2025年3月21日 周五
  • Volume 0,Issue 2,2024 Table of Contents
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    • >区域开发
    • The impact of digital village construction on the upgrading of county-level industries

      2024, 30(2):1-15. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.jg.2024.01.002

      Abstract (367) HTML (911) PDF 1.65 M (777) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As the basic spatial unit of China's economy with complete economic functions and independent operation, counties play a crucial role in the economic development system. Currently, most county-level economies in China are still at a relatively low level, facing multiple constraints such as heavy reliance on traditional industries and agriculture, and inadequate digital infrastructure. Upgrading county-level industries is an important driving force for achieving high-quality economic development. The vigorous development of digital technology brings new opportunities for county-level development. In this background, it is important to explore whether digital rural development will impact the upgrading of county-level industries, through which channels it will influence, and whether these effects will vary due to different levels of county-level economic development. The answers to these questions hold significant theoretical and practical implications. However, research on the relationship between digital village construction and county-level industrial structure upgrading has not yet reached a consensus, due to differences in variable measurement indicators, sample observation periods, and theoretical foundations. We match the county-level digital rural index data jointly released by the Peking University's Institute of New Rural Development and Alibaba Research Institute with relevant data in the county level in China. It ultimately obtains panel data covering 1094 counties (cities) in China from 2018 to 2020. By employing a panel fixed-effects model, it empirically investigates the overall effect of the level of digital rural development on industrial structure and further discusses the mechanisms and heterogeneity effects. The empirical results show that, from the perspective of the entire sample, digital village construction significantly promotes the upgrading and transformation of industrial structure. Even after conducting various robustness tests such as endogeneity issues, replacement of explanatory variable and dependent variables, and excluding special samples, this result keeps the same as the baseline. In terms of the mechanism, digital village construction promotes the upgrading of county-level industrial structure by enhancing residents' entrepreneurial activities and income. Heterogeneity analysis indicates that the positive effect of digital rural development on industrial upgrading is more pronounced in the northeast and central regions of China. Based on the above results, the article proposes several policy recommendations, including promoting the level of digital construction and application in county-level areas, strengthening the cultivation of digital literacy among county residents, stimulating the employment-promoting effects of digital village construction, and leveraging the advantages of digital technology in underdeveloped economic regions. The main contribution of this article lies in the use of the county-level digital rural index to measure the level of digital construction at the county level scientifically and intuitively. By exploring the relationship between digital rural development and industrial upgrading at a finer scale of counties, it enriches existing research and provides guidance for the government to accelerate digital transformation in counties and realize rural revitalization and common prosperity.

    • Research on how digital economy empowers the balanced development of spatial system in urban clusters under space of flows perspective

      2024, 30(2):16-32. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.jg.2024.01.003

      Abstract (242) HTML (682) PDF 2.65 M (805) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the era of digital economy, the widespread application and promotion of data elements and digital technology breaks the physical barriers of time and space, promotes inter-city division of labor and collaboration, profoundly reshapes the regional economic and geographical pattern represented by urban agglomerations, and accelerates the evolution of the spatial system of urban agglomerations from the traditional scale and hierarchy order to the new era of balanced development mode. At the same time, the interactive connection of multiple factors flows within urban agglomerations promotes the formation of networked spatial structure, effectively improves the overall network externality, and further strengthens the enabling performance of the digital economic development level of urban agglomerations in improving the spatial system balance. Therefore, the internal mechanism of digital economy enabling the balanced development of urban agglomerations' spatial system has both direct effects and the moderating effects of various flow networks in urban agglomerations from the perspective of flow space, including traffic information network, traditional factor network and innovation factor network. Under the guidance of the theoretical framework, this paper takes 19 urban agglomerations in China as samples, establishes a multi-source database, measures the digital economic development index, the degree of spatial system balance and the network externality based on three kinds of flows, summarizes the characteristic facts, and carries out empirical tests. The analysis based on the characteristic facts shows that the digital economy level of 19 urban agglomerations in China has been steadily improved, but there is a large regional development gap, forming a relative gradient development pattern. The spatial system of most urban agglomerations is more balanced, while a few urban agglomerations show a trend of polarization. Each urban agglomeration has formed a certain network-type spatial structure, but there exists heterogeneity between individuals and regions. The analysis based on empirical tests shows that the digital economy of urban agglomerations directly improves the degree of spatial system balance, and the results remain robust after the regression of instrumental variables and the replacement of core explanatory variables. At the present stage, the flow of goods is more conducive to the spatial distribution of economic activities than the flow of people, and the regional industrial structure dominated by the tertiary industry accelerates the spatial polarization of urban agglomerations to a certain extent. The formation and development of transportation information network, traditional factor network and innovation factor network in urban agglomerations have a positive moderating effect, that is, to further strengthen the empowerment performance of digital economy to improve the degree of spatial system balance in urban agglomerations. The regression results of the direct effect of urban agglomerations in the eastern, central and western regions of China are basically consistent, but there is a large regional heterogeneity in the moderating effect. This paper firstly establishes the theoretical mechanism framework of digital economy promoting the balanced development of urban agglomeration spatial system, and demonstrates it through the methods of characteristic fact interpretation and empirical test analysis, which provides reference and reference for in-depth understanding of the reform direction and optimization path of urban agglomeration spatial system in the digital economy era, and has certain enlightenment for promoting the high-quality development of urban agglomeration in China.

