• Volume 32,Issue 11,2009 Table of Contents
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    • Analysis on starting characteristic of continuously variable transmission system with reflux power

      2009, 32(11):1241-1245.

      Abstract (1418) HTML (0) PDF 4.10 M (1269) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Considering on the characteristics of the transmission system and some key units of continuously variable transmission system with reflux power, a dynamic simulation model and a control strategy are established. The design method of the new continuously variable transmission system is verified by simulation. The simulation result on this continuously variable transmission system shows that the rotating speed of the driven plate can rise up rapidly during starting clutch engagement, and the sliding friction power is lower than 3 kJ which is nearly equal to onethird of the friction power of the traditional vehicle.

    • Computerized numerical control programming system of cycloidalpin gear based on doublearc method

      2009, 32(11):1246-1251.

      Abstract (2289) HTML (0) PDF 5.56 M (1475) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the principle of doublearc method, continuous twoway circular interpolation method and the control of interpolation error are used to achieve a dynamic expansion on the process step and to get contours node data that meets the requirements of CNC machine tools’ circular interpolation. Accordingly, corresponding CNC program software can be developed. Using this kind of software, the CNC process program can be gotten but only inputting several parameters of the cycloidalpin gear. In this case, automatic programming for cycloid gear of any number of teeth is realized. According to the contours node data and the track coordination of tool center, the process program of cycloid gear can be simulated. The experimental result of cycloidalpin gear CNC grinding validates the correctness of the theory deduction and practicality of the software.

    • Analysis of accelerated fatigue test technology for wind turbines gearbox

      2009, 32(11):1252-1256.

      Abstract (2782) HTML (0) PDF 4.47 M (2678) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to satisfy the high reliability requirements of wind turbines gearbox, a method of accelerated fatigue test is proposed to verify the fatigue reliability of the gearbox. According to the design load spectrum, the equivalent load and the number of stress cycles of parts in gearbox are deduced. Based on Miner linear cumulative damage theory, the fatigue degree of the gears and bearings are calculated. A linear accelerated load spectrum with the equivalent fatigue ratio of design load spectrum is provided to check the reliability of the gearbox. The results show that this method can verify the reliability of wind turbine gearbox within about 800 h.

    • Analysis on braking control strategy of heavy vehicles with AMT

      2009, 32(11):1257-1261.

      Abstract (1750) HTML (0) PDF 3.81 M (1113) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to kinetic analysis, we put forward a braking control strategy under the down shift condition. When auxiliary engine brake torque affects the stability of vehicle, it should disconnect the clutch; and when auxiliary engine brake torque doesn’t affect the stability of vehicle, it should jointing the clutch. The speed acceleration, the braking time, and the braking distance are analyzed in while the clutch and joint the clutch are disconnect. The analysis indicates that when auxiliary engine brake torque doesn’t affect the stability of vehicle, jointing the clutch can reduce the braking time and distance obviously.

    • Development and application of comprehensive testing and evaluation system for machine tool remanufacturing

      2009, 32(11):1262-1267.

      Abstract (2414) HTML (0) PDF 5.91 M (1167) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the practice of machine tool remanufacturing, a software system is developed to support the processes of comprehensive testing and evaluation for machine tool remanufacturing. The software is composed of function models of comprehensive testing and analyzing, redesign and evaluationbased optimization. Based on the test of used machine tools, the redesign scheme of machine tool remanufacturing is presented. In addition, the scheme is evaluated in terms of technology, economy, resource consumption and environmental impact. An example of the used lathe remanufacturing is given to illustrate the application of the system.

    • Development of monitoring and fault diagnosing system for ship power plant

      2009, 32(11):1268-1273.

      Abstract (2071) HTML (0) PDF 6.34 M (1371) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A digital monitoring and fault diagnosing system for ship power plant based on fuzzy neural network and dempstershafer(DS) evidence theory is developed. The system includes data acquisition part, software control part and analysis part, which can monitor the main propulsion device, diesel generator and auxiliaries. The main propulsion device can be realtime dynamicly monitored by acquiring cylinder pressure and instantaneous angular speed. Using thermodynamic parameters and instantaneous angular speed, two subfuzzy neural networks are parallel constructed. The fault of main propulsion device is judged by data fusing algorithm of DS evidence theory, and finally the result of fault diagnosis can be obtained. Test shows that the system’s realtime performance and measurement accuracy can meet requirements, and the fusion method of fuzzy neural network according to DS evidence theory has relatively high reliability.

    • Highspeed, highprecision digital phasesensitive detector design for electrical impedance tomography

      2009, 32(11):1274-1279.

