.62 M (407) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Miscellaneous taxes, by fixed amount, were a traditional fiscal revenue in the Qing Dynasty. In the early period of the Qing Dynasty, the amount of miscellaneous taxes imposed was low compared with the land tax or the salt tax or the tariff, though imposed over the country and sometimes levied more, so that it didn’t play important role in the finance in Qing Dynasty. However, the government’s financial situation was worsened, on account of the crisis of the domestic turmoil and foreign aggression deepened after the Taiping Rebellion. In order to meet the needs of financial expenditure, the traditional levies were added in different degrees, including the miscellaneous taxes, while which was limited by the fixed amount, so that the traditional taxes, the miscellaneous taxes included, couldn’t be levied as much as it should be. To deal with the ever-increasing financial needs, the Qing government transferred the financial pressure the provinces, in order to meet the financial needs, a new miscellaneous levies started by the provinces, as a sort of non-conventional miscellaneous taxes, which promoted the whole amount of the miscellaneous taxes. This paper attempts to examine the process of collecting the non-conventional miscellaneous taxes to meet the financial needs, when traditional taxes couldn’t be imposed, in order to discuss the difficulties and the solutions of the increase of the miscellaneous taxes, and to discuss the informal institution supplemented to the formal institution in Qing Dynasty.

    • On the enactment and legal significance ofQing Nationality Ordinance

      2022, 28(4):151-161. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.rw.2022.06.001

      Abstract (276) HTML (689) PDF 1.62 M (514) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Nationality emerged with the establishment of the world system formed by western modern nation-state. It is a legal concept based on the principle of national sovereignty and sovereign equality, which is used to distinguish different nationals or citizens. In modern China, historically, the first nationality law, which was named as Nationality Ordinance, was enacted by the Qing government. The direct incentive to draw up Nationality Ordinance was the desire of the Qing government to provide extended protection for overseas Chinese. This historical background determined that the majority of the academic researches in legal circle about it focused on the relationship between nationality law and Chinese from a single perspective of overseas Chinese affairs policy. However, from the historical perspective of legal history, the enactment of the first nationality law marked the beginning of the transformation of Qing Dynasty from a traditional dynastic state to a modern nation-state, which might have a more profound significance. From the perspective of state construction, the construction of national identity is a crucial part of modern state construction. The significant difference between the modern states and the ancient states is that the modern states have a unified central government, defined national territory and a legible national identity. In traditional Chinese cognition, people only know Tianxia, but do not understand the meaning of state; internally, they claim themselves to be subjects rather than citizens. Nationality legislation is concerned with the legal qualification of modern national identity. In this sense, the enactment of Qing Nationality Ordinance could be regarded as a landmark event of the national construction in modern China. At that time, out of passively adapting to the political operation logic of modern state and considering to actively solve the ruling crisis, the late Qing government tried to legislate national identity in the trouble of internal and foreign affairs. However, without construction of a necessary national stability, this legislative attempt was doomed to fail under the background of unresolved existential crisis. The substance of this ordinance was still far from the mature nationality law of modern countries as well. Although the legislative attempt of Qing Nationality Ordinance was not successful, it objectively promoted the germination of modern national identity consciousness. In China, the household registration system is always be used in field of population management and people only have the identity under a household identity rather than having the identity as an individual. The nationality law would provide authority and legitimacy to individual identity. From household registration to nationality, from subject to citizen, the traditional Confucian ethical order was replaced by the modern legal logic of rights and obligations. Qing Nationality Ordinance was not only concerned with the establishment of the legal identity of the Chinese, but also carried a foreshadowing of the rise of the modern Chinese state.