    • Research on the effect of institutional investment and government subsidies on innovation in Chinese manufacturing industry

      2024, 30(2):33-50. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.jg.2022.05.001

      Abstract (221) HTML (602) PDF 1.67 M (797) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The direct impact of institutional investment and government subsidies on micro-enterprise innovation has always been concerned by academia, but few scholars have explored their overall effect on the innovation level of the entire industry. Based on the dilemma of "big but not strong" and extensive development of China's manufacturing industry, this paper matches the national patent database with the database of China's industrial enterprises, and examines the impact of institutional investment and government subsidies on China's manufacturing industry innovation from a mesoscopic perspective. First of all, through the fixed-effect model test, this paper finds that institutional investment can significantly promote the number of manufacturing innovation, but there are differences in the innovation paths of high-tech and low-technology manufacturing sectors, and the promotion effect of institutional investment on high-tech manufacturing sector is significantly lower than that of low-technology sectors; Instead of achieving the expected effect, government subsidies have inhibited manufacturing innovation. The test results based on the three-stage least squares method and the propensity score matching method are consistent with the benchmark test results. In order to further analyze the path through which institutional investment affects manufacturing innovation, this paper takes R&D costs and innovation efficiency as intermediary variables. Through the stepwise test, it is shown that institutional investment can lead to an increase in R&D costs and improve manufacturing innovation efficiency, while government subsidies have a negative impact on innovation efficiency. The industrial agglomeration environment is an important factor that affects the operation and management of enterprises. Finally, this paper studies the industrial diversity agglomeration as the external environment of enterprise operation, and considers its regulatory effect when institutional investment and government subsidies play a role. The study finds that the diversity agglomeration inhibits the positive effect of institutional investment and enhances the negative effect of government subsidies. This paper matches and summarizes many micro and meso databases, such as China Industrial Enterprise Database, National Patent Database, Zero2IPO Institutional Investment Database and China Urban Statistical Yearbook, and studies the impact of institutional investment and government subsidies on China's manufacturing industry innovation from the industrial level. The paper also considers the possible interaction effects between regional enterprises. The research conclusion of this paper provides guidance for the follow-up research and practice. Based on theoretical and empirical research, combined with the current economic situation in China, this paper puts forward four policy recommendations:We should create a good institutional investment environment, guide the cooperation between institutions and manufacturing enterprises, and promote innovation; Increase support for scientific undertakings, guide the implementation and application of research achievements in universities and research institutions, and promote substantive and high-level innovation; We should formulate more effective fiscal subsidy policies to reduce rent-seeking behavior; Give full consideration to regional resource endowment and market environment, transform diversified agglomeration into market development advantages, and foster coordinated innovation of industrial chain clusters.

    • Innovation elements agglomeration, anti-corruption and innovation efficiency promotion

      2024, 30(2):51-64. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.jg.2022.10.003

      Abstract (207) HTML (667) PDF 1.64 M (743) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:How to realize the transformation from high-speed economic growth to high-quality development is an important proposition that needs to be solved urgently in the socialist economy with Chinese characteristics in the new era. The existing theoretical research and practical experience show that innovation-driven is the key breakthrough of the structural reform of supply-side, and effective clustering of innovative elements is a necessary condition to achieve innovation-driven. Thus, from the central government to local governments are vigorously promoting the effective accumulation of innovative elements. Existing research shows that government plays a very important role in the process of government-led innovation, and corruption, as a kind of government behavior that hinders the allocation of resources, may not be conducive to the effective accumulation of innovative elements. Based on this, this paper first introduces corruption into the theoretical analysis framework of innovation factor agglomeration and innovation efficiency. The conclusion of theoretical analysis preliminarily shows that innovation factor agglomeration is conducive to improving innovation efficiency, while administrative corruption inhibits this positive effect. Meanwhile, when anti-corruption efforts are strengthened, this inhibition effect may be eased to some extent. On the basis of theoretical analysis, this paper further uses Tobit spatial panel regression model and IV Tobit model to empirically test the above conclusions based on China's provincial panel data from 2002 to 2016. The empirical results show that the government-led innovation factor agglomeration effectively promotes the improvement of innovation efficiency, while the existence of corruption inhibits this positive effect. The conclusions of this study remain consistent after considering endogenous problems and conducting a series of robustness tests. At the same time, the analysis results of the spatial econometric model show that the spatial spillover effect of innovation factor agglomeration is significantly negative, that is, there is a phenomenon of "separate governance" among regions, indicating the lack of regional collaborative innovation. Further research found that the strengthening of anti-corruption efforts after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has effectively alleviated the negative effects caused by corruption, and also corrected the negative spatial spillover effects of the concentration of innovation elements, indicating that the anti-corruption actions after the 18th National Congress released the system dividend for the "innovation driven strategy", and provided a living soil conducive to the effective concentration and allocation of innovation elements. The above findings have certain reference value for the path choice of high-quality economic development in the new development stage of China. Therefore, this paper argues that the innovation inhibition effect of corruption means that strengthening anti-corruption efforts and streamlining administration and delegating power can improve the institutional environment of innovation factor agglomeration. Notably, although anti-corruption can reduce the incentive to seek political connection and improve innovation efficiency, the distortion of market mechanism is the root cause. Therefore, we should handle the relationship between the government and the market well, transform the functions of the government, further improve the market mechanism, and finally form a model of innovation element gathering that focuses on market allocation and is supplemented by government guidance.

    • Returnee executives and enterprise technology innovation

      2024, 30(2):65-81. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.jg.2021.12.001

      Abstract (585) HTML (520) PDF 1.69 M (624) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In recent years, some scholars have tried to follow the logic of the upper echelons theory to investigate the relationship between the overseas experience of executives and the innovation decision-making of enterprises. However, there are few empirical studies on how the returnee executives exert positive effects on enterprise innovation. Especially in the context of domestic-international dual circulation development, enterprises are among the many active subjects to promote regional high-quality development. Hence, it is worthy of further study how the dual social capital advantages of returnee executives play a role in innovation incentives and how their human capital values are invested to lead innovation-driven development. Based on the upper echelons theory and the social capital theory, this paper discusses the effects and mechanisms of returnee executives on regional high-quality development from a perspective of enterprise technology innovation, and inspects the regulating effect of enterprise ownership on their relationship and the mediating effect of resource slackness. Based on the theoretical analyses of human capital advantages and enterprise innovation investments, three research hypotheses are proposed:H1, returnee executives are more willing to invest in R&D as compared with local executives; H2, the positive effects of returnee executives on investment in R&D is more obvious in private enterprises than in state-owned enterprises; H3, resource slackness has a mediating effect between returnee executives and enterprise innovation, and returnee executives increase the R&D investment through increasing the degree of resource slackness. The data of China's A-share listed companies in Shenzhen Stock Exchange and Shanghai Stock Exchange from 2008 to 2016 is obtained from the WIND database and the CSMAR database as the research object. Five research models are built to measure the impact of returnee executives on enterprise technology innovation, to inspect the regulating effect of the enterprise ownership on the relationship between returnee executives and enterprise technology innovation, and to investigate the mediating effect of resource slackness between returnee executives and enterprise technology innovation, respectively. The results show that there is a positive correlation between returnee executives and enterprise technology innovation level, and the effect is very significant. R&D investments of enterprises increase significantly, and technological innovation improves significantly after returnee executives are hired. The positive R&D investment of returnee executives has more obvious effects on promoting enterprise technology innovation in private enterprises than in state-owned enterprises. Returnee executives promote the level of R&D investment and hence enterprise technology innovation through increasing the enterprise resource slackness. Further regression analyses show that the enterprise technology innovation level of enterprises employing returnee executives is significantly higher than that of enterprises without returnee executives. The greater the proportion of returnee executives in the executive team, the more capable of promoting enterprise technology innovation. Moreover, the study finds out that compared with the early overseas study experiences, the overseas work experiences of returnee executives have more significant effects on promoting regional enterprise technology innovation. The conclusions reveal the promoting effect of innovation-driven leadership of returnee executives as a unique human capital on enterprise technology innovation from the perspective of enterprise innovation and put forward the development strategy of actively introducing overseas talents from the bottom-up dimension of enterprises.

