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    Organizer:Ministry of Education
    Sponsor:ChongQing University
    ISSN: 1008-5831
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    Volume 22,Issue 3,2016 Table of Contents

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    Research on the influence factors on the spatial pattern of firms based on micro data of communications equipment manufacturing
      ZHU Jiangli and XU Aiyan
      2016,22(3):1-8 [Abstract(831)]  [View PDF 1.25 M (914)]
    Research on marginal mechanism in marginal region: Case study of Gulang County and Ninghai County
      WANG Ai min, LIU Jialin and SHEN Liping
      2016,22(3):9-16 [Abstract(855)]  [View PDF 2.90 M (885)]


    The logic of per capita knowledge distribution, essence of system, and economic growth
      ZHANG Shangyi
      2016,22(3):23-28 [Abstract(942)]  [View PDF 913.79 K (754)]
    The effect of pension provision on wage: Evidence from Chinese manufacture firms
      WU Mingqin and TONG Biru
      2016,22(3):29-37 [Abstract(783)]  [View PDF 1.07 M (962)]
    Private information and performance: Based on the test of export credit insurance industry
      ZHANG Ji and XIE Zhibin
      2016,22(3):38-43 [Abstract(822)]  [View PDF 832.16 K (1218)]
    The effect of environmental regulation intensity on employment of industries
      LOU Changlong and RAN Maosheng
      2016,22(3):44-52 [Abstract(764)]  [View PDF 1.29 M (1044)]
    Environment amenity evaluation of social production based on accumulated carbon reduction
      SUN Rui
      2016,22(3):53-63 [Abstract(828)]  [View PDF 1.47 M (805)]
    Empirical research on the influence of trade oppenness on water environment pollution in China
      SHI Hengtong and ZHAO Minjuan
      2016,22(3):64-71 [Abstract(939)]  [View PDF 1.01 M (990)]
    Influencing of social network on farmers' adoption of environmental-friendly technology
      FENG Xiaolong and HUO Xuexi
      2016,22(3):72-81 [Abstract(987)]  [View PDF 1.50 M (928)]


    Research on multi-channel operation model and influence factors in pharmaceutical retail chain enterprises
      LI Shiyang and DAN Bin
      2016,22(3):82-88 [Abstract(852)]  [View PDF 1.35 M (1113)]
    Research on allocation of contract risk in BT projects
      GAO Hua, HE Shuyao and WANG Bo
      2016,22(3):89-99 [Abstract(953)]  [View PDF 1.94 M (813)]
    Longitudinal study of Chinese managers research trends' evolution of 28 years
      HE Bo, ZHAO Haiyuan and YUAN Yue
      2016,22(3):100-108 [Abstract(1008)]  [View PDF 2.75 M (752)]


    Analysis of the influence of the think-tank website evaluation
      QIU Junping and LIU Ning
      2016,22(3):109-114 [Abstract(978)]  [View PDF 1.59 M (840)]
    Research on the development process and characteristics of the modern think tank undertaking based on the academic research angle
      HU Xiaoyang and QIU Junping
      2016,22(3):115-121 [Abstract(1045)]  [View PDF 2.26 M (717)]
    Visualization analysis on the research of think tanks domains based on CiteSpace
      ZHAO Rongying and WEI Mingkun
      2016,22(3):122-128 [Abstract(1091)]  [View PDF 1.61 M (933)]


    State governance on strategic natural resources in the era of market globalization
      HU Desheng
      2016,22(3):129-135 [Abstract(923)]  [View PDF 1.19 M (782)]
    The coordination of criminal law and environmental law on the China's ecological civilization construction
      JIAO Yanpeng
      2016,22(3):136-141 [Abstract(995)]  [View PDF 1.07 M (891)]
    On features and distribution of the power of procuratorate to bring public interest litigation
      LI Ainian and LIU Ailiang
      2016,22(3):142-150 [Abstract(1006)]  [View PDF 1.51 M (786)]
    Procedure regulation of administrative intervention in civil litigation
      GAO Xiang
      2016,22(3):151-158 [Abstract(952)]  [View PDF 1.31 M (745)]
    Reflection and limitation of the extension of civil judgment effects in China
      LIAO Hao
      2016,22(3):159-164 [Abstract(934)]  [View PDF 1.05 M (735)]
    Reflection on introducing the negative list mode into the case scope of administrative litigation
      WANG Chunye
      2016,22(3):165-172 [Abstract(869)]  [View PDF 1.51 M (745)]
    Authority reconstruction: A new perspective of the judicial public system
      HOU Dongliang
      2016,22(3):173-177 [Abstract(849)]  [View PDF 914.30 K (779)]


    The causes and solutions of the grass-roots cadres “stigma” phenomenon
      WEN Fengan
      2016,22(3):178-183 [Abstract(815)]  [View PDF 1.02 M (820)]


    Confucian moral metaphysics constructed on the basis of status: Inspired mind on Confucian moral education for contemporary college students
      HUANG Wei and ZHAO Liwen
      2016,22(3):184-189 [Abstract(826)]  [View PDF 1.06 M (855)]


    The evolution of intentionality theory in phenomenology and its significance
      DENG Huan
      2016,22(3):190-194 [Abstract(972)]  [View PDF 825.95 K (860)]


    The study about the status and factors of the students trait gratitude
      WANG Jie
      2016,22(3):195-201 [Abstract(944)]  [View PDF 1.03 M (788)]
    Study on university students' critical thinking disposition and its causes
      ZHANG Mei, RU Jingfei and YIN Yong
      2016,22(3):202-207 [Abstract(977)]  [View PDF 822.07 K (905)]
    The dual meaning of the interrogative pronouns and the interaction with constructions
      WANG Xiaoqiong
      2016,22(3):208-214 [Abstract(916)]  [View PDF 1.08 M (824)]
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