    • Characters in Literature and Arts and the Playwrights of History: The Experience of the Ode to Longjiang Production Crew at Gelong Village

      2022, 28(4):162-171. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.rw.2022.06.003

      Abstract (224) HTML (657) PDF 1.64 M (565) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speech at the 2014 Symposium on Literature and Art Work on "the people are the 'players’ of history and the 'players’ of 'history’" brought new research ideas and perspectives to literary and artistic works. The article takes this as a starting point to think about the "players" and "players" behind the creation of the model play "Ode to the Longjiang".As an important cultural symbol in the period of socialist construction, the theme of "Ode to the Longjiang" has gradually formed the literary and artistic forms of reportage, news reports, poetry, drama, model drama, etc. after nearly ten years of creation by different literary and art workers. From 1969 to 1970, the crew of the modern revolutionary model drama "Ode to the Longjiang" experienced life three times in the Gelong Brigade of Waigang Commune, Jiading, Shanghai. The "player" and "player" behind "Ode to the River", Zhou Liqin, who was observed and studied by actor Li Bingshu, became the stage image prototype of "Ode to the Longjiang" heroine Jiang Shuiying. As a typical representative of the new countryside during the socialist construction period, the Gelong Brigade provided valuable production and labor experience for the creation of "Ode to the Longjiang", and the performance of "Ode to the Longjiang" also inspired the production practice of the Gelong Brigade and promoted the creation of "Ode to the Longjiang". It has played a positive role in calling the masses to become the main body of socialist construction. Based on the oral histories of Zhou Liqin and Xue Youzhong, combined with relevant documents, the article traces the details of the creation of the "Ode to the Longjiang" crew in Gelong Brigade, excavates the history behind the stage, and strives to present the relationship between artistic creation and the production and life of the people. It then supplements the creation historical materials and historical context of "Ode to the Longjiang", providing a historical reference for researchers to rethink the relationship between literature and art and people’s production and life, and to restore the process of mutual influence and mutual shaping between artistic creation and people’s life. On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of "Speech at the Yan’an Symposium on Literature and Art", looking back on the experience of the crew of "Ode to the Longjiang" in the Gelong Brigade, how to realize the new connection between the "player" and the "player" and think about the new era How to produce literary and artistic works like "Ode to the Longjiang" with ideological leading role is instructive.

    • >法学研究
    • On the international discourse power of Chinese law: Lack, reasons and countermeasures

      2022, 28(4):172-183. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.fx.2022.05.002

      Abstract (216) HTML (503) PDF 1.64 M (395) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Academic discourse power is a kind of soft power, which mainly refers to the influence, judgment, guidance and application of academic discourse. The improvement of the discourse power of contemporary philosophy and social sciences has become a major issue in China. As an important part of philosophy and social sciences, Chinese law once had a glorious era of Chinese legal system. But with the decline of the Qing government, the globalization movement of western legal discourse, the "western law moving eastward" and other reasons of China’s late Qing Dynasty, the discourse system of Chinese legal system has disintegrated. Since then, even though Chinese legal discourse has not totally disappeared in the world, it has become a negative teaching material of legal modernization. Although the contemporary Chinese legal academic research has shown a fruitful and prosperous landscape, and the research on extraterritorial law has become a hot trend, it is still in the situation of speechlessness in the world. The reasons for the lack of discourse power of Chinese law in the world include: the lack of subject consciousness of Chinese legal discourse leads to the lack of self-confidence of Chinese legal academic research subjects and the almost total negation of Chinese ancient and modern laws; the repetitive production and lack of innovation of Chinese academic research lead to the low academic quality of Chinese legal discourse; the exchange and dialogue with foreign laws become one-way apprenticeship learning; the movement of globalization of western legal discourse is still going on, and its discourse power in the world is still dominant. However, significant progress has been made in the construction of Chinese law and the rule of law. It is necessary for Chinese academic discourse to reflect these progress and achievements and spread its voice internationally. The existence of the international discourse power of legal academic discourse is not directly related to the number and continuous repetitive production of legal research results, nor can it be obtained through the "string puppet" research of extra-territorial law. In order to suit the remedy to the case, the promotion of legal discourse power should find countermeasures according to the above reasons. Therefore, Chinese legal academic research must first reshape the subjectivity consciousness of Chinese legal discourse, so as to eliminate the discourse tendency of "other alienation" and "self alienation". Secondly, when communicating with foreign laws, we should have confidence in the academic research of Chinese law in order to change the appearance of apprenticeship communication. Thirdly, innovative academic production should be carried out with an independent research attitude to solve the quality problem of academic discourse, so as to make China a producer rather than a consumer of legal academic discourse. Fourthly, Chinese academic research should attach great importance and pay close attention to the legal issues of the international community, break through the hegemonic barriers of extraterritorial legal discourse with high quality of China’s proposition, and promote the development of international legal cause. While the extraterritorial legal discourse is still dominant, China should take measures to actively promote its academic research to the world.