    • Second generation succession pattern and family firm internationalization: Empirical evidence from family firms in the East and West of China

      2024, 30(2):82-97. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.jg.2023.09.001

      Abstract (231) HTML (658) PDF 1.77 M (682) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Presently, a peak of intergenerational succession has already begun in Chinese family businesses. Internationalization is a key strategy for family firms to achieve long-term competitiveness and sustainable growth. Previous literatures on the impact of intergenerational succession on family firm internationalization largely examine the effects of family next generation involvement in power on the internationalization of family firm, and ignore the influence of second generation succession patterns on the internationalization of family firms. On the basis of dividing second generation succession patterns into the evolutionary succession pattern and revolutionary succession pattern in Chinese family businesses, the authors make the initial effort to empirically examine the effect of second generation succession patterns on family firm internationalization, and explore the moderating effects of intergenerational authority, founder' political identity and successor' age in the above relationship. Furthermore, they explore the masking effect of internationalization commitment in the above relationship, so as to reveal the mechanism and context of second generation succession patterns on family firm internationalization. Drawing on the survey data of 253 family firms in the eastern and western provinces or municipalities (e.g., Chongqing, Zhejiang,) from 8 to 10 month in 2020, they find that:first, compared to the revolutionary succession pattern, family firms that adopt the evolutionary succession pattern are more likely to choose deep, extensive and rapid access to international market; second, intergenerational authority, founder' political identity and successor' age significantly weakens the positive effects of the evolutionary succession pattern on internationalization depth, breadth and speed in family firms, that is, the positive effects of the evolutionary succession pattern on internationalization depth, breadth and speed become less obvious in family firms with higher intergenerational authority, founder' political identity and older successors. The authors employ an alternative definition for family business, as well as select samples of family firms that are going or had already gone through intergenerational succession for robustness test, the above-mentioned results are still valid. Expand research shows that internationalization commitment plays a masking effect on the relationship between the evolutionary succession pattern and both internationalization depth and breadth, that is, the evolutionary succession pattern weakens its positive effects on both internationalization depth and breadth by reducing the level of international commitment in family firms. Based on the above research results, the following recommendations are put forward. Firstly, founders in family firms should make succession plans in advance, and arrange the evolutionary succession for the second generation as far as possible. In the process of evolutionary succession, founders should help the second successors to establish authority legitimacy as soon as possible to reduce the authority difference between the two generations. Secondly, founders in family firms should rationally understand the positive and negative effects of political relations, and actively build a friendly and clean relationship between government and business. Government departments should strive to build a more just, fair and transparent business environment, so as to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of family entrepreneurs in business activities.

    • >社科研究与评价
    • Asking for space for the future: On the logic and practical purpose of economic space of new productive forces

      2024, 30(2):98-109. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.zx.2024.02.004

      Abstract (441) HTML (563) PDF 1.61 M (735) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Human productivity is a process of development and evolution from low to high forms, and the leap and development of productivity is inseparable from the drive of new technological change. The new quality productivity is the innovation and development of Marxist productivity by General Secretary Xi Jinping based on the great changes unseen in a century, which further highlights the status and role of scientific and technological innovation in the process of qualitative change of productivity, and points out the way forward for rural revitalization and Chinese modernization in the new era. As a category that relies on key technologies to achieve qualitative leapfrog development of productivity, new quality productivity not only realizes the innovative development of the three elements of productivity, but also plays a revolutionary role in high-quality economic development, especially in the production of new economic space. From the perspective of theoretical basis, Marx profoundly explained the deep correlation logic between productive forces and innovation with the help of the capitalist mode of production, and clarified the theoretical premise for grasping and understanding the economic spatial logic of the new quality productive forces. From a practical point of view, the deepening of the socialist economy has expanded the economic spatial logic of the new quality of productive forces, and has made important contributions to the innovation and development of Marxist political economy in the 21st century. Based on the above-mentioned new era, it is necessary to further optimize the system and mechanism of scientific and technological innovation, create a new economic space for the new quality of productive forces with innovative theories and institutional mechanisms, and at the same time formulate an economic development strategy for the new technological revolution, and open up new economic space for the new quality of the productive forces with socialist competitive advantages and forward-looking planning and layout.

    • The generation logic, distinctive characteristics and original contribution of Xi Jinping Thought on Culture

      2024, 30(2):110-122. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.zx.2024.02.002

