• Volume 35,Issue 6,2012 Table of Contents
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    • Research and development of the real time remote monitoring control system of hybrid electric vehicles

      2012, 35(6):1-8. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2012.06.001

      Abstract (2055) HTML (0) PDF 2.80 M (1416) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper develops a vehicle carried remote data acquisition terminal based on GPS/GPRS integrated DTU(data transfer unit) and CAN Bus data acquisition module, and built a parameter remote monitoring system of HEV with GPRS and Internet. By using PIC18F4580 with built in CAN control module and industrial DTU MD610G, we transmitted the parameter data and GPS information of the HEV(Hybrid Electric Vehicle) terminals to the remote data control center through GPRS(General Packet Radio Service) and INTERNET. Taking VC++ as the development tool, we programmed a monitoring software of data exchanging, data processing and monitoring. The software also has the function of CANoe data playbacking and strengthened the system versatility. Eventually, the parameter remote monitoring system of HEV is developed. The experiment results show that the system works well.

    • Robust H control for vehicle seat suspension systems with stochastic disturbance

      2012, 35(6):9-14. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2012.06.002

      Abstract (2650) HTML (0) PDF 1.88 M (1272) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper proposes the design method of robust H controller of vehicle seat suspension system. The dynamic model of seat suspension is developed,and the parameters uncertainties (mass, stiffness, damping) and stochastic vibration are introduced into the model system. Based on stochastic differential theory and Lyapunov functional, a semi controller is designed, and the controller parameters are solved by linear matrix inequality (LMI) which guarantees H performance index. The simulation results in time domain and frequency domain show that the controller designed for parameter uncertainties and stochastic vibration can attenuate the vertical acceleration of suspension system and improve riding comfort of human.

    • Feature preserving mesh simplification using vertex estimation method

      2012, 35(6):15-20. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2012.06.003

      Abstract (2475) HTML (0) PDF 2.77 M (1635) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper proposes a new feature preserving algorithm of triangular mesh simplification based on vertex estimation. According to the topological relationship between a vertex and its neighborhood elements, the projection prediction method is applied to predict the new vertex. Ultimately, the linear interpolation operator is used to rectify the position of this new vertex. To insure the quality of model surfaces, both the distance error control and the angle error control are introduced. The experimental results show the presented algorithm works well to keep model feature and insure model surface smoothness in the course of mesh simplification.

    • Topological characteristics of industry collaborative production networks

      2012, 35(6):21-27. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2012.06.004

      Abstract (2786) HTML (0) PDF 1.82 M (1338) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It is an important way for co production efficiency improvement and system robustness to deeply understand the relationship between the structure and function of interfirm collaborative production networks (ICPN) . This paper develops the topological model for ICPN based on the analysis of the characteristics of interfirm collaborative production modes. By introducing complex networks, a case of Polyurethane industry is simulated. The results show that ICPN has the characteristics of small world, scale free and centralities of nodes. Moreover, complex network characteristics affect the capability and efficiency of production system.

    • Modeling and simulating the vehicle riding dynamics considering gradient effects

      2012, 35(6):28-37. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2012.06.005

      Abstract (3386) HTML (0) PDF 4.55 M (1363) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Considering road characteristic parameters such as lateral gradient, longitudinal gradient and synthetic gradient, and based on 15 degrees of freedom (DOF) vehicle dynamics model, the authors develop the vehicle dynamics model, tire vertical load variation model and whole vehicle riding dynamics simulation model combined with steering system, braking system, power train system, wheel and suspension models. The situations are compared under different lateral, longitudinal, synthetic gradient and vehicle speed. The simulation results show that yaw rate maintains invariably to longitudinal gradient variation, but decreases gradually with the increase of lateral and synthetic gradient. The margin of fluctuation and peak value increase with the increase of vehicle speed under the same gradient; front wheel sideslip angle maintains invariably to longitudinal and synthetic gradient variation, yet increases with the increase of lateral gradient; the roll rate decreases and then increases with the increase of lateral and synthetic gradient, and the margin of fluctuation and peak value increase with the vehicle speed increase under the same longitudinal gradient.