    • The basic research and achieving methods of responsibility for ecological restoration

      2022, 28(4):184-193. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.fx.2019.11.001

      Abstract (245) HTML (518) PDF 1.59 M (531) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Ecological restoration is a systematic project with high requirements for professional technology. There are relevant legislative norms at both the national and local levels to standardize and restrain ecological restoration behaviors. At present, a relatively mature legislative system has been formed. By combing the articles of law, it can be found that the responsibility for ecological restoration includes two aspects, direct ecological restoration and indirect ecological restoration. The former refers to the direct restoration of damaged ecosystem by taking artificial restoration measures, the latter refers to the functional restoration of the ecological environment through the operation of various facilities and equipment. Based on a brief analysis of the basic connotation of ecological restoration and the legal expression of responsibility for ecological restoration, the differences between the responsibility for ecological restoration and responsibility for restoring to original condition are compared from four aspects in this article, including the target legal interest, yardstick, liability form and actual effect. And this is why the responsibility for ecological restoration is called a new form of environmental responsibility. However, still at its starting stage, it also meets obstacles such as vague legal expression, imperfect legislation and incomplete safety guarding and so on. In the face of these obstacles and problems, people should be rational and objective in order to solve them. In sum, the realization of ecological restoration responsibility is to realize the legal arrangement of ecological restoration responsibility in the current legal system through legal practice. It is a process from what should be to what is. The way to realize the responsibility for ecological restoration is proposed from the aspects of clarifying the concept and character of it, perfecting the legal norms, improving the safeguard measures for the realization of it, and establishing a third party participation system. It is expected that this would be beneficial to the implementation of ecological restoration responsibility system.

    • Research on the legal regulation ofcivilian UAVs’ infringement on citizens’ right to privacy

      2022, 28(4):194-202. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.fx.2021.05.001

      Abstract (409) HTML (408) PDF 1.96 M (691) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As an important representative of artificial intelligence products, the widespread application of civilian UAVs not only increases the convenience of social life, but also brings unprecedented risks and challenges to the privacy and security of citizens. In this regard, it is necessary to combine the operating characteristics of civilian UAVs to summarize the legal characteristics of civilian UAVs’ infringing on citizens’ right to privacy, namely the duality of infringement subject, the concealment of infringement means and the short-time characteristic of infringement mode. On this basis, the current status of legal regulation of privacy violations of civilian UAVs in China are comprehensively sorted out. National and local laws and regulations have regulated the definitions of related terms such as drones, as well as driver review and registration, real-name registration management, drone airworthiness management, air traffic management, drone flight airspace, market access and other issues. However, there are still many loopholes in practical application, especially the lack of protection of citizens’ right to privacy. The specific problems mainly include the following three points. First, the legal rank is low, and the top-level design is insufficient. At this stage, there is only one Civil Aviation Law that can regulate drones in national-level laws, but there is no provision in this law that can be directly applied to UAVs. Second, there is department prevarication and the supervision system is unclear. Although the law clearly stipulates that the highest leading bodies for drone flight management are the State Council and the National Air Traffic Control Commission, the functions and powers and responsibilities of the two parties are still vague. Third, there are obvious legal vacuums for the protection of citizens’ right to privacy, drone control and drone airspace management, and the operability is poor in practice. Finally, on the basis of reasonable absorption of advanced legislation experience from outside the territory, and combined with China’s national conditions, the article proposes countermeasures to improve China’s relevant legal systems. First, raise the legal rank, improve the drone-specific legislation, and strengthen the protection of the right to privacy. Second, clarify the power and responsibility system at each stage of development, sales, use, maintenance, recycling and scrapping in the whole life cycle of drones, strictly implement regulatory responsibilities, and achieve normalized management of drones. Third, fill the legal vacuum, including improving the high-level legislation on drones and establishing the basic principles of privacy protection; clarifying the airspace where drones can fly, and using technical means to prevent illegal intrusions; combining the issue of drone infringement with the spirit of laws and regulations such as the Civil Code, the Criminal Law, and the Personal Information Protection Law, and clarifying the principles of attribution, exemptions, and civil, administrative, and criminal responsibilities for civil drone infringement, so as to build a systematic and comprehensive legal regulation system.