      Abstract (501) HTML (699) PDF 1.62 M (690) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The National Conference on Propaganda, Ideology and Culture formally put forward and systematically expounded Xi Jinping Thought on Culture. Xi Jinping Thought on Culture, as an important part of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, is the valuable thought crystallization and the essence of the times formed in our Party's unremitting exploration of the road of building a country with a strong socialist culture. It is also a concentrated reflection of the practical innovation and theoretical innovation of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core in the cultural field. It has become an important ideological guide for enhancing cultural confidence and building a strong cultural country in the new era. Adhering to and developing the Marxist cultural theory, accurately grasping the historical experience and achievements of socialist cultural construction, basing on the new era of international and domestic "two overall situation", recognizing the new historical orientation and the important period of strategic opportunities of Chinese cultural development, constitute the theoretical logic, historical logic and the logic of the times of Xi Jinping Thought on Culture. Xi Jinping Thought on Culture adheres to dialectical materialism and historical materialism, implements the world outlook and methodology of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. It has the scientific nature in content, the people nature in position, the practicality in essence and the openness in system. In terms of its original contribution, Xi Jinping Thought on Culture clearly defines the extreme importance of propaganda, ideological and cultural work, highlighting the important role of culture in national rejuvenation and the building of a strong country. It proposes to adhere to the Party's overall leadership over propaganda, ideological and cultural work, and firmly grasp the Party's cultural leadership, puts forward new missions and tasks for the development of socialist culture and promoting the construction of modern civilization of the Chinese nation. It points out that the development of socialist culture in the new era must adhere to arming the whole Party and educating the people with Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a new Era, and adhere to the only way of "two combinations". It proposes to combine the subjectivity of cultural development with respecting for cultural diversity, strengthen ideological and cultural initiative, and launch global civilization initiatives to promote exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations.

    • Research on the realization path of academic evaluation function of modern academic journals

      2024, 30(2):123-132. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.pj.2023.10.002

      Abstract (166) HTML (720) PDF 1.58 M (787) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The focus of academic and industry research on academic journals is on how to build a scientific evaluation system for academic journals and how to evaluate the role of academic journals in the enhancement of national scientific research strength at the macro level. The micro-function of academic journals themselves in academic evaluation has received little attention. As a matter of fact, from the evaluation of titles and awards of specific scientific research organizations to the construction of the three systems of philosophical and social sciences with Chinese characteristics and the construction of China's independent knowledge system, the effect and level of academic journals' academic evaluation function is relied on to a large extent. At present, the academic evaluation function of academic journals is the important value of the existence of academic journals, which determines the academic research ecology of the academic community to a certain extent, and then affects the academic status of China in the field of scientific research in the international arena. Based on this, first of all, this paper analyzes the research background and current situation of the academic evaluation function of academic journals, which is divided into initial evaluation and secondary evaluation according to the stage of evaluation of academic achievements, and the focus of academic evaluation should be different according to the different stages of evaluation. In the initial evaluation stage, the evaluation function of academic journals should be embodied in the overall evaluation of academic achievements, and the content of evaluation concerns the innovation of the selected topic, the standardization of the research, and the completeness of the argumentation. In the secondary evaluation stage, the evaluation focus of academic journals on academic achievements should be put on the academic innovativeness and social influence. Secondly, the current situation of academic evaluation dysfunctions of academic journals in China has been sorted out, and it is found that there are a large number of low-quality academic papers, frequent academic misconducts in academic journals, and the topic selection and content of academic papers published or reprinted are the same, etc. Finally, in view of the various dysfunctions, it is proposed that corresponding efforts should be made at three levels, namely, the macroscopic national institutions, the mesoscopic industry associations, and the microscopic academic journals themselves, in order to solve the problems. The innovation of this paper is to analyze the academic evaluation function of academic journals. Only by starting from the root of academic evaluation and controlling the quality of academic results can we fundamentally change the current situation of large quantity but low quality academic papers, thereby changing the atmosphere of China's scientific research, and promoting the production of high-quality scientific research results.

    • >人文论坛
    • The generation and inheritance of ancient Chinese scenic spots

      2024, 30(2):133-146. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.rw.2024.02.001

      Abstract (313) HTML (580) PDF 1.64 M (579) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The ancient Chinese scenic spots(Mingsheng) has experienced the process of moving from natural landscape to the famous landscape. The famous landscape embodies extremely rich cultural connotations. It is the result of the symbiosis of nature and human with the participation of countless literati and celebrities. "Mingsheng" originally referred to "characters", often featuring features such as socializing, appreciating scenery, literature, and learning. They belong to the group of celebrities and are often related to landscape and scenic tours. "Mingsheng" of "scenery" originated from the interaction between famous scholars in the Wei and Jin dynasties and mountains and waters. With the further fermentation of nostalgia from the Wei and Jin dynasties to the Tang and Song dynasties, mountain and water landscapes gradually became well-known landscapes due to the participation of "Mingsheng" characters. During the Song, Ming, and Qing dynasties, "well-known landscapes" under the influence of "predecessors" developed into "Mingsheng" of scenery. "Mingsheng" has a dual meaning of "people" and "scenery". "Mingsheng" that combines people and scenery became the goal pursued by literati during their travels. The inheritance of ancient Chinese scenic spots and landscapes reflects the tradition of "admiring and narrating the past" in ancient landscape culture. This is a tradition centered around people and stories related to them, specifically manifested in the inheritance of landscape culture based on "celebrities" and "literature", with a layered feature. The cultural and historical information of ancient landscapes has been effectively disseminated and preserved through literature such as poetry, literature, and Geographical Records throughout history. Literati often trace the history and related figures of famous scenic spots based on past poems or historical records, and continue to enrich the cultural history through their own creations or descriptions. Geographical literature also verifies and records the inheritance of landscape culture based on previous writings, forming a rich system of landscape description. This inheritance model has influenced the revival of the material form of ancient scenic spots and the protection of heritage. Many ancient Chinese buildings were made of wooden structures, and their material form was difficult to preserve for a long time. The reconstruction of scenic spots and landscapes in ancient times did not aim to completely restore the material "form" of the landscape from the past, but rather to conduct cultural and geographical research based on the landscape descriptions in the poetry and literature of the past, reconstruct the described or imagined landscapes, express admiration, and inherit landscape culture.