    • Application of support vector machine in oil consumption prediction model for aviation troops

      2012, 35(6):38-42. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2012.06.006

      Abstract (1774) HTML (0) PDF 1.30 M (1147) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper analyzes the basic principle of support vector machine, determines the sample inputs for oil consumption prediction model of aviation troops. The prediction function for aviation troops oil consumption is constructed, LibSVM Matlab toolbox is used to solve the model, and three indexes are selected to evaluated the prediction results. The oil consumption of one aviation troop is taken as an example. This aviation troops oil consumption prediction model is used to forecast the oil consumption in 2009 based on SVM, and the prediction results are compared with the actual value. It shows the high prediction accuracy, which provides scientific quantitative analytical method for prediction battlefield oil consumption.

    • Analysis of frictional contact problem for curved surface coupling with velocity using finite element algorithm

      2012, 35(6):43-47. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2012.06.007

      Abstract (2212) HTML (0) PDF 2.28 M (1223) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The mixed finite element algorithm is used to solve contact problems coupling with friction decided by velocity for curved surface in elastic field. The computational procedure is designed with the aid of Fortran language, and the technique is employed to account for the contact problems of one pair of meshing teeth in the plane stress and quasi static situation. The result indicates that the influence of velocity on friction affects the distribution of contact force as well as the meshing node pair’s contact status, and the consideration of the relation between velocity and friction is essential for the contact problem solutions. Ultimately the example is validated by the Ansys software.

    • Prediction of crosstalk characterisation in cables bundles

      2012, 35(6):48-52. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2012.06.008

      Abstract (2157) HTML (0) PDF 1.42 M (1343) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the heterogeneity of cable bundles and the randomness of wire spacing in cable bundles, this paper adopts the statistical theory to explore a method to predict the uneven cable bundle crosstalks. Under the assumption of electrically small and weak coupling, the mean value and standard deviation of the near end crosstalk voltage ratio are derived. 273RDSI numerical simulations are used to predict worst case crosstalk and to test the model effectiveness . The difference of the wire number and the bundles height from the ground are analyzed. The results indicate that for a given number of wires by increasing the bundle height the mean value increases, whereas the standard deviation is substantially independent of height. Moreover, the standard deviation decreases with the number of sections. By increasing the number of wires, both the mean value and the standard deviation decrease, whereas the sensitivity of the mean value to the bundle height increases.

    • Numerical investigation of bubble deformation and flow field characteristics of subcooled boiling during condensation

      2012, 35(6):53-57. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2012.06.009

      Abstract (2290) HTML (0) PDF 2.54 M (962) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The mass and energy transfer model of bubble condensation in subcooled boiling flow is established. The bubble condensation process is numerically simulated by VOF model. The bubble deformation and flow field characteristics are also obtained. The result agrees well with previous results. The results indicate that bubble shapes will change and are significantly influenced by the bubble initial diameter and the subcooled degree in condensation process. The bubble deformation will appear more sharply with increasing subcooled degree or initial diameter. The bubble will break when the subcooled degree and initial diameter reach a certain value at later phase.

    • Analysis of the characteristic on HCCI autoignition and combustion process of diisobutylene

      2012, 35(6):58-62. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2012.06.010

      Abstract (2002) HTML (0) PDF 1.74 M (1159) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) characteristics of diisobutylene are studied numerically. Numerical results are in accord with the corresponding experimental data. The influence of some key parameters such as initial pressure, equivalence ratio and constituent on autoignition characteristics is discussed and combustion characteristics of diisobutylene in HCCI engine are analyzed. The results indicate that the ignition delay decreases with the increase of pressure and equivalence ratio. The maximum temperature increases with the rise of equivalence ratio, but it does not change with the variation of initial pressure. The 1 pentene isomer ignites significantly faster than the 2 pentene isomer and the ignition delay for the blend directly depends on the proportions of each isomer. It can be found that diisobutylene shows the single stage autoignition. The maximum heat production rate of the 2 pentene is lower than that of 1 pentene, but the 2 pentene still provides good power performance.