    • >大数据与信息安全研究专题
    • Civil law regulation of entrusted processing of personal information

      2022, 28(4):203-215. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.fx.2022.03.003

      Abstract (476) HTML (805) PDF 1.84 M (558) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Entrusted processing of personal information is an inevitable option of information flowing, sharing, and using. Article 21 of the Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL) specifically provides a regulatory basis for entrusted processing of personal information, filling the normative gaps of the Civil Code, the Electronic Commerce Law and the Network Security Law. However, how to interpret and apply the regulatory content of this article, and the specific development of the purpose, objects, methods and other elements of the entrusted processing still needs to be improved through interpretation. In judicial practice, information processors often cite the existence of contracts or other transaction arrangements with a third party, in which the damage is caused by others rather than their own processing behaviors, which brings challenges to the protection of the rights and interests of information subjects. This is the core of civil law regulation of entrusted processing. As the basic argument of private law regulation of entrusted processing, the legal structure of entrusted processing is different from joint processing, in which there is a subordinate relationship between the information processor and the entrusted party. The information processor decides the purpose and method of processing, and the entrusted party can process the personal information only as instructed by the information processor. In order to better safeguard the rights of information subjects, the internal contract of entrusted processing relationship must include mandatory provisions to ensure that the entrusted party legally processes data and the information processor can check whether the entrusted party has complied with these provisions. Compared with Article 20 of the PIPL which stipulates the rights and obligations of each party shall be agreed upon by an internal person, Article 21.1 that lists in detail the purpose, duration, and method of the entrustment, types of personal information, protection measures as well as the rights and obligations of the parties is a positive legislative choice. In accordance with Article 21.2 of the PIPL and the general rules of foreign law, the entrusted party shall bear three statutory obligations, including process as instructions, return or deletion, and keep confidentiality. In addition, the general rules of entrustment contracts cannot apply to sub-entrustment, notification of consent, as well as appropriate appointment and supervision, which are for the purpose of ensuring that the entrusted party can correctly and appropriately perform its duties and comply with the regulations on the protection of personal information. As for the assumption of liability of the parties, Article 69 of the PIPL provides for the liability for damages. Meanwhile, the system is expanded by relying on the norms of the Civil Code. Therefore, the remedy of the rights and interests of the information subject can not only be solved through the Personality Rights Part, but also be protected through the Tort Liability Part. However, Article 21 of the PIPL does not provide for the division of responsibilities between the information processor and the entrusted party, which constitutes a legal loophole. In order to alleviate the relief predicament of liability subject, the rights relief of the information subject should be realized through joint and several liability rules. Specifically speaking, the theory of joint dangerous acts may be used, and by analogy the provisions of Article 1170 of the Civil Code may be applied, which requires the information processor and the entrusted party to be jointly liable for damages in the same transaction, unless it can be proved that the damages are actually caused by the other parties.