    • “The Past 300 Years” historical narrative: the writing of Qing history in the Republic of China

      2024, 30(2):147-156. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.rw.2024.02.002

      Abstract (191) HTML (690) PDF 1.60 M (682) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The past 300 years is a fixed expression frequently used by scholars of the Republic of China in the writing of Qing history, and it is a narrative mode generated under the specific historical environment at that time. Liang Qichao was the first to define the history of "the past 300 years", endowing it with connotations such as opposing the feudal view of history, advocating ideological emancipation, and serving social reality, trying to provide reference and guidance for the social development at that time, which had a profound impact on the writing of Qing history in the period of the Republic of China. He is the actual founder and promoter of this narrative mode. "The past 300 years" historical narrative widely appeared in many research fields such as academics, politics, diplomacy, and religion at that time, establishing a brand-new historical interpretation system, which marks the awakening of modern Chinese intellectuals. The emergence of the narrative mode of "the past 300 years" is not only influenced by the strong input of modern Western culture and the debate between Chinese and Western cultures, but also has a great relationship with the "anti-Manchu" trend of thought that emerged in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. "The past 300 years" contains the antecedents and consequences of the history of the Qing Dynasty. It stretches and broadens the rise and fall of the Qing Dynasty, the change of thought, traces the origin, and eliminates the historical estrangement caused by the change of dynasties. It clearly shows the complete picture of the occurrence, development, prosperity and decline of the history of the Qing Dynasty, which is clearer than the narrative context of writing of dynastic history. The narrative mode of "the past 300 years" opposes the feudal historical view with the bourgeois enlightenment thought, impacts the traditional "Dynastic Theory" narrative with the "Period Theory", emphasizes the overall research method, pays more attention to the history, reflects a way for scholars to think and solve the problems of Chinese social history at that time, and represents a progressive historical view. Although this narrative mode was influenced by Western culture, it turned to Chinese history as the standard and reflected on Chinese academic, political and social with historical initiative spirit. It is a new exploration of the research paradigm of Qing history and provides a theoretical reference for the writing of contemporary Qing history. It should be pointed out that the connotation of "the past 300 years" has changed significantly with the development of the times. When contemporary scholars use "the past 300 years" to write the history of the Qing Dynasty, it is necessary to redefine its time limit, research scope and theoretical connotation.

    • The birth of “Small self”(Xiaoji 小己): Yan Fu's translation of the western concept of “individual” knowledge

      2024, 30(2):157-169. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.rw.2024.02.003

      Abstract (272) HTML (591) PDF 1.63 M (651) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As a cultural symbol in the process of China's modernization, "individual" can be called the "keyword" in the transitional era. "Small self"(Xiaoji小己), a new term Yan Fu used to express the concept of the individual in the modern West, is first found in his translation of The Study of Sociology(Qunxue yiyan《群学肄言》) and is derived from Sima Qian's the Records of the Historian(Shiji《史记》). Yan Fu's translation strategy is to "use Confucianism to explain the West", and the birth of the "small self"(Xiaoji 小己) reflects his typical "group-self view" with the characteristic of "combining the East and the West", in which he paints a layer of Confucian ethics for the Western neutral concept of "individual", and interprets Spencer's sociological thought into a kind of "group-self view" that endorses Confucian value, and pursues a balance between Group and Self. In the context of modern localization, Yan Fu translated "individual" with traditional vocabulary represented by"small self"(Xiaoji 小己), trying to reconcile the contradiction between the Western concept of individualism and Confucian political ethics and helping Western concepts to complete the transformation in the Chinese context. He has made remarkable contributions to the construction of modern Chinese academic discourse and the mutual appreciation between Chinese and Western civilizations. Under the impact of foreign words, "small self"(Xiaoji 小己) still has a "market", and there are many cases in modern newspapers and periodicals that use "small self"(Xiaoji 小己) to express the concept of "individual". It is also included in the early modern Anglo-Chinese dictionaries. This shows the spread of "small self"(Xiaoji 小己) in modern times, and its cultural influence can be proved from the perspective of historical acceptance. The names used to translate "individual" in the late Qing Dynasty presented a complex scene from the very beginning, such as "person"(人), "human"(人人), "individual"(个人), "private"(私), "self (己), "small self"(小己) and "Yaoni"(么匿), which naturally competed and coexisted for quite a long period. When reviewing the historical trajectory of "individual" in the translation of English, and examining the development and evolution of "individual" discourse in modern Chinese ideological history, we should fully recognize that the translation of "small self"(Xiaoji 小己) is of great merit and has an irreplaceable cultural value. In this way, we can further consider the local translation of the Western concept of "individual" in the context of modern China, as well as the construction of Chinese personal discourse and the emergence of the modern concept of the individual in China.

    • >法学研究
    • Global intellectual property governance: Literature review and research outlook

      2024, 30(2):170-181. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.fx.2023.03.006

      Abstract (250) HTML (798) PDF 1.63 M (616) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the development of globalization of knowledge economy, intellectual property right has become a global issue that affects innovation, trade, investment, human rights, employment, public health, climate change, genetic resources, biodiversity and sustainable development. As the basic rule of international interest distribution in the era of globalization of knowledge economy, the international system of intellectual property right has an important impact on the contemporary international political and economic order. Therefore, global intellectual property right governance has been widely concerned by the international community. It can be predicted that in the next few years, participating in global intellectual property governance will not only be an important practice of relevant departments in China, but also become a hot issue in academic research. Therefore, combing and summarizing the relevant literature on global intellectual property governance, finding the achievements and shortcomings of the existing research, and exploring the future research direction on this basis can not only deepen and expand the theoretical research on intellectual property and global governance, but also have important theoretical value for the discipline construction of the two disciplines; Moreover, it can provide useful guidance for China to participate in global intellectual property governance and has important practical significance for building a strong intellectual property country.Domestic and foreign scholars' research on global intellectual property governance mainly involves the basic connotation, main characteristics, development trend, dynamic mechanism, political process, economic effect, dilemma and outlet, and the response of China. Although Chinese scholars have rich research results in global governance and international intellectual property protection, the research on global intellectual property governance is still in its infancy, and there are still many shortcomings. These shortcomings are mainly manifested in:the existing research mainly stays at the policy level, and the theoretical basic research is lacking; The ideal model of global intellectual property governance is not clear; The research on Chinese participation in global intellectual property governance is not deep enough. On this basis, the article points out the future research direction:the construction of theoretical analysis framework of global intellectual property governance, the exploration of ideal model of global intellectual property governance and the deepening of countermeasures research.