    • Impact of sludge residence time on the relative biodegradation and biosorption of sulfonamide antibiotics in activated sludge

      2012, 35(6):63-71. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2012.06.011

      Abstract (1913) HTML (0) PDF 3.30 M (1189) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Four sequencing batch reactors (SBR) are operated with sludge residence time (SRT)of 2, 8, 14, and 20 days to analyze the impact of SRT on removal of sulfanomide (5 μg/L). In batch experiments, three treatments (active biomass, inhibited biomass, and controls of no biomass) are performed in 100 mL batch reactors in triplicate that simulated one SBR cycle, and are investigated to distinguish biodegradation, biosorption, and volatilization losses, respectively. The results show that biomass removed an average 2.14±0.60 μg/g SS of sulfamethoxazole, 1.14±0.63 μg/g SS of sulfadiazine, 2.33±0.67 μg/g SS of sulfadimethoxine, 2.45±0.85 μg/gSS of sulfamerazine, with 63%, 83%, 35%, 55% of the removal respectively due to sorption. When SBRs (3 L total volume) are spiked continuously with 5 μg/L sulfamethoxazole for 60 days, 10%, 41%, 51%, 58% is removed with SRTs of 2d, 8d, 14d, 20d, respectively. Removal increased significantly with SRT, but the normalized mass removed per gram of biomass decreases. Growth of filamentous organisms with a 2-d SRT increases the sorption capacity of this sludge, although biodegradation is the dominant mechanism for removal. Higher biomass concentrations established by longer SRTs are more significant for biodegradation than species diversity, which do not vary with SRT. As wastewater treatment plants implement longer SRTs for nutrient removal, they will also achieve improved removal of some pharmaceuticals.

    • Mechanical properties and numerical simulation of unloading of brittle rocks under high geostress

      2012, 35(6):72-79. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2012.06.012

      Abstract (2312) HTML (0) PDF 3.37 M (1049) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The investigations on the deformation mechanisms, estimation of stability and technique of disasters controlled of brittle rocks excavated under high geostress are difficult points for rock mechanics and engineering geology. The evolutionary rule of mechanical parameters and deformation failure of brittle rocks are discussed based on unloading under high geostress, and the obvious characteristics of strain strength for brittle rocks under high geostress is found. It is presented that the brittle rock yielded follows Griffith rule of strain strength at peak. The elasto brittle plastic numerical calculation method is established considering the dynamical variation of mechanical parameters in course of unloading yield, and it is validated by practical engineering.

    • Uniaxial tensile test of multi scale polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete

      2012, 35(6):80-84. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2012.06.013

      Abstract (1816) HTML (0) PDF 1.82 M (1079) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on uniaxial tensile test on 21 plain and polypropylene fiber concrete specimens with the dimensions of 100 mm × 100 mm × 250 mm with epoxy paste method, the influence of the different scales of polypropylene fiber and hybrid fiber on concrete uniaxial tensile strength is investigated, and the uniaxial tensile stress strain whole curves of the different scale polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete is analyzed. Single doped and blended polypropylene fiber can improve the tensile strength of concrete by 11% to 27%、 The strain hardening of low stress occurs during the uniaxial tensile for the single doped crude polypropylene fiber and blended polypropylene fiber concrete, and the surrounding area of the descent stage of single doped and blended polypropylene fiber concrete stress strain curves is larger than the plain concrete stress strain curve of the package area. The tensile toughness enhancement effect of different scales of polypropylene fiber concrete is illustrated as blended fiber concrete> single doped coarse fiber concrete > single doped fine fiber concrete> plain concrete.

    • Characteristics of combustion and NOx emission in lowconcentration coal bed methane boiler retrofitted from coal fired boiler

      2012, 35(6):85-91. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2012.06.014

      Abstract (1747) HTML (0) PDF 3.15 M (1157) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Coal fired chain grate boiler is retrofitted to coal bed methane boiler. The flow, combustion and NOx emission characteristics of low concentrations methane in the boiler furnace are studied by the numerical simulation and experiments. The results show that the axial velocity reaches the maximum at 0.5 m from the nozzle and declines sharply in the range of -0.4~0.4 m on the width direction. With the heat load increases, the position of highest temperature moves to the rear of furnace and the simulation and experimental results agree well. At the front of the furnace, the obvious bimodal distribution of temperature at low heat load along the width direction is found, but it is a single peak distribution at 100% heat load. At the rear of the furnace, the temperature shows bimodal distribution at all kinds of heat loads. Gas temperature at boiler furnace outlet increases linearly with the increasing of heat load but the experimental results are slightly lower than the simulated results. The NOx is mainly produced in the middle and rear of furnace with high temperature, and the position of NOx peak lags far behind that of temperature peak. With the excess air coefficient increases, the highest furnace temperature and NOx generation increases and then decreases.

