Volume 16,Issue 2,2017 Table of Contents

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Non-undercutting condition and parameter optimization for cycloid ball planetary transmission
  ZHANG Peng, WANG Meng and BAO Bing-bing
  2017,16(2):51-58 [Abstract(925)]  [View PDF 358.64 K (509)]
Simulation research of energy management strategy for dual mode plug-in hybrid electrical vehicles
  LI Xun-ming, LIU Hui, XIN Hui-bin, YAN Zheng-jun, ZHANG Zhi-peng and LIU Bei
  2017,16(2):59-71 [Abstract(793)]  [View PDF 660.04 K (458)]
High cycle fatigue life prediction method for tail gearbox casing of a helicopter transmission system
  LIU Xing, CHEN Ya-nong, NING Xiang-rong and XIE Jun-ling
  2017,16(2):72-78 [Abstract(901)]  [View PDF 1.81 M (617)]
Development of driver-vehicle-road closed-loop semi-physical simulation system
  LUO Yong, ZHAO Xue, CAO Yu-feng and XIE Xiao-hong
  2017,16(2):79-86 [Abstract(970)]  [View PDF 335.84 K (454)]
Off-line simulation of robot welding of radar pedestal
  WANG Li-qi and CAO Guo-guang
  2017,16(2):87-92 [Abstract(740)]  [View PDF 468.00 K (525)]
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