    • Positivism for AI subject in criminal law: Also answer to the negativism

      2022, 28(4):216-229. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.fx.2021.04.001

      Abstract (170) HTML (578) PDF 1.69 M (468) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The rapid development of intelligent technology and its application has a strong impact on the contemporary legal system based on the fundamental premise of human subjectivity, and the criminal law status of artificial intelligent subjects has become a key issue. At present, the negative theory and the positive theory are in a stalemate, accelerating the process of knowledge change in the current criminal law theoretical system. Different degrees of negativism, such as "artificial objects", have their merits on the grounds that the current criminal legal system is difficult to directly accept them and they carry potential criminal risks. Its logical mechanism is the presupposition effect of excessive release of anthropocentrism. Examining from an anthropocentric standpoint will lead to irreconcilable conclusions, and it also shows the tendency of the tool attributes of intelligent technology applications to be deeply magnified. However, the above-mentioned negative reasons are not necessarily in line with the actual needs of regulating artificial intelligence crimes, they are also inconsistent with the evolution law of legal subject system, and it will even suppress the autonomous evolution of the subject of criminal law. Different forms of positive theory such as "cyborg" are the first to break out of absolute anthropocentrism and its conceptual constraints, and view the interaction and trends of artificial intelligence and criminal law from a developmental perspective, which is more in line with the development trend of artificial intelligence crimes. The accumulation of existing knowledge frameworks and new elements, such as freedom of will, criminal responsibility, moral and ethical rules, intelligence level and types of intelligent subjects, the objective existence of criminal responsibility, and the special status and significance of algorithms, means that artificial intelligence can develop in the future to achieve cohesion and fit in the criminal law system. This reversal of understanding, which does not really completely deviate from the principles of criminal law, also provides support at the theoretical level. Moreover, following the rationale of utilitarianism, and under the guidance of a series of advanced legislation on artificial intelligence subjects, the criminal status of intelligent subjects should be determined in stages, types, and dynamics, so that they can continue and expand on the path of legal fiction. Under the clarification of the subject status of artificial intelligence in criminal law, it is necessary to accept the reality that intelligent subjects can enjoy certain emerging rights, but the specific content such as the type of rights should be specifically confirmed. Under the instigation of the current technology generation, the content and scope of the rights of intelligent subjects are currently limited, and it is impossible to adopt a protection strategy equivalent to that of "people", and the protection methods should also be different. This kind of "dimension reduction" protection has its practical rationality. Through active system design and rule configuration, it can coordinate with the changing situation of the criminal law status of artificial intelligence subjects to the greatest extend.

    • Criminal law response to cybercrime and the regulation of artificial intelligence crime in the big data era

      2022, 28(4):230-238. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.fx.2020.04.002