    • Analysis of Seismic Dynamic Responses of Tunnel throughFault Zone in High Earthquake Intensity Area

      2012, 35(6):92-98. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2012.06.015

      Abstract (1648) HTML (0) PDF 4.36 M (1079) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on dynamic time history analysis, dynamic response behavior of an un supported tunnel through fault zone which was simulated by interface and solid elements was studied under uniform input earthquake wave excitation. The analyses of response behaviors, including displacement difference, acceleration magnification, and plastic zones and so on, were carried out when earthquake wave excitation was input along transverse, longitudinal and vertical of tunnel respectively. The results show that simulation method for fault zone is effective; the earthquake causes obvious displacement difference at fault zone and surrounding rock contacting part. The maximal displacement difference reaches to 51.8mm under transverse uniform input earthquake wave excitation. And the displacement difference under vertical and longitudinal is only 44.3% and 23.1% of the transverse value, respectively; the acceleration magnification in fault zone is significantly greater than that in surrounding rock. Shear failure zone appears at the fault zone and surrounding rock contacting part, and it is especially prominent under input longitudinal earthquake wave excitation. It is proposed that fault zone has significantly influence on the dynamic performance of tunnel. The fault zone and the transitional zones are the control zones of seismic design when tunnel passes through fault zone, thus, the study on the anti seismic measures should be further strengthened.

    • Pathway Analysis of the Mountainous Characteristic Road Network for Emergency Evacuation

      2012, 35(6):99-104. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2012.06.016

      Abstract (1991) HTML (0) PDF 1.43 M (1147) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to conditions of landform in mountain area and features of mountainous road network, a concept of mountainous characteristic I Shaped road network was presented. By adopting time cost analysis method, finite impact ranges of key pathway and its adjoining pathway surrounding road networks were defined. Using graph theory and fluid network theory, the analysis of pathways to mountainous characteristic I Shaped road network was carried out. With the ways of virtual node and virtual branch, pathway algorithm of mountainous characteristic I Shaped road network was provided. The calculated process of the analysis of pathways to mountainous characteristic I Shaped road network was illustrated through numerical example, which shows that it provides guidance for determining an optimal route to evacuation and evacuation management in the calamity events.

    • A novel shuffled frog leaping algorithm for ICPT power programming

      2012, 35(6):105-111. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2012.06.017

      Abstract (1812) HTML (0) PDF 2.47 M (1086) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A new mode of inductively coupled power transfer (ICPT) is presented to city electrization traffic vehicle power supply optimization. The power supply distribution plan and ICPT technology are investigated. To avoid the local optimal of shuffled frog leaping algorithm (SFLA),a novel algorithm based on mutative scale chaos search and SFLA is presented. It is applied to inductively coupled power transfer substation optimal planning. The advantages of global and local search strategies for SFLA are combined with the proposed algorithm. In order to implement local refined search to improve local chaotic search ability and to enhance the solution accuracy, mutative scale chaos search is introduced to the proposed algorithm. The minimum annual expense of the proposed algorithm is 2.39% less than that of SFLA, which shows its advantage.

    • A fast image segmentation algorithm with local C V active contour model

      2012, 35(6):112-116. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2012.06.018

      Abstract (1989) HTML (0) PDF 1.64 M (1104) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:For the typical C V Algorithm, there exists the weakness of requiring multi iterative operations and long time computation to deal with large size image. Based on the analysis upon the relationship between the image size and the initialized approaching image with the number of iterations and computing time to obtain the stead results, an improved local C V image divisional algorithm based on the segmentation of threshold value and the connected domain labeled algorithm to deal with large size image is proposed. The OTSU method is used to divide the threshold value of image to reach the goal of label and local segmentation of image through the fast non recursion algorithm of connected domains. The segmented pieces and the result of its segmentation are used as the initialized approaching image of the C V algorithm model. Compared with the classical C V algorithm, the analysis and simulated result indicates that the improved C V algorithm reaches the steady solution quickly with fewer times of iterations. The proposed method can handle large size image with profound contour details quickly and effectively.

