Volume 16,Issue 5,1993 Table of Contents

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  • 1  The Adaptive Robust Control Based On Synthetical Algorithm
    Yang Yongzhen Ton Jun
    1993, 16(5):1-6.
    [Abstract](632) [HTML](0) [PDF 258.30 K](980)
    An adaptive robust control based on synthetical algorithm was presented in this paper. The main character is to put the expert knowledge into parameter identification to realize the robust estimation, and combine the generalised minimum variance control with the pole assignment control for improving the robustness of the controller. Numerical simulation has proved that the control scheme suggested by authors quite prevailed over the general adaptive controller in control effects.
    2  The Design of Array Co-Processors for One-Dimensional Fourier Transform
    Zhou Liuding Cheng Daijie Zhou Hua
    1993, 16(5):7-13.
    [Abstract](764) [HTML](0) [PDF 312.26 K](716)
    In this paper.an efficient method for constructing array co-processors for onedimensional DFT was proposed. With it.we can construct an array co-processor for 22t points DFT with 2'chips (2'points per chip) and 22tmultiplication units; and an array co-processor for 22t+1 points DFT with 22t+1 chips (2t points per chip) , 22t+1 multiplication units and 22' butterfly operation units.
    3  The Three-Valued PMC Model Computer System Diagnosis Implemented by Artificial Neural Network
    Tang Wanmei Chen Tinghuai Yang Xiaofan
    1993, 16(5):14-21.
    [Abstract](680) [HTML](0) [PDF 395.79 K](162)
    This paper systematically studied how to construct a neural network to realize the three-valued computer system diagnosis problems. Through a lot of simulation it seems effective to solve the computer system diagnosis problems with the help of network. Meanwhile the simulation also reveals the relations among capacity C, resistance R , gain Kand time.
    4  Qualitative Investigation of Models of Biochemical Reaction Mechanism
    Chen Junping Zhao Jiafeng Jin Shiqi
    1993, 16(5):22-29.
    [Abstract](757) [HTML](0) [PDF 467.28 K](154)
    Many results on deeply qualitative investigation of models of biochemical reaction mechanism have been obtained by Chinese scholars in recent ten years. The paper made an attempt to do a synthetical description for these achievements, and derived some problems from the synthetical description for further study.
    5  An Experimental Study of the Optimal Jet Position on Water Jet Assisted Drag Bit During Rock Cutting
    Li Xiaohong
    1993, 16(5):35-41.
    [Abstract](601) [HTML](0) [PDF 332.87 K](154)
    The tests for the effects of jet position on drag bit cutting process were described. The influence of jet position on rock chips formed ahead of bit was analyzed. And the effects of cutting depth,bit velocity on bit force reductions were discussed. One of the most interesting results is that the water jet has the largest effect on drag bit forces when it is directed towards the center beneath drag bit.
    6  An Experimental Study on the Mechanical Property of the Gas-filled Coal
    Xu Jiang Xian Xuefu Du Yungui Zhang Guangyang
    1993, 16(5):42-47.
    [Abstract](488) [HTML](0) [PDF 334.11 K](216)
    7  A Theory of Bending and Damp Characteristics of Lamina Containing Copulation Between Laminates
    Zhang Penyuang Jiang Han
    1993, 16(5):63-70.
    [Abstract](453) [HTML](0) [PDF 281.74 K](150)
    The present paper approached a theory of bending, elastic and viscous behaviors, containing copulation state between laminates. These viscous prpoerties are of a good constructure capacity of anti-vibration.
    8  A New Method of Piece-Wise Solution in Faulted Power Systems with Variable Configurations
    Mi Linshu Liu Fangning Yang Junqian
    1993, 16(5):71-78.
    [Abstract](565) [HTML](0) [PDF 285.13 K](124)
    A new model and its algorithm are presented in this paper to simulate calculating the electric values of short circuit fault in large-scale power systems with variable configurations. The method proposed herein reduces the computer storage requirements compared with the available approaches. And it completely avoids the modification computation of nodal impedance (or admittance) matrices of the original networks and the repeated calculations for each type of faults.
    9  Spline Boundary Element Method for Calculating Three-Dimensional Electrostatic Fields
    Yun Zhengqing Tan Bangding
    1993, 16(5):79-84.
    [Abstract](729) [HTML](0) [PDF 247.64 K](135)
    Based on [l].this paper presents a new spline-BEM for calculating 3-D electrostatic fields,in which bi-cubic B-splines are used as basis functions. The corner problem in BEM and the extreme conditions for splines are circumvented. The numerical results presented show that the global approximation .convergence and stability of the method are satisfactory.
    10  Melt Flow in Alloy Melted Pool Under the Action of Laser
    Liu Jianglong Liu Chao
    1993, 16(5):109-114.
    [Abstract](574) [HTML](0) [PDF 325.90 K](1273)
    Melt flow in the course of laser alloying is considered on the basis of mechanics. The findings show that the melt flow in laser alloying pool is mainly controlled by two action forces,i. e. the surface tension force on alloying pool.surface,caused by the temperature difference on the pool surface and the buoyancy force in alloying pool caused by the temperature difference in the horizontal direction in the melt pool. These two forces differ in their acting areas. The analysis of the Bond dimensionless number used for laser alloying shows that the two force actions are in the same order,and almost equal under the certain condition.
    11  Effects on Unburnt Pulverized Coal on Coke Pulverization Properties
    Zhu Zizong Zhang Binghuai Zou Deyu Liu Qingcai
    1993, 16(5):115-119.
    [Abstract](760) [HTML](0) [PDF 261.10 K](1211)
    In order to clarify the effect of unburnt pulverized coal (UPC) on coke pulverization properties. A series of fundamental experiments were carried out at laboratory furnace. The main results obtained are as follows: (a)Under the same temperature,coke fines increases remarkably with the progress of gasification for an hour, but after UPC was injected into coke layer, coke fines decreases; (b) Under the same temperature, Strength of coke increases after the reaction and coke fines decreases as the amount of UPC being injected into coke layer increases.
    12  A Globally Convergent Algorithm for Nonlinear Programming
    Zhao Yunbin Duan Yurong
    1993, 16(5):125-130.
    [Abstract](640) [HTML](0) [PDF 234.18 K](753)
    A new globally convergent algorithm was presented for a continuous differen-tiable nonlinear programming by defining a measure function deviating from the Kuhn-Tucker point. With this algorithm which can be used to get the optimum solution of the problem,the optimal lagrangian multiplier corresponding the optimal solution of the problem was also obtained. A new iterative algorithm for quadratic programming is obtained when applying the general algorithm to quadratic programming. Finally,a numerical example was given.
    13  The Operator Solution of Liouville-Hill Equation and Its Applications
    Tan Junyu
    1993, 16(5):131-136.
    [Abstract](752) [HTML](0) [PDF 233.13 K](847)
    With operator solution. recursion formula of series solution to Liouville-Hill equation is given, furthermore the paper discusses the remainder term of the series and its estimation. and the existence and uniqueness of the solution is obtianed. Next,we discuss the inital problem of the n on homogeneous Hill equation with damping terms, which is a forced oscillation problem, and the series sloution and the sufficient conditions of its convergence are also given.
    14  Optimum Compound Profile Modification of Cyclodal Gear
    Yan YongTang Zilin
    1993, 16(5):137-140.
    [Abstract](675) [HTML](0) [PDF 246.13 K](1109)
    The analysis of the existing way and amount of profile modification of cycloidal gears at present showed that the equidistance and movedistance modification is in substance really to have the profile swelled up,and the rational modification way and amount is a swelling correction within the range of zero to some limit. This paper presents a new modifying way which is optimum compound modification at separate parts. The modified profile has the most simultaneously transmission teeth,even side clearance and the longest wear-life to forming crush dressing roll and is also easyly to NC machining.

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