      Abstract (198) HTML (713) PDF 1.62 M (536) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The development of network technology has contributed to the intergenerational change of the network. In the Internet 3.0 stage with big data as the core, the role and status of the network in crime has changed, and the criminal law attribute of the network has evolved from the traditional object and tool of crime to the field space and way of existence of cybercrime. The manifestations of cybercrime have also evolved accordingly. While the trend of traditional crime being networked has been strengthened, new forms of crime such as artificial intelligence crime have emerged. On the basis of comparing the difference between the harmfulness evaluation of cybercrime and traditional crime, cybercrime can be divided into three types: cybercrime types whose harmfulness evaluation is equivalent to traditional crime, cybercrime types whose online and offline harmfulness evaluation deviates, and a new type of cybercrime centered on network big data, the latter being especially represented by artificial intelligence crimes. The legal issues of artificial intelligence impact the human-centered legal system, and put forward new propositions for criminal law.
      The development of big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence technology means the arrival of a new era of risk. Thecriminal law has made effective legislative responses to crimes that use the internet as a tool or an object, but it is not effective in regulating cybercrimes in the era of big data, responding poorly to crimes that use the internet as a space, and has not yet responded to crimes that use the internet as the essence of existence. The criminal law lacks a risk mechanism for dealing with new types of cybercrimes. First, it is insufficient to deal with new cybersecurity risks with the content of big data system security, algorithm security, and data and information security. At the same time, in the process of legislation and regulation of cybercrime, the criminal law has paid necessary attention to the computer information system, but it is out of balance with the protection of legal interests of network security, especially that network public security and data information security have not been given necessary attention. The criminal law should make legislative adjustments, establish the concept of risk criminal law, and carry out criminal prevention of network security risks and technical risks in the era of big data. The legislative protection of legal interests in network public security should be clarified, and its connotation includes cyberspace data and information-based content. A network security legal interests protection system should be established, and new charges to regulate new types of cybercrimes should be added. The tool attribute and non-subjectivity of artificial intelligence in cybercrime should be clarified, and the fault liability for the use of controllable artificial intelligence for crime and the supervision fault liability of self-controlling artificial intelligence crimes should be established. By choosing appropriate paths and legislative techniques, the criminal law can respond to cybercrimes.

    • >政治建设与社会治理
    • Theoretical connotation, internal logic and thinking characteristics of Xi Jinping’s important statements on education

      2022, 28(4):239-250. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.zs.2022.06.002

      Abstract (236) HTML (1140) PDF 1.63 M (463) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important statements on education has profound theoretical connotation, rigorous internal logic and unique thinking quality. In terms of theoretical connotation, they scientifically answer the educational ontology question of "what education to run" in the new era from two aspects of basic guarantee and basic task of education, and scientifically answer the educational axiology question of "for whom education to run" in the new era from two aspects of educational purpose and educational mission. From the five aspects of education’s strategic position, school-running direction, development road, development power and basic guarantee, they scientifically answer the question of education practice in the new era of "how to run education", enrich and develop Marxist education epistemology, methodology and practice theory, which is scientific. Internally, General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important statements on education is a logical closed loop composed of logical starting point, logical main line, logical fulcrum and logical destination: services for the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is the logical starting point of Xi Jinping’s important statements on education, moral education is the logical mainline, reform and innovation is the fulcrum of power, priority of the development of education and teachers team construction are the security protection, and insisting on the overall leadership of the Party, adhering to the socialist direction of school running, and rooting in China are the guarantee. The logical purpose of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important statements on education is the people-centered education values, that is, to run education that the people are satisfied with and continuously meet their expectations for better education. General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important statements on education has five unique thinking characteristics. First, they are forward-looking strategic thinking based on China’s history and national conditions, and always put education reform and development under the background of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Second, they have systematic thinking that focuses on the overall situation and always places education at the strategic height of the overall development of the cause of the Party and the country. The third is the dialectical thinking of confronting contradictions. In the analysis and treatment of educational problems, they always adhere to the "two-point theory" and "key point theory", which not only fully affirm achievements, but also dare to face contradictions. The fourth is the people-centered value thinking, which adheres to and develops the people nature of Marxism, is full of profound feelings of the people, is permeated with the fundamental purpose of serving the people, and flows with the people-centered value thinking. The fifth is the innovative thinking of advancing with the times, which shows problem-oriented consciousness and reform and innovation consciousness.