    • Combining vision information and tag information to extract Deep Web result pages content

      2012, 35(6):117-124. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2012.06.019

      Abstract (1944) HTML (0) PDF 4.24 M (1179) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Extracting content from deep web pages is a challenging problem due to the underlying intricate structures of such pages. A vision and tags based approach (DVS) is proposed. It primarily utilizes the vision information and tag information on the Deep Web result pages to extract the content structure of pages. This approach includes two steps as follows: First, the vision information and tag information are produced by analyzing the Cascading Style Sheet and the DOM Tree to generate an initial visual tree of the Deep Web result page. And then, the Path Shingle (PS) algorithm is employed, by considering both of the vision and the tag information, and the blocks in the visual tree are clustered according to the similarity computing result of them to produce the final visual tree, i.e., the content structure of pages. The innovations of DVS are that it utilizes the vision information and tag information on the Deep Web pages to extract the content structure; and stores the vision information as a tree to tansform the analysis of the vision information to a vision attribute tree. Experiments are conducted with a large set of Web databases called UIUC’s TEL. The experimental results show that the vision and tag based approach has high precision compared with the WTS algorithm and the VIPS algorithm.

    • An incomplete binary tree SVM multi class ciassification algorithm based on hypersphere

      2012, 35(6):125-128. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2012.06.020

      Abstract (2038) HTML (0) PDF 795.07 K (1024) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:On the base of current researches on multiclass classification with support vector machine, an incomplete binary tree SVM multi class classification algorithm based on hypersphere is proposed. The algorithm adopts hypersphere SVM algorithm to calculate the distribution of each sample groups. Then, the distance formula is used to calculate the distance among the sample classes. According to the principle that the class which can be separated easiest must be split first, the algorithm designs binary tree to improve the classification accuracy. Compared with many classification methods, the effectiveness of the algorithm is verified by simulation experiments.

    • Group based DBF MUD in CDMA mobile communication system

      2012, 35(6):129-133. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2012.06.021

      Abstract (2292) HTML (0) PDF 1.36 M (1065) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:For the CDMA wireless cellular communication system, a new methodology is proposed to combine digital beamforming (DBF) with multi user detection (MUD) technology which harnesses the co channel interference mitigation and obtains better performance. The proposed approach assigns all the users within a cell into separated groups according to their direction of arrival (DOA). Then, only one DBF branch is employed for a singular group so that the main lobe is steered to the desired users in the group and nulls are directed to the mobile stations in other group. Furthermore, inter group interference is degraded by MUD following the DBF. The new strategy simplifies the weight vector calculation and solves the unorthogonal channel problem. Additionally, it decreases the bit error rate. The analysis and simulation illustrate the fruits of the new mechanism.

    • Research of UD2UU with human simulated intelligent control for a double inverted pendulum

      2012, 35(6):134-140. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2012.06.022

      Abstract (2348) HTML (0) PDF 2.77 M (1025) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Double pendulum has four equilibrium points (down down, down up, up down, and up up). Twelve transfer actions and eight spin actions can be formed with these equilibrium points. One of the transfer action, up down to up up (UD2UU) with human simulated intelligent control (HSIC) theory based on sensor motor intelligent schema is studied. Control system designed by HSIC has following advantages: hierarchic control architecture with multi controller and multi control mode; hybrid control law combining close loop and open loop control as well as positive feedback and negative feedback control; associating schema based on characteristic model which takes charge of switch between each control mode. The design process of HSIC controller for UD2UU is discussed. The real time control results demonstrate the validation of the proposed theory and method.

    • A multi model composition framework based on bayesian model comparision and its application in soft sensor modeling

      2012, 35(6):141-146. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2012.06.023

      Abstract (1879) HTML (0) PDF 1.06 M (1180) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to improve the prediction performance of single model based soft sensor, the features of the current model combination frameworksby analynizing, a new multi model combination framework based on the bayesian model comparison is proposed. In this framework, fuzzy c means clustering to the historial data is used to analyze the production states, then the prediction performance of sub models at different states are compared based on bayesian model comparison. The comparing results are the basis of the model combination stratery at different states. With adapting cross validation predictive distribution, the samples got from the trained models are used to successfully reduce computation load of model comparion.The framework has obtained good results in the practical application.

    • RS UM based information system security assurance evaluation model

      2012, 35(6):147-154. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1000-582X.2012.06.024

      Abstract (1482) HTML (0) PDF 1.76 M (1140) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the information system security assurance evaluation framework (GB/T20274),the information system security assurance model and evaluation index system are introduced, and the formalization evaluation method and flow are presented. An information security evaluation model is proposed by applying rough set (RS) and unascertained measure (UM) theory. At the criterion pre process period, rough set theory is used to obtain the key evaluation indexes and construct the reduced index set to simplify the original complex index system. At the evaluation period, unascertained measure model is adopted to analyze the evaluation data to implement a quantitative integration evaluation on the information system security assurance ability.

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