Chen Ji , Yang Shixiong , Gu Qingxiang , Yu Hong
1994, 17(3):7-12.
Wu xiaoyun , Zhang Taiyi , Liu Pin
1994, 17(3):13-17.
Abstract:A new quick thinning algorithm was presented in this paper,which assigneddifferent weights to different pixels near the skeleton pixels and rules out the im possible pixels in thethinning procedure. It needs neither iteration on pixel panel nor detection on every pixel such thatthe time consumed is greatly lessened. A filling algorithm is also offered for better results.Experiment on variety of binary patterns showed that it could get both a high speed and a goodskeleton shape compared with other algorithms,This new algorithm reaches perfect result.
1994, 17(3):18-24.
1994, 17(3):25-31.
Abstract:A continuity condition of p-forms across a p-dimensional submanifold isderived.The,various interface conditions of electromagnetic quantities are obtained through theapplication of the continuity condition to Minkowski manifold of space-time.
1994, 17(3):32-38.
Abstract:In this paper the mathematical model is established on the behaviour ofreduction and impoverishment of TiO2 in molten slag in smelting silico-titanium ferroalloy usingtitanium bearing slag by electrosilicotherinic procese under experimental conditions.It is studied thatthe influences of smelting conditions,such as smelting temperature,initial basicity of burden,quantity of reductant,smelting time and TiO2 content of slag on the reduction and impoverishmentof TiO2 in molten slag.
1994, 17(3):45-53.
1994, 17(3):54-59.
Abstract:Analysis is given to the direction characteristic of stress gradient in crackstructure by using three-dimensional line-type element,The purpose is considerably to reduce theoperation of computation and improve the computation precision in finite element analysis.
1994, 17(3):60-68.
Li Tonglin , Wang Yanhui , Liu Chuanwei , Du Yungui , Liu Hongzhou
1994, 17(3):69-74.
Abstract:Based on the original characteristics of discon tinuity in crustal stress field,considering the spatial shape of Jagged discontinuity and its velation with stress field,these formulasof shear motion direction,the anisotropic dilatancy(normal and widespread)and strength proportyof discontinuitv in three-dimensional stress field are derived under two different boundary conditionsof free and restraining displacement, and the widespread stress in crement under the displacementbeing restrained can be calculated.Pinally the anisotropic rules of discontinuity in three-dimensionalstress field are also confirmed by experimental data.
Fu Biaohong , Zhang Zhicheng , Ren Shaoguang
1994, 17(3):75-79.
Abstract:The technological conditions through rhombic tests were put forward in theresearch.On the basis of anodizing in sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid is used twice for anodictreatment. And then electrolytic colouring with Nickel Sulphate is completed.Finally,brighter andmore colourful films are produced by sulphosalicylic acid electrolysis. The property of colouful filmswas measured and evaluated. Morever.the composition and structure of the films was determined with x-ray-diffraction and SEM.The mechanism of colouring has been discussed in this paper.
1994, 17(3):92-94.
Abstract:In this paper,a lass of particular metapositive difinite matrices has beendissussed,and two different sufficet conditions under which Hadamard self-multiplications andKronecker self-multiplications of a metapositive difinite matrix are also metapositive difinitematrices have been given.
Qiu zhongyi , Sun Lunbao , Ai Baisheng
1994, 17(3):95-98.
Abstract:A temperature-differential drawing process is adopted on the basis of structuredeformation characteristics of austenite stainless steel.With this process,the degree of strainhardening,can be effectively controlled.aging crack be prevented and drawing limit be enhanced,thus the number of drawing operations can be reduced.and intermediate annealing and picklingoperations be eliminated. Therefore,an economic benifit is prominent.
Zhang Dinfei , Yang Zhenxing , Wu Enling , Chen Yu
1994, 17(3):99-104.
Abstract:The paper deals with the signification of carbon potential and its influencefactors. The exact expression of carbon potential has been deduced on the basis of reactionthermodynamics and masstransfer kinetics for carburization,and according to these a new methodto measure carbon potential quickly and exactly has been suggested.
Liu Qingcai , Zhang Binhuai , Zhang Tao , Zhou Deyu , Yu Mouhua
1994, 17(3):105-111.
Abstract:The melt of smelting reduction with iron bath Possessed high oxidizability andlow basicity. This paper studied the erosion rate and extent of molten slag and iron on different kindsrefractories and the micro-structure changing.It was shown that the main factor of corrosion liningwas the reaction between melt and oxide existing in lining.The serious zone was the interfacebetween slag and iron bath and slag surface. The greater the concentration of iron oxide,the higherthe erosion rate is.So is the temperature.
Zhu Zizong , Zou Deyu , Zhang Binghuai , Sheng Yongling
1994, 17(3):112-116.
Abstract:In order to clarify the effect of unburnt pulverized coal(UPC)on the degree ofgraphitization of coke,the experiments were carried out.Pure coke was in a laboratory heated atconstant temperature for an hour,and then gasified for another hour. Next,UPC was injected intothe coke and gasification was continued for one more hour.
1994, 17(3):117-122.
Xiao Jun , Ouyang Keqing , Cai Shiaoxi , Quan Xuejun
1994, 17(3):123-126.
Abstract:With hemorheological methods. a new traditional chinese medical-tea(TCMT)and its effects on the coronary heart disease(CHD)has been studied.A series of data from the CHDPatients before and after taking TCMT,including apparent viscosity,viscoelasticity, theconcentration of fibrinogen and other clinical indexes,showed that the TCMT could promotedisintegration of RBC aggregation,reduce the concentration of fibrinogen and the plasma viscosityand cut down the resistance of microcirculation therefore improve the human circulation, Nontoxiceffects was found in the clinical experiments.It can be expected that the TCMT as a usual drink is beneficial to the CHD.
1994, 17(3):127-130.
Abstract:The double sample test was proposed first but no proof by Wen Qiyu. This test ismore saving than the simple pooled sample test.The paper[1] also gave a conjecture for the formulaof expected inspection number of n-fold pooled sample test.This paper first gives a simple proof ofthe conjecture by probabilistic methods and obtains another form of the conjecture independently andproves the two Conjectures are eqLlivalent.
1994, 17(3):135-140.
Abstract:The structure of type CYM hydraulic anchor station and its principle ofoperation are briefly introduccd,and its strength and stability are analyzed.