Call for Paper of JCEE Special Issue of MLDSG3
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Information for Authors

Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering is a scholarly journal published bimonthly, which is sponsored by Chongqing University. The Journal is the source journal for Chinese Scientific and Technology Papers and Citations. It is on the list of the Guide to Core Journals of China (GCJC), and is indexed in the Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD), Scopus, and several other databases. The Journal publishes the latest research achievements in the fields of civil engineering, and environmental science and engineering all over the world, for the purpose to promote academic exchanges, foster the development of accomplished scientists, and promote the prosperity and development of related disciplines.

1. Manuscript preparation

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(2) An informative abstract is required, which should describe the purpose, materials and methods, results and conclusions of the research in no less than 180 English words.

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4. Contact information
Tel: +8623-65111322/ +8623-65111863



Publisher: Editorial Office of Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Journals Department, Chongqing University

Address: No. 174 Shazhengjie, Shapingba District, Chongqing 400044, P. R. China


Editor-in-chief: Professor Hanlong Liu

Prof. Hanlong Liu is the deputy vice President of Chongqing University and Chair professor in Geotechnical Engineering, School of Civil Engineering. He obtained his Bachelor degree from Zhejiang University in 1986 and Ph.D degree from Hohai University in 1994, China. He was awarded the Chang Jiang Scholar Award by the Ministry of Education in 2007 and the Outstanding Young Scholar Award by the National Science Foundation of China in 2008. He got many awards from Chinese government and the best research award of Japanese Geotechnical Society(JGS). He was Huang Wen-xi geotechnical Lecturer in 2013. Prof Liu is Chair of International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) TC303.



Information of this Special Issue

1) Title of the special issue: Machine Learning & Data Science in Geo-infrastructureGeosysyem and Geoenvironment (MLDSG3)

2) Proposed manuscript submission and editorial workflow: through email of Leading Guest Editor Leading Guest Editor will assign manuscript to co-Guest Editor for paper processing.

3) Guest Editors:

Leading Guest Editor: Wengang Zhang, Chongqing University, China

CO-Guest Editor: Bruno Stuyts, Ghent University, Belgium

CO-Guest Editor: Lin Wang, School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing University

CO-Guest Editor: Runhong Zhang, Institute for Smart City of Chongqing University in Liyang, Chongqing University

4) Outline

In recent years, we have entered the so-called Fourth Paradigm in which observational data is threatening to overwhelm scientists. Big data is characterized by the rule of the five Vs: Volume of data, their Variety, Velocity, Value and Veracity. The concept of big data naturally agrees well with the geoengineering and geoscience. This understanding will come through the analysis of increasingly large geo-datasets and from computationally intensive simulations. Large-scale, comprehensive, multidirectional and multifield geotechnical monitoring is becoming a reality in the very near future. Geo-scientists and engineers are faced with the challenge of extracting as much useful information as possible and gaining new insights from these data, simulations, and interplay between the two. The in-depth analysis capabilities such as correction analysis, casual analysis, decision support as well as the rapidly evolving field of machine learning will become the core works in the ear of big data. Furthermore, the site monitoring will be promoted to the same or even more important role as the experiment, theoretical analysis and numerical simulation. On the other hand, scientific geosystem and geoenvironmental data, and the processes used to analyze it, may differ substantially from those encountered with big data in other fields. Therefore, the geotechnical and geological researchers should pay more attention to big data research, enhancing the use of research results of big data from other disciplines to promote the Advances in Machine Learning & Data Science in Geo-infrastructureGeosysyem and Geoenvironment.

Topics related to the scope of this special issue include, but are not limited to, the application of:

·         Statistical Analysis

·         Artificial Intelligence

·         Machine Learning

·         Pattern Recognition

·         Combined use of data-driven and physics-based approaches

to geoscientific issues including Geo-infrastructureGeosysyem and Geoenvironment.

5) Time schedules for the workflow and publication:

Call for papers: Nov 2021

Deadline for submission of manuscripts – April 1, 2022

Review period: April 1- June 1, 2022

Revision and re-review (if required): July 15, 2022

Final decision due: Aug 1, 2022

Final compilation and submission of Editorial/Introduction: Sep 15 2022

Publication of the special issue: Nov 2022