    • >国家治理现代化研究专题
    • Artificial intelligence level and value regulation and governance of human-imitation

      2022, 28(4):251-261. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.zs.2022.06.001

      Abstract (175) HTML (445) PDF 1.62 M (468) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Artificial intelligence is such a dynamic and advanced tool as people are committed to continuous innovation and in-depth innovation exploration on the development path of how to imitate humans and which functions to imitate humans. Its level of intelligence is basically verified or measured by the dimension, depth, and validity of imitation; its imitation value regulation and social governance is gradually realized in the "humanities + technology" way of technological value, social value, moral and ethical value and other research results. As McEwan pointed out, since human history, no matter what cultural background they are in, people have always had a common dream, that is, to create an "artificial version of ourselves" non-reproductively, so that we can act like a God and create human beings as God did, that is, to create multifunctional artificial men. It can be seen from the perspective of people-oriented development that, the evolution and development history of AI is based on the "type" of human beings, constantly innovating and imitating people’s physical strength, intelligence, and "physical strength + intelligence" to achieve higher and deeper levels, and "human beings" are made intelligently to achieve the practical exploration of history that further liberates human beings. AI in the entire evolution process can reflect the formation and evolution of AI intelligence levels in a certain dimension and depth at the same time, and the operating paradigm is "human imitation". At the same time, engineering knowledge such as the technical value, social value, and moral and ethical value of AI imitation principles and imitation values regulation has been gradually accumulated and improved in this process. On the one hand, the development of AI from mechanical mechanics technology to informatization and intelligent technology has enabled the development of the single liberation of physical labor towards the full service of human freedom and liberation. In a sense, AI has obtained theoretical accumulation, technical accumulation and a large-scale engineering paradigm. On the other hand, the more common and in-depth applications of AI have caused people to worry about their own future social activities, which set off a wave of value control research that reflects the intelligence level with its imitation of human intelligence, such as the rise of research on technological value, social value, moral and ethical value of artificial intelligence. For this reason, we should sort out the evolution and development of AI and its value regulation laws, especially clarify the value standards, value regulation measures, and value regulation quality and effectiveness of the human imitation principle in each course. Starting from each specific intelligence level, the value control knowledge of the imitation principle should be used to guarantee the sustainable development of its positive effects, and the elimination and shield of the negative effects. It is helpful to promote the comprehensive and in-depth intelligent integration application of AI under the upward and good value regulation, to achieve broader and sustainable deep intelligent integration application of AI, and to realize that AI is only a helpful assistant in human social activities in the future society which is a morally chosen laborer who promotes people’s social activities 24 hours a day, online and offline.

    • The fundamental position of people-centered modernization of state governance: From the perspective of transformation of principal social contradictions

      2022, 28(4):262-274. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.zs.2021.06.002

      Abstract (150) HTML (505) PDF 1.67 M (462) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The modernization of state governance is to realize the modernization of people in the fundamental requirements, the fundamental position of the modernization of state governance must be people-centered. The fundamental people-centered position of China’s modernization of state governance has a profound historical foundation. This position is derived from the people’s historical view of Marx’s historical materialism, and in China’s revolution, construction and reform practice, it has formed different connotations with the characteristics of the times. The first generation of the CPC’s central collective leadership with Comrade Mao Zedong as its core proposed "serving the people wholeheartedly" as the fundamental purpose of the Party. The second generation of the CPC’s central collective leadership with Comrade Deng Xiaoping as its core put forward the evaluation standard of "whether it is conducive to improving people’s living standard". The third generation of the CPC’s central collective leadership with Comrade Jiang Zemin as its core put forward the idea of "representing the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people". The CPC Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as general secretary put forward the scientific development concept of "people-oriented". The CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core put forward the concept of "people-centered" overall social development. These all have enriched and developed the Marxist view of mass history and reflected the requirements of the Party’s mass line of the times. In the new era, the principal contradiction facing Chinese society has changed. As the principal contradiction facing Chinese society has changed, the people-centered approach to modernizing governance has become more contemporary, more targeted, more demanding, and more difficult to implement. This requires China to carry out in the process of promoting the modernization of state governance the people-centered basic position, to insist on people’s main body status without waver, to take improving people’s wellbeing as the goal orientation and the interests of the people as the ultimate evaluation standard. Only by adhering to these standards can we mobilize and give play to the creative spirit of the people, meet the people’s yearning for a better life, and implement the people-centered fundamental position in the process of modernization of state governance.

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