    • The standardized solution path of infringement disputes involving virtual digital man driven by algorithm

      2024, 30(2):182-194. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.fx.2023.10.003

      Abstract (314) HTML (951) PDF 1.63 M (765) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As a typical representative of generative artificial intelligence, the algorithm-driven virtual digital human can interact with humans through autonomous analysis of massive big data (text, pictures, audio, video, etc.) on the basis of metadata feeding. The virtual digital human equipped with ChatGPT technology will realize the 3D scene application of algorithm-driven + human modeling/virtual image. Its output content (artificial intelligence products) includes music, dance, text and other forms. Because of the four characteristics of interactivity, digitization, personification and uniqueness, the algorithm-driven virtual digital human has produced controversial issues such as the protection of the rights of the virtual digital human itself and the demarcation of the ownership of the relevant content generated due to its interactivity.The first category is the damage caused by the algorithm-driven virtual digital human to the subject of data rights in the process of pre-training data collection and optimization of training data at the beginning of research and development; the second type is the infringement that the algorithm-driven virtual digital person itself or the R & D subject who has property rights and interests in it may suffer. Specifically, it can be divided into two situations:the ownership dispute that may be faced by the products with original content independently generated by the algorithm-driven virtual digital person and the different ownership classification generated by the algorithm-driven virtual digital person based on different creation modes. In the case of unilateral creation of the operating company, the rights and interests of the algorithm-driven virtual digital person should be classified into the operating company. However, if the user is also involved in the creation process of the virtual digital person, it can be subdivided into three forms:‘materialism',‘creationism' and ‘cooperationism', which correspond to the three ownership subjects of platform ownership, user ownership and common ownership.At present, as a digital tool, virtual digital people do not have the personal dignity of the premise of personal interests, so it is not appropriate to identify them as having independent personality and enjoying personal interests. By deconstructing the various parts of the virtual digital person, such as portrait, name, voice and reputation, the interests generated mainly adopt the ‘property theory' to protect, while the reputation of the virtual digital person is usually relieved by the ‘same theory'. In addition, the copyrightability of intelligent virtual digital human products is essentially the copyrightability of artificial intelligence products based on deep learning technology, and there is a controversy in the academic community about whether it should be included in the public domain.In the process of the development of generative artificial intelligence, China can consider exploring the way of unified legislation of artificial intelligence. Specifically, the first is to balance the distribution of regulatory obligations between the generated artificial intelligence service provider and the government by enhancing the large-scale infrastructure service obligations of the generated artificial intelligence service provider. The second is to construct a moderate exemption rule for the metadata collection of the generated artificial intelligence service provider from the perspective of encouraging development. The third is to clarify that the artificial intelligence product should not enter the public domain directly at this stage, and its ownership division is mainly based on the agreement between the service provider and the user.

    • Systematic improvement of ESG disclosure system of securities law under the dual positioning of mandatory and voluntary

      2024, 30(2):195-210. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.fx.2023.12.003

      Abstract (565) HTML (638) PDF 1.67 M (694) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:How to improve the quantity and quality of ESG disclosure is the primary goal of improving the ESG disclosure system. Based on the logic that mandatory ESG disclosure can make up for the insufficiency of voluntary regulation, existing studies mainly argue that mandatory ESG disclosure should be strengthened; however, they ignore the value of voluntary disclosure and the insufficient arguments on why and how to strengthen mandatory disclosure. First of all, theoretical studies have found that voluntary disclosure has the irreplaceable advantage of mandatory disclosure, and its flexibility is more suitable for the personalized characteristics of ESG disclosure and the formation of more effective market information; on the other hand, voluntary and mandatory disclosure are inseparable, and they are related and complementary in terms of system function, disclosure content and system construction.Secondly, the functional positioning of ESG directly affects the choice of regulatory model. If regulators position ESG as a tool to promote long-term corporate value, it belongs to the category of corporate autonomy and adopts a voluntary stance; if they position ESG as a means of social governance, they tend to enhance the mandatory nature of ESG letter approvals in order to achieve the goal of social governance. Accordingly, at this stage of China's dual-carbon governance based on the goal of enhancing the mandatory environmental information disclosure, retaining the voluntary nature of the remaining information disclosure has theoretical and practical legitimacy. Again, although the positioning of the dual regulatory model is reasonable, there is still an endogenous conflict between insufficient regulation of mandatory environmental disclosure and insufficient incentives for voluntary ESG disclosure in the construction of the specific system. The current mandatory environmental disclosure still adopts a single materiality principle, which may result in insufficient supply of ESG disclosure as well as difficulty in coping with the phenomenon of greenwash; there is also the problem of varying standards in the matter of statutory environmental information disclosure. Voluntary disclosure, on the other hand, suffers from a lack of incentives. Listed companies may bear regulatory risks due to ESG disclosure, but there are no rules and exemptions to guide how to avoid them. Finally, in terms of institutional optimization, there are two paths for regulatory enhancement:the introduction of the double materiality principle and the addition of mandatory disclosure. However, considering the fundamental conflict between the social public interest represented by the principle of double materiality and the investor protection interest of the securities law, it is more appropriate to unify the legal environmental information disclosure standard at this stage. On the other hand, the securities law can add environment-related corporate governance structure disclosure matters to differentiate from environmental law information disclosure. There are two paths to incentive enhancement:introducing a safe harbor for predictive information and refining the guidelines. However, considering that there is no domestic rule on predictive information safe harbor and the legislative cost is too high, it is more appropriate to refine the voluntary ESG disclosure at this stage.

    • Legal dilemmas and solution paths in the exploration of data asset securitization

      2024, 30(2):211-222. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.fx.2023.12.002

      Abstract (764) HTML (566) PDF 1.61 M (745) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Data has become a core driving force for economic development, and revitalizing the value and promoting the use of data assets is the main goal of the current efforts to promote the market-oriented allocation of data elements and comprehensively build a digital China. As the process of realizing the value of data is constrained by financial and technological inputs, the release of data potential faces bottlenecks. Against this background, data asset securitization, as an innovative mode of combining data assets and securities financing, can expand financing channels and reduce financing costs for enterprises to activate the value of data assets, which has attracted much attention and continues to transmit new trends. At present, this new model of securities is in the preliminary stage of exploration, it is necessary to explain the intrinsic rationale for the realization of its value based on the triple value evolution from data resources to data assets to data capitalization, that is, it is the dynamic practice of initially generating data resources to processing and acquiring data assets and then realizing the securitization of data assets, which embodies the value-added value of data elements. In this dynamic process, the unique attributes of data elements distinguish data asset securitization from traditional asset securitization, presenting a deep connection with emerging technologies, especially blockchain technology, and its technologically native characteristics help to facilitate the digital reshaping of the entire process of securities. By reviewing the current development status of the new model of securities coupled with "data+capital", it is found that there are many problems in the exploration of data asset securitization, such as unclear property rights specification, missing transaction mechanism, mismatch of supervision and management, etc., which have become constraints to activate the value of data assets. In view of this, based on the dual objectives of financial innovation and risk prevention and control, the path design should be carried out from the two-dimensional perspective of the synergistic effect of law and technology to crack the realistic dilemma of the current practice of data asset securitization. Specifically, in order to release the value potential of data assets and promote the securitization of data assets, it is necessary to strengthen the supply of the legal system by improving the property rights system, transaction norms and regulatory rules; enhance the technical support of blockchain by promoting the use of technology and perfecting the technical norms; and promote the overall effect of the supply of law and technological empowerment through the synergy of the objectives, the articulation of rules and the coordination of interests.

    • Study on separate legislation of natural regionalization: Taking “Yangtze River Protection Law” as an example

      2024, 30(2):223-232. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.fx.2023.06.003

      Abstract (177) HTML (543) PDF 1.60 M (512) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Yangtze River Protection Law is the first independent law in China specifically focused on natural zoning. However, existing research has mainly emphasized its impact on environmental protection in the Yangtze River Basin, while neglecting its significance as a guide and reference for independent laws on natural zoning. In fact, the Yangtze River Protection Law provides important insights into three key questions regarding environmental rule of law:why does natural zoning require separate legislation? What kind of natural zoning can be subject to independent laws? How should laws on natural zoning be formulated? Particularly in the current emphasis on legislative restraint, enacting a separate law for the Yangtze River's natural zoning instead of amending existing environmental laws related to its protection reflects profound legislative considerations and rich research value.Using the Yangtze River Protection Law as a basis, conducting an in-depth exploration of these three questions not only benefits future innovations and developments of this law but also provides more comprehensive theoretical support for newly enacted environmental laws such as the Yellow River Protection Law and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Protection Law. Ultimately, this will contribute to the development and improvement of environmental rule of law.The reason why the Yangtze River Protection Law was formulated and promulgated is due to the environmental uniqueness of natural zoning areas such as the Yangtze River does not align with existing universal laws, and there is a mismatch between environmental governance in natural zoning areas and the jurisdictional linkages of environmental laws. As a result, universal environmental laws cannot meet the specific needs for environmental protection in natural zoning areas, leading to a disconnect between the implementation process and effectiveness of environmental governance in these areas.While it is necessary to have separate legislation for natural zoning, not all natural zones require individual legislation.The Yangtze River Basin provides a standard model for legislating on natural zones.On one hand, the Yangtze River Basin possesses geographical and cultural uniqueness, which requires special measures for its environmental protection.On the other hand, it spans multiple administrative regions while functioning as an integrated ecosystem.Therefore, only those natural zones that possess both uniqueness and broad coverage will experience mismatches with existing environmental laws mentioned above and necessitate separate legislation.In order to make sure that legislation on natural zones can adapt to current legal frameworks concerning environment while better utilizing their unique advantages and roles, it is necessary to grant special legal status within the framework of environmental law systems by prioritizing their application during legal proceedings.Furthermore, legislation on natural zones has a principle distinct from existing environmental laws-integrity principle.Under this guiding principle, legislation on natural zones needs to adopt a legislative approach different from current ones by establishing local governments as regulatory targets rather than individual regulation, and assign legal responsibilities to local governments.

    • Practical logic and normative coordination of “multi-tasker” of village Party secretary

      2024, 30(2):233-244. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.fx.2023.05.003

      Abstract (337) HTML (651) PDF 1.62 M (739) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Party's leadership is the fundamental guarantee and power engine to promote the modernization of rural social governance and realize rural revitalization. At the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it was clearly proposed that primary-level Party organizations play a key role in ensuring the exercise of the Party's leadership.. From the perspective of historical institutionalism, village party organizations and villagers' committees are both the main bodies of rural core governance, which is a key variable affecting rural economic and social development. The "multi-tasker" of village Party secretary not only meets the objective demand of the governance subject with the ability to coordinate interests, sense of responsibility and good moral character due to the complexity of the current rural governance affairs and derivative relationships, but also embodies the Party's important organizational arrangement to achieve the goal of common prosperity and high-quality development in rural areas. Clarifying the practical logic, internal structure and normative coordination of the "multi-tasker system will help to clarify and improve the rural social governance system from the overall framework level and provide institutional potential for improving its governance capacity. On the perspective of functionalism study finds that the "multi-tasker" village Party secretary contains multiple practical logics for practicing the governance concept of the Whole-Process People's Democracy,promoting the governance model of "Three Governance Fusion ", and achieving the effect of interest coordination in governance. Combined with the analysis of the institutional text, the textual expressions of party regulations and national laws for " multi-tasker " are both coupled and intersectional, and also have the characteristics of "specific-general", "sequential undertaking", "parallel connection", "strict-bottom" and other normative forms. However, in practice, the poor coordination between party regulations and national laws may cause some problems such as insufficient capacity of the " multi-tasker " subject, weak public opinion base, and anomie in power exercise. Adhering to the principle of overall planning of party regulations and national laws, interaction between central and local governments, and equal emphasis on encouragement and supervision, and we will strive to promote the normative coordination between internal party regulations and national laws from the aspects of leadership regulations, election procedures, democratic decision-making and power supervision. which will help realize the predetermined function of " multi-tasker ". Specifically, at the level of leadership regulations, the norms of leadership of higher-level party organizations and the norms of leadership of other rural organizations by village party organizations are improved; at the level of election regulations, public opinion collection is set as a necessary procedure for the election of village party secretaries, and remedial measures are clarified for village party branch secretaries who are not elected as heads of village committees; at the level of decision-making regulations it should clarify the contents that should be discussed and decided by village party organizations, and optimize the procedures of democratic consultation decision-making in rural areas; at the level of supervision norms, it should introduce special norms on village (community) inspection and supplementary norms on village affairs supervision.

    • >政治建设与社会治理
    • Study on common prosperity of rural areas in the process of Chinese-style modernization

      2024, 30(2):245-259. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.zx.2024.02.003

      Abstract (784) HTML (561) PDF 1.65 M (812) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:China is a traditional agricultural country, and the countryside is the root of China, the foundation of the national edifice, and the inevitability of economic and social development. Building rural areas for farmers has always been an important livelihood issue, and it is also a key concern to solve the problems of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", achieve common prosperity for everyone, and build a great modern socialist country. At present, the tasks of economic and social development at home and abroad are extremely heavy. Comprehensively promoting rural revitalization and promoting common prosperity in rural areas have become the inevitable path and historical choice to achieve the goal of common prosperity for everyone and build Chinese-style modernization. The outstanding manifestation of the major social contradiction at present is the unbalanced and inadequate development of rural areas. In order to achieve common prosperity for everyone and solve the important problem of unbalanced and inadequate development, we must focus on rural areas and comprehensively promote rural revitalization. At the same time, the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas should not only rely on rural resource elements to achieve rural modernization, but also promote the comprehensive construction of rural areas from upper policy formulation and implementation of measures at the lower level. By sorting out the theoretical logic and historical logic of the theory of rural common prosperity, and based on the current situation of rural common prosperity development, it is found that the construction of rural common prosperity in China aims at liberation and development, realizing the construction of rural politics, economy, culture, society and life, so as to realize the common prosperity of farmers as a phased development goal. Especially since the 19th CPC National Congress, China has made some progress in promoting the strategy of rural revitalization and realizing common prosperity in rural areas, but the development of rural areas is still unbalanced and inadequate,and there are still difficulties and challenges such as backward in rural infrastructure construction and common prosperity difficult to effectively promote, the lack of rural production resources to meet the demand of rural common prosperity, the lack of advantageous industry support in rural areas and the difficulty in cutting into the construction of common prosperity in rural areas. Many problems of inadequate rural development slow down the process of realizing the goal of common prosperity in rural areas. On a new stage and a new journey, the current situation of rural development and construction is obviously difficult to adapt to the pace of modernization, so we must focus on the high point and grasp the practical significance of the rural revitalization strategy, solve the current obstacles that hinder the promotion of rural revitalization strategy from details, and realize the construction of common prosperity in rural areas, speed up to make up for the shortcomings of rural infrastructure, increase the construction investment, strengthen its planning guidance and management and protection, and provide a good material foundation for rural economic construction, break the constraints of rural resource factors, reform village collective property rights system, optimize rural social security policies, and provide a solid resource factor guarantee for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, promote the diversification and modernization of rural industries, strengthen the driving role of leading enterprises in the collective economy, effectively promote the industrialization of rural management, break the dual barriers between urban and rural areas, realize the sharing of production resources, release the vitality of factors, and achieve sustainable development of rural economy. Taking the actual work of rural revitalization as the starting point, high-quality development as the theme, and comprehensively promoting rural revitalization as the main line, based on the perspective of Chinese-style modernization, the development logic and practical problems in the current construction of common prosperity in rural areas are analyzed, to make up for the shortcomings, improve the quality, and explore the practical path to achieve common prosperity in rural areas.

    • Looking at “the second answer” from “the second combination”: Connotation and practical progress of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on the Party's self-reform

      2024, 30(2):260-271. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.zx.2024.02.001

      Abstract (729) HTML (642) PDF 1.60 M (685) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has led the Party to promote full and strict governance over the Party with unprecedented determination and strength, creatively proposing a series of original and iconic new concepts, new ideas, and new strategies, forming General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on the Party's self-reform. The important thoughts on the Party's self-reform is the new achievement of the Party in promoting theoretical innovation by combining the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific realities, and with China's excellent traditional culture. It is an important part of the scientific system of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. The origin and evolution of the concept of revolution to self-revolution from the perspectives of Chinese and Western civilizations reflect the historical cyclicality of societal rise and fall. Diverging from the traditional Western bourgeois notion of revolution as a social movement aimed at dismantling old political structures and establishing new social orders, self-revolution inherits Marxist principles of restructuring economic systems, emphasizing that revolutionary subjects undergo transformative processes driven by internal causes. The Party's self-reform aligns closely with the ideals and connotations found in excellent traditional Chinese culture, such as reforming the past and renewing the future, introspection and self-discipline, the people as the foundation of a nation, and righteousness and obedience. The courage to engage in self-reform represents a distinctive characteristic of the Communist Party of China, reflecting its profound cultural confidence. General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered important speeches at the third plenary session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, clearly put forward the practical requirements of "nine takings", and made a strategic deployment of continuous efforts and deep promotion of anti-corruption campaign. The requirements of "nine takings" are not only macro-level objectives, tasks, top-level designs, but also detailed implementation methods that highlight key aspects. Epistemology and methodology are both integral components here. Looking at "the second answer" from "the second combination", we can comprehend the theoretical connotations and practical approaches of the important thoughts on the Party's self-reform. It is crucial to grasp the significant innovative viewpoints, scientific methodologies, as well as the strategic arrangements contained within Xi Jinping's important thoughts on the Party's self-reform while consciously leading great social reforms with great self-reform from the perspective of "the second combination".

    • The feasibility and reality of self-reform of the CPC: Study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on the Party's self-reform

      2024, 30(2):272-282. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.zs.2024.01.003

      Abstract (559) HTML (598) PDF 1.60 M (775) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To avoid the historical cycle of rise and fall of ruling orders apparent through the centuries of imperial dynasties, self-reform is a second answer. It is necessary to have both general abstract analysis and concrete practical verification in order to accurately understand and grasp the Party's self-reform. Following the logical coherence between the general indication of Marxist party and the realistic interpretation of the CPC, it deeply explains the internal feasibility and reality of self-reform. The essential attributes of Marxist party are people oriented, revolutionary and critical. The internal requirements of Marxist party are advanced nature, purity and innovation. Self-reform adheres to the attributes and the requirements among the above. From the perspective of feasibility, the nature, purpose, goal and pursuit of the CPC are the internal basis of self-reform. The historical experience of the CPC proves the feasibility of self-reform from the practical perspective. From the perspective of reality, the basic conditions of the CPC itself have provided unquestionable reality for self-reform. To make self-reform become a reality, there are several necessary conditions which contains an entire system, positive and healthy political culture within the Party, strict organizational system, and a robust leadership core, etc.

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