      Abstract (3463) HTML (0) PDF 6.57 M (1591) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) system must have the properties of high precision and speed, thus the digital phasesensitive detector (DPSD) based on the field programmable gate array(FPGA) is developed for data collection of EIT. Based on the principle of DPSD, the relationship between signaltonoise ratio (SNR) and sample resolution as well as total number of samples is deduced. An implementation scheme of this system and a method of designing analogtodigital converter (ADC) clock based on direct digital synthesis (DDS) technology are provided. The system adopts highspeed multichannel ADC and low jitter clock conditioner for ADC. Realtime DPSD is implemented with FPGA. The experiments show that the measurement accuracy reaches 0.03% and the SNR reaches 85 dB. The agar phantom experiments prove that the performance of the DPSD meet the designing requirement for EIT.

    • Grounding resistance measurement method of largegrounding grids with short current wire

      2009, 32(11):1280-1284.

      Abstract (1867) HTML (0) PDF 4.07 M (1333) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The 0.618 method for grounding resistance measurement has long wire lead defect. By calculating and analyzing the groundpotential of a large number of grounding grids which are different in shape, area and rodarrangement style using computer numerical method, it presents that the grounding grids can be equivalent to disc shape grounding electrodes. A new method of grounding resistance measurement is presented that taking the currentelectrode wire as long as the longer side length of grounding grids and voltageelectrode wire as 0.509 times long as the currentelectrode wire. The measurement accuracy of this method is testified by experiment in field. The proposed method has much shorter wire than 0.618 method, it is suited to grounding resistance measurement of large grounding grids.

    • Impact of saturation on the characteristic of inductance of permanent magnet synchronous motors

      2009, 32(11):1285-1290.

      Abstract (2402) HTML (0) PDF 6.18 M (2426) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Since rotor structures of the IPMSM are different from the common motor, inductance parameters are hard to be accurately calculated by the traditional calculation method. A new analytical method, which is called the fixed permeability method (FPM), is used to calculate the inductance parameters and the magnet flux λm of IPMSM. The results calculated by the FPM and the conventional finite element method (FEM) are compared and the reasons which caused the different results are analyzed. The impacts of saturation and cross coupling on the inductance and the magnet flux λm and the impact of the width of the bridge on the inductance are studied. On the basis of the analysis, the influence factors and the rules of the inductance parameters of IPMSM are summarized, which are good for analysis and design of PMSM.

    • Analysis and simulation of volume conduction channel for implantable devices

      2009, 32(11):1291-1295.

      Abstract (1512) HTML (0) PDF 5.36 M (1122) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to closedloop communication system design of implantable devices and the communication problems, a data communication model based on volume conduction is proposed; volume conduction channel’s basic characteristic is analyzed, namely, when working frequency of volume conduction channel runs in kHz grade, biological background signal interference is insignificant. volume conduction channel can be approximated as additive white gaussian noise channel (AWGN); derived under twodimensional modulation channel capacity formula. Thus, twolevel modulation of channel capacity could be effective at very low signal to noise ratio (SNR), while multilevel modulation should be used at high SNR. Finally, using SystemView of channel simulation, the results show that the twolevel modulation is better than multilevel modulation and verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.

    • Optimization algorithm for forward problem with electric fields of defective insulator

      2009, 32(11):1296-1299.

      Abstract (1361) HTML (0) PDF 3.67 M (1339) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The defective insulator can be detected by measuring electric field, however, the electric field calculation accuracy of the insulator strings is low. Charge simulation method (CSM), which is optimized by genetic algorithm (GA), is adopted to calculate high voltage electrostatic field. The optimal method principle and feasibility analysis is given. The objective function and optimization model of electric field distribution around insulator strings are constructed and analyzed. The results of calculation and analysis demonstrate that adopting the potential of checkpoints near insulator strings as objective function and using GA to optimize the charge of simulation charge, better performance can be achieved for improving ability of global optimization, calculating precision, searching speed, simulating precision of CSM and accuracy of diagnosing defective insulator in the insulator strings.

    • Transient stability simulation methods incorporating PMU measurements

      2009, 32(11):1300-1305.

      Abstract (1875) HTML (0) PDF 5.57 M (1111) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Incorporating the PMU measurements information in transient stability simulation can increase computing speed and enhance accuracy in the timedomain simulation. Based on the conventional alternating iteration technique, this paper presents two simulation methods combined with the PMU measurements information, in which the number of differentialalgebraic equations is reduced and so is the computational scale. The proposed methods have been tested and compared with the conventional method using the New England 10machine 39bus system and IEEE 50machine 145bus system. The cases with errors of the dynamic model parameter and PMU have been also simulated and discussed. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the presented methods.

    • Formula for jump height of overheadtransmission lines after iceshedding

      2009, 32(11):1306-1310.

      Abstract (1861) HTML (0) PDF 5.07 M (1576) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper numerically investigates the jump heights of overhead transmission lines after iceshedding by the finite element method, and simulates the dynamic responses of the transmission lines, with different structure parameters, in different iceshedding conditions. Based on the results, it obtains the quantitative relations between the jump height of conductor and the amplitude difference of the two static states of the conductors before and after iceshedding, and proposes a simplified formula for the jump height of conductors in continuous span after iceshedding for the determination of the clearance distance between the conductors at different phases in the design of high voltage transmission lines located in heavy ice zones.

    • Neighbour field method for population initialization of TSP

      2009, 32(11):1311-1315.

      Abstract (1867) HTML (0) PDF 4.49 M (1416) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It is sensitive to the initial population while the genetic algorithm (GA) is used to solve the traveling salesman problem (TSP). To overcome this problem, the neighbour field method is presented to create initial population. In this method the next city is not the nearest asyetunvisited location but randomly selected from the unvisited cities in neighbour field. Neighbour filed method can extract the local optimal information of adjacent cities, and the constructed population has the diversity character. Comparing to the random initial method, the mean value obtained by the neighbour field method in four standard test instances of TSPLIB improved by 46.3%. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the neighbour field method for creating the initial population.

    • Triaxial creep model and its stability analysis of gascontaining coal 

      2009, 32(11):1316-1320.

      Abstract (1431) HTML (0) PDF 4.03 M (1174) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Investigation on the creep property of coal containing gas is an effective means for understanding the mechanism of delay outburst of coal and gas in a coal mine. This paper conducts triaxial creep tests on the specimens of gascontaining coal using a selfmade creep experimental apparatus to determine the creep law for coal containing gas. An improved triaxial creep model is developed for containing gas by coupling a Nishihara model with another viscoelastoplastic body which can describe the deformation property of nonNewtonian fluids. The parameter fittings are conducted based on the experimental dada.The present model is examined in terms to the results of triaxial creep tests in various stresslevel cases. The result shows that the proposed model for gascontaining coal can properly represent the creep deformation at different creep stages, especially at the accelerating stage. The instability condition of the model for coal containing gas is also discussed according to stability theories of differential equation solution.

    • Experimental study on acoustic emission characteristics of coal rock at different confining pressure

      2009, 32(11):1321-1327.

      Abstract (1493) HTML (0) PDF 4.80 M (1238) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper conducts experimental investigation on acoustic emission(AE) characteristics of coal rock at uniaxial and triaxial compression by MTS815 rock mechanics test system. The results show that the variation of AE has tendency effect at uniaxial compression and confining pressure experiments. We indicate that AE signal decreases significantly in the elastic stage, and the relatively quiet period of AE before the specimens failure is not obvious under confining pressure. The AE amplitude distribution with time and its envelope line can indirectly reflect the trend of stress. The AE events peak stress and elastic modulus decrease with the temperature increase, and the value of m which reflects the cumulative distribution of amplitude increases as the confining pressure rises. The results also show that the AE frequency distributes in three frequency domains, and the proportions of dominant frequency significantly increase while the specimens are broken.

    • Analysis of the distorted scaling factor in wind tunnel modeling of power transmission line system

      2009, 32(11):1328-1333.

      Abstract (2158) HTML (0) PDF 6.49 M (1261) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Because of the limitation of the model making and the existing wind tunnel’s size, it is difficult to keep the line and tower in the same scaling factor in developing the aeroelastic model of the power transmission lines system, and a distorted scaling factor is needed in span length of the lines. With the instance of a 1 000 kV twocircuit power transmission lines, the finite element analysis under the alongwind load in time history is conducted with keeping the tower in the same and the line scaling factor being 1, 0.5 and 0.25 respectively. The results show that the response of the power transmission lines systems keep in the same, and then the windinduced vibration of the distorted model in the wind tunnel test can actually reflect the response of the power transmission lines system under the wind load.

    • Plastic slip stability analysis of gangue granular media

      2009, 32(11):1334-1338.

      Abstract (1582) HTML (0) PDF 3.88 M (1126) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper studies the landslide mechanism by the analysis of accumulation form, topography and geomorphology, self structure and natural river system of Weijiagou coal gangue hill. The limit state function is established based on plasticity mechanics limit analysis upper bound theorem and Bishop slices method, combining reliability theory. The safety coefficient and reliability index of Weijiagou coal gangue slope is calculated. The plasticity limit analysis upper bound theorem can consider the interior stressstrain relation of soil, so the formula derivation process is stricter. It is the consideration of the variability of gangue parameters that making the evaluation result more reasonable.

    • Feasibility test of HBHⅡ compound microorganism on the reduction of septic tank nightsoil sludge 

      2009, 32(11):1339-1344.

      Abstract (1533) HTML (0) PDF 5.30 M (1144) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper selects septic tank nightsoil sludge as the study object, and conducts three treatments for nightsoil sludge anaerobic digestion reduction under 35 ℃ including CK treatment(without HBHII compound microorganism), T1 treatment(adding 0.005% HBHII compound microorganism in the original nightsoil sludge system) and T2 treatment(adding 0.005% HBHII compound microorganism after the nightsoil sludge was sterilized by pasteurism). It investigates the removal rate of total solid (TS), volatile solid (VS) and COD of the three treatments, and analyzes the main contents of nightsoil sludge before and after anaerobic digestion and the digestion efficiencies of them. The results indicate that the removal rates of TS, VS and COD of T1 are 46.03%, 49.96% and 47.06%, respectively, and there are 14.89%, 16.26% and 15.53% higher than CK, 6.63%, 8.02% and 11.90% higher than T2, respectively. There are significantly positive (p<0.01) relations between T1 and CK, and T1 and T2 in the removal rate of TS, VS and COD. The nightsoil sludge digestion efficiencies of CK, T1 and T2 are 34.69%, 51.09% and 43.05%, respectively and that of T1 significantly positive(p<0.01) differs from CK and T1 treatment. The results indicate that the corporate effect of the adding HBHII compound microorganism and the original microorganism of the nightsoil sludge system are helpful to the reduction of septic tank nightsoil sludge and it is feasible for directly adding HBHII compound microorganism to septic tank for the reduction of the nightsoil sludge in it.

    • Monitoring and evaluation model of tunnel longterm safety

      2009, 32(11):1345-1351.

      Abstract (2100) HTML (0) PDF 5.62 M (1300) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper conducts a comprehensive analysis on the structural factors and environmental condition factors that influence the longterm safety of the tunnels,and designs a longterm monitoring scheme of tunnels according to relevant norms.The longterm tunnel safety evaluation model based is dcve loped on the tunnel monitoring scheme. For the tunnel structure, this study evaluates the safety ratings with a single index, and develops the multiindex comprehensive evaluation model. As an integrated score, a quinary digit which contains six digits is inducted. Together with the evaluation of safety ratings, it can detailedly reveal the actual safety condition of tunnel structure. As to the tunnel operation, the weight of indexes is confirmed using AHP, and the membership degree of indexes was calculated by trapezoidal distribution membership functions. A fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model of safety is built. This model is applied to evaluate the safety of Jiahua Tunnel, which has achieved a good result.

    • Research on grey correlation analysis for cleaner production

      2009, 32(11):1352-1356.

      Abstract (2199) HTML (0) PDF 3.82 M (1618) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The current methods used to select the schemes for Cleaner Production in China have some disadvantages. This paper presents the Grey Correlation Analysis and constructs a new index system for Cleaner Production schemes. The environmental index, the economic index, etc., and technical index, are quantifyed and minimized. Each scheme is compared with the evaluation standard. The optimal scheme which has the largest correlation with the evaluation standard. The result shows that the Grey Correlation Analysis can effectively avoid the subjective bias on the scheme selection for Cleaner Production. Schemes for Cleaner Production selected by the Grey Correlation Analysis have better performance than those selected by the traditional method in terms of economic, environmental and technical indexes.

    • Coordination interaction capillary electrophoresis detection of arginine and proline in radix isatidis and its injection

      2009, 32(11):1357-1362.

      Abstract (1565) HTML (0) PDF 5.61 M (1034) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The separation of primary amino acids in Radix Isatidis and its injection is performed by coordination interaction capillary electrophoresis with nonderivative direct UV detection. This study investigates the effect of concentration of Cu2+ and acidity of electrophoretic running buffer, separation voltage, injection time and the internal diameter of the capillary on separation and detection. Under the optimal operation condition, the two amino acids are qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed and its liner range, detection limit and reproducibility are investigated respectively. The results show that the content of arginine is 0.63 mmol/L and the content of proline is 25.7 mmol/L in the Radix Isatidis Injection. Under the same condition, the components of Radix Isatidis extracts are separated by the presented method. The mass fraction of arginine is 0.027 and the mass fraction of proline is 0.054.

    • Analysis of the extracelluar polysaccharide’s fermentation processand the waterretention ability of the Agrobacterium radiobacter GY04

      2009, 32(11):1363-1368.

      Abstract (1650) HTML (0) PDF 4.77 M (1120) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A bacterium strain, GY04, was isolated from sand soil of a maize field in suburb of Guiyang. The analysis of DNA sequence suggests that the strain of GY04 is Agrobacterium radiobacter. With the principle of the uniform design, the fermentation conditions of the strain GY04 are optimized. Analyzing by SPSS(V10.0), the optimal fermentation process is determined. They are beef extract 2.000g/L, glycol 2.775 g/L, calcium carbonate 2.000g/L, the initial pH7.000, the inoculum amount 7.000%. On these conditions, the production of the saccharide can be achieved the most, about (2.683±0.600) g/L. The results also show that bacterium A. radiobacter possess good waterretention ability as a microbial waterretaining